Mom Is Coming To Town

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After filming:
Y/N's POV:
I just watched the guys lick each other, lick gross foods and kiss in the span of 3 hours. "I'm fucking tired man" Eddie yawns. "Me too" Juicy yawns. I yawn as well, I didn't do much but sitting here and watching them have so much energy for hours is tiring. "You guys wanna stop and get food on the way home?" Mully ask standing up. He stretches his back. "Food sounds so good right now" Grant groans.
20 minutes later:
We cleaned up the mess from filming and packed up the equipment. "Texas roadhouse?" Mully ask packing stuff into to Josh's car. "Isn't it kind of cliché if we go to Texas Roadhouse in Texas?" Grant laughs. "Whatever man you choose then" Mully rolls his eyes. "Texas roadhouse" Narrator laughs. We all laugh to when Mully glares as Grant. "Steak sounds so good" I say smiling hard. "Meet you there" Eddie says getting in Gaege's car. "Come here" Josh smiles and pulls me in by the waist. I blush a little. He leans in but I turn my head to the side. "Really?" He says offended. I point to my cheek. He places a kiss on my cheek. "There's no way I'm kissing you until you brush your teeth after that video" I giggle. He chuckles "fair enough." "See you there" I smile and turn around to walk to Juicy's car. He gives my ass a little slap as I walk away. I turn around and we are both blushing.
At Texas Roadhouse:
Gaege's POV:
He runs over and opens her door, she smiles that bright smile. "You good?" Kevin ask as we walk into the restaurant. I give him a fake smile. "Yeah man I'm good" he knows I'm lying. "How many?" The host ask. Y/N turns around and takes a head count like we're her kids. It's kinda cute in a way. "8" she says. A waiter takes us to our table and we all sit. Y/N sits between Mully and Josh and I sit across from her. "Can I get crayons?" Smashing laughs. "Smashing no" Josh says like a parent. We all chuckle. The waiter comes back. "Wanna start with drinks?" He smiles. We all give him our drink orders. "Can we also get two coloring pages?" Y/N ask happily. The waiter smiles and nods his head. He comes back with the crayons and pages and she happily takes them. "Here Smashing" she leans across the table and gives Ayden a small box of crayons and a coloring page. "Here Juicy color with me" she smiles. She pushes the page out in front of her so I can reach too. I take the red crayon knowing she wants the blue one. Everyone breaks into conversation around the table. "Sweetheart what are you getting?" Her head perks up as Josh speaks. "I don't know I was gonna ask you the same thing" she giggles. "The cheeseburgers are really good" Grant cuts in. "Ooo that sounds good" she smiles. "No tomatoes?" Josh ask. She stares at him for a second. "Yeah how'd you know?" He shrugs his shoulders "just good boyfriend things" he chuckles and she places a kiss on his cheek. "You're staring too hard" Kevin leans over and whispers to me. I slouch back a little in my chair unfocusing form them. I watch as Mully starts smiling at his phone. "Moms coming into town next month!" He says excitedly. Y/N gets excited too. "Yay I missed her!" "Yeah she finally got settled at grandpa's and wants to come see what America is like" they both smile happily at each. Mully Y/N and their mom all mean so much to each other. "She wants to met the boyfriend" Mully chuckles and shows Y/N the phone. She giggles a little "of course she does" Josh smiles too "she knows me already" "no she knows you as Mully's best friend not my boyfriend" Y/N goes back to coloring so I do too.

A/N: just a little filler :) btw thank you all so much for the support on this story🫶🏼 and go check out my other book with the boys if you're interested, I love you all so much and remember you matter. Have a good night, morning or afternoon.

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