A Late Night

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2:02 A.M.
Grant's POV:
I hear a door open then close upstairs. I can't sleep so I'm playing war zone in the office. "Shit!" I get mad because someone just killed me but quickly get quiet again so I don't wake anyone up. "Grant?" I hear a small voice say from outside the office door. "Um yeah?" I ask back. "Can I come in?" I realize it's Y/N and tell her to come in. "What's up honey bunch?" She sits down at Juicy's desk. "Can I play too? I can't sleep." She ask smiling her big beautiful smile. "Yeah of course" I say getting up from the couch. I was playing on the TV so I'm gonna let her play on my PC. "Here, come sit here" I say patting my chair. She takes a seat and I boot up the game for her. I log her into my second War zone account and hand her a controller. "Here you go, it's William's so you can break it" I chuckle and she giggles softly. "Thanks" she says and I push the chair closer to the desk for her. "Join me when you're ready" I say sitting back down on the couch. She joins my party and I get us in a game. "Yeah that one" I say as I  look over at her screen. She was trying to choose the best class. "You sure?" She jokes. "Yeah trust me I'm the best at this game" as soon as I say that I get sniped. She starts laughing and I laugh with her. "You sure you're the best?" She teases. "Yes I am I was looking at your screen so I didn't see it coming" I defend myself. "Well look at your own screen then" she giggles. "Haha very funny" I tease her. We play a few rounds, just laughing and teasing each other. It was nice to hang out with her without Josh and Gaege trying to make their moves too. I look at my phone to check the time. It's now 3:30 A.M. "you feeling tired yet?" I ask her as we get into another game. "No not really." she says looking back at me. I look up at her. "I'm sorry but this is my last round, I have to be up at 7 to film a boys video." I explain to her as we wait for the game to load us in to a match. "That's okay I understand but can I keep playing?" She ask turning the chair back around to face her screen. "Yeah I don't mind" I say choosing a class. We finish the match and I turn off the TV. "I told you we would win" I say standing up and putting away my controller. "Yeah I guess you were right" she teases. "I'm gonna go to sleep now, you need anything before I do?" I ask her picking up my phone from the couch and cleaning up the snacks we were eating. "No I'm ok, Goodnight Narrator." she says smiling. "Goodnight" I say in my Narrator voice. She stands up and hugs me catching me off guard but I hug back. "See you when you wake up" she says letting go of me. "Wake me up if you need anything" I say opening the door. "Ok night" she smiles and I close the door. As I'm walking by the living room to get to the stairs I see a small light coming from the kitchen. I walk in the kitchen and see Josh leaning over the counter watching something on his phone.
"Hey man" I say nicely to see if he cooled off from early. "Hey" he says kinda annoyed but nicely at the same time. Josh is a really confusing guy. I sit down on one of the bar stools across from him. "Ready for filming?" He ask finally looking away from his phone. "Yeah I was just about to go to sleep" I say making eye contact with him. I could tell he was still kinda pissed off but also wanted to let it go. "Oh then you should probably go to bed, Mully changed the time and said we have to be up at 6 now" he says looking back at his phone. "Oh shit, yeah I should go to sleep." I say getting up. "Goodnight man" he says as Im walking out the kitchen. I didn't think he was going to say anything. "Goodnight" I say leaving the kitchen. I walk back past the living room and make my way up the stairs to my room. I fall asleep with a smile on my face thinking about Y/N.
Y/N's POV:
I watch Grant close the door behind him and I smile to myself. He is actually really funny and super nice. I feel my face heat up a little and turn back to face the game. I wonder if Mully will let me go to the shoot later. I don't want to be on camera I just wanna hang out with them.
I play 3 more games before shutting off his computer and making my way back to my room. "Oh hey Josh" I say shocked seeing Josh sitting in the dark living room. He was just doing something on his phone and minding his own business with the TV being his only source of light. He looks up at me and smiles. I smile back feeling my face get hot. "What are you doing up so late?" He ask putting his phone down. "Oh I was just playing War zone with Narrator." I say yawning a little. "Oh cool, cool" he says picking his phone back up. "What are you doing up so late?" I ask him trying to break the awkward tension that just washed over the room for a second. "Im actually up early" he jokes. I smile at him. "I went to sleep already but woke up early to answer work emails and shit" he says looking up from his phone. "Oh that sucks" I say feeling bad, he should be able to sleep longer. "Yeah but I'm the only one that does it, the other guys don't or can't" he chuckles a little. "Oh ok, so your mister boss man around here?" I joke. He laughs a little. "Yeah but I prefer "The Godfather" instead" he glances up at me. I giggle a little. "Oh I see you're the ring leader." I say finally sitting down in the armchair I've been leaning against. "Yeah pretty much, took each of them in one by one and created the group" he explains typing away. "Yeah I know I was there when you adopted Mully and Juicy" I laugh. "Yeah they are my oldest babies" he jokes gaining a laugh out of me. "Okay mister Godfather I should be getting to bed" I say standing up. "Goodnight" he smiles. "Goodnight" I smile and lean down to give him a hug because he's still sitting on the couch. He lets go and I make my way upstairs. I walk past Narrator's door and close it for him. I've barely been here and realized he never shuts it. I get in my room and crawl into bed getting under all my blankets. I grift asleep. The USA has been amazing so far.

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