Day 33

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We meet people for a purpose.

We don't just meet people without a purpose. We meet people not by chance but to be informed of a hidden message.

We don't meet people for nothing but we meet them for a reason.

We don't meet them by accident but we meet them because there's a wisdom behind.

Sometimes we meet them to teach us a lesson, others are probably to give us a helping hand or to bless us in general. But whatever the reason is, believe that it's for your own good.

There are times we meet them only for a season. Life is not permanent and so the people around us. Even our family, we will lose them someday. But despite the fact that we only meet them temporarily, the life lessons they will teach you, it will last for a lifetime.

It's true that sometimes we will learn our purpose through these people we meet in our lives. Either they will leave or stay, the important is the lessons they brought into your life.

🖋️ Heyn Talks

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