Y/N And Juicy's Day Of Fun Pt. 1

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The next morning:
Y/N's POV:
I wake up next to Josh and smile. His back is turned toward me so I scotch closer to him and wrap my arms around his waist so I'm big spoon. I place a kiss on his bare shoulder and he moves a little. "Just me" I kiss him again. He turns around and pulls me closer by my waist. "Good morning beautiful" he kisses my lips softly. "Good morning my love" I say back once we disconnect our lips. "What time is it?" He yawns. I reach behind me and grab my phone off the nightstand. "8:37" I yawn. "Good 10 more minutes" he says in a raspy voice and pulls me closer again. I bury my face into his chest and breathe in his scent. He always smells so good. He rubs his hand in a circular motion on my back. I could fall asleep again but I have things to do today. After a couple minutes Josh lets me go and sits up against the headboard. He checks his phone then stretches. "I have to get ready sweetheart" he sighs. I sit up a little and he leans down and kisses me once more before getting out of bed and exiting my room. I lay back down and check my phone. "Y/N!" Someone burst through my door and jumps on my bed. "Whats up?" Gaege smiles. "Whats up" I giggle at him. He's laying on his stomach and kicking his feet. "You wanna go get food?" He smiles and continues to kick his feet. "Of course I do, what were you thinking?" He looks up like he's thinking. "Waffle house?" He smirks. "Absolutely!" I get out of bed and rush into my bathroom. "I'm gonna go get dressed, I'll wait for you downstairs!" He yells to me from the bed. "Okay meet you down there!" I yell back. I start the shower. I let it run while I dig through my closet for an outfit.
After the shower:
I turn off the water and grab a towel wrapping myself in it. As I step out the shower there's a knock on the bathroom door. "Who is it?" I ask in a sing-song voice. "It's your boyfriend" Josh sings back. I open the door and he looks me up and down. I blush a little. "If you need me I'll be at the office today with Mully" he leans down and kisses me. I kiss back softly. "I'm gonna go grab breakfast with Juicy" I inform him. He smiles weakly. "Okay, have a good day my love" he kisses me again. "I love you" he smiles "I love you too" he says before leaving. I close the door behind him. I brush my teeth and get dressed.
I love the summer so much you can wear cute outfits anywhere without seeming over dressed or underdressed. I wrap my hair in a towel as I do my makeup. Something simple, just mascara, highlight and lipgloss. I unwrap my hair and comb it out. I put creams and oils and whatever else I've convinced myself my hair needs in it. I'm gonna leave it down and let it hair dry. I slide on my sandals and grab my purse off my vanity.
I run down the stairs and Gaege is sitting at the kitchen island waiting for me. "You look good" I smile at him. He did honestly look good, his hair was damp and his outfit fit him perfectly. "You look even better" he smiles. He grabs his keys and wallet and we head out the door. "Where are you guys going?" We both jump a little and look back at the porch. We didn't even notice Eddie and Grant sitting in the rocking chairs. They laugh at us. "You guys look like old men waiting to yell at teenagers" Gaege says in between laughs, I laugh with him to the point my lungs hurt. "Okay okay very funny" Eddie rolls his eyes once we stop laughing. "We're going to go grab breakfast" I finally answer their question. "Okay have fun kids" Narrator says in his old lady voice and waves us off. "Bye!" We say back. We get in Juicy's car and start the music. We both buckle our seatbelts and Juicy pulls out the drive way. We don't talk much because it's still only 9 in the morning.
At Waffle House:
"I'm so hungry" I whine getting out the car. "I'm about to fuck up this food" Gaege says excitedly opening the door to the restaurant for me. "Thank you" "Of course madam" he bows. I giggle at him. "Good morning" the older lady behind the host booth smiles. "Good morning" we both smile at her. "Just two" Gaege says. She grabs two menus and leads us to a table towards the back of the restaurant. "I'll be back in a couple of minutes for drink orders" the older lady says kindly. We both smile at her. "Okay" I say and she walks away. "Definitely need coffee" Gaege says. I roll my eyes "you're addicted" he chuckles. "No I only drink 15 cups a day" he rolls his eyes. I giggle as the waitress comes over. "Drinks kiddos?" She smiles pulling out her pen and pad. "Just a regular coffee" Gaege says putting the menu down. "And for you sweetheart?" She smiles at me. "I'll just take an orange juice" she smiles while writing. "I'll be right back with those" she walks away again and me and Juicy are left alone. He smiles at me and I can't help but smile back. His eyes look amazing with the morning sun hitting them.
Gaege's POV:
She's staring at me smiling, I can't help but wonder what she's thinking. Her eyes are tracing my face, I look straight ahead so she can get a good look. She finally speaks "your eyes are so pretty" she smiles. I feel my cheeks get red a little. "Your smile is pretty" I flash a smirky smile at her. She blushes. I made her blush. The waitress comes over and breaks the comfortable silence. "Here you go kiddos" she places our drinks in front of us. I go to ask for milk but Y/N beats me to it. "Can we get milk for his coffee?" She looks at the sugar packets. "And regular sugar if you have it" she says sweetly. The waitress nods her head and walks away. "You know how I make my coffee?" She looks away "I might have watched you a few hundred times" I smile to myself. The waitress comes back with milk and sugar. "You guys ready for food?" She ask. We both take a glance at the menu one more time. "Yup" Y/N says. "Can I get a blueberry waffle with a side of eggs and sausage" the waitress writes as Y/N talks. Then she turns towards me. "I'll take the French toast with eggs and sausage" the older lady writes. "I'll be back with that in 15 minutes" she takes our menus and walks away.
15 minutes later:
Me and Y/N are in the middle of laughing about something Mully did when the waitress comes over with our food. "It's so good to see young love still exist" she says as she's placing our plates in front of us. Me and Y/N looked at her confused and embarrassed. She smiles at us embarrassed. "Oh I'm so sorry I just assumed you guys were together, you were laughing like little kids and you look so happy together" we both chuckle awkwardly. "No we're just friends" I shake my head. She looks at both of us then laughs to herself. "Well you would be very good together you remind me of me and my husband when we were kids" she says that and walks away. I look up at Y/N and she's looking down blushing.
After eating:
We finished eating and paid our bill. "That was so good" Y/N says rubbing her stomach. "I could eat here everyday" I say getting in the car. "What's stopping us?" Y/N laughs getting in the car. "I say we wake up early and get breakfast everyday" I said this as a joke but Y/N smiled like a little girl. "Oh my god we should!" She said excitedly. "Bet" is all I say. Having breakfast with her everyday would be a dream come true. I start the car and pull off.

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