Day 48

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Talk to Allah

I realized, one of the best way to release your emotions or to share what happened to you today is to talk to Allah and to write down your whereabouts in a single journal.

When you start spending your time to the one who creates the heavens and the earth, you can never find peace and tranquility except in His remembrance.
And when you start to engage yourself in writing, the relief it gives is amazing.

Allah's mercy towards us cannot be counted. He is so merciful that He is still listening to us while we continue committing sins.

As Allah stated in the Qur’an : "Remember me and I will remember you."

To engage yourself in the Qur’an and prayer mat teaches you one thing certainly, that is learning of how to be well in managing your chronic loneliness and fears.

Your journals, pens and notebook won't give even a single word but still it helps you manage and overcome your fears and sadness. While speaking to people would often times lead us to disappointments.

It's indeed that sometimes what we need is having someone who's willing to listen and who chooses words that can be therapeutic over criticism.

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