Day 111

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What are some things I realized as an adult?

1. Best response is always silence.

🥀 In certain situations and circumstances, an explanation is not helpful. The more we explain, the more things gets complicated. Silence is the best response in a moment where others are not ready to be comprehensible or being merely unintelligible.

2. Valuing time.

🥀 We spend too much of our time in to something which would have no benefit and something we know for sure it won't enhance our growth and development. Oftentimes, we don't realize that we only have limited of time to live.

3. Go out of your comfort zone.

🥀 A wise man said, "Comfort zone is like drugs, it is indeed an addiction. Once you'll be used to it, you'll give up and throw all of your dreams and ambitions." Therefore, to stay in our comfort zone means no progress, stagnation, and dullness.

4. It's okay to be left alone. Do not be upset if people will leave.

🥀 Nothing is permanent in this world, and so the people around us. Every stage of our life, we meet different people whom would leave us after they successful performed their purpose in our lives, and that's normal and fine. Do not ne upset when they leave but instead remember the memories you have with them and smile that it did happen. In moments where we have to be alone results no disadvantageous, for, indeed that the mind becomes sharper and keener in seclusion and uninterrupted solitude.

5. It's okay to have mistakes.

🥀 There's no such thing as failure but only a lesson that needs to be learned. Our life doesn't have a preliminary instructions so to have mistakes is an indication that you have to do and be better the next time around.

🖋️ Heyn Talks

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