The Date Pt. 2

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Gaege's POV:
You know when you get that feeling in your chest and you realize that you might actually love someone? Well that's the feeling I got when I looked up at Y/N as she walked down those stairs. The yellow of her dress complimenting her tan skin and her golden brown hair. She's the prettiest girl I've laid my eyes on and yet she's out with another guy as I sit here with some random girl at a bar who hasn't said a word to me in 2 minutes. I sigh and take my phone out my pocket. "Wanna dip?" "It's kinda boring here" I continue. She gives me a very fake smile and starts. "Umm... I have to get home." She pretends to feel bad and then goes to say something else. "It's okay I understand." I cut her off before she starts giving pity excuses. "I'll catch you some other time." I grab my wallet off the bar counter and shove everything in my pockets, leaving before she could. I sit in my car and take a minute before starting it. I hope she's having a good time. I pull out the parking lot and just drive. I drive and drive and drive.
Y/N's POV:
I look over at Josh has he finishes paying for our fair tickets. He puts one of those paper festival bracelets on me. "Free ticket to do whatever you" he smiles and takes my hand as we walk under the giant neon fair sign hanging from poles that look to weak to hold it. That's the beauty of state fairs. There's so many reason for us not to trust the safety of the rides but yet we still do. Kinda like in a relationship you trust an unknown thing to see just how safe it is. Josh looks over at me and I snap out my thoughts. "We totally need that giant dog!" He says pointing to one of the game booths. He runs over like a kid and I follow behind him. It's one of those rings toss games, where you have to get the ring around the neck of the glass bottle. "There's no way you're winning" I tease him as the worker hands him his bucket of rings. "Such a hater" he teases back and I giggle a little. He throws the first ring and misses. "See told you!" I laugh. He side eyes me. "Well then you try if it's so easy" he chuckles and hands me a red ring. "I never said it was easy" I roll my eyes. "But I still got this" I smile and take the ring. I rub the smooth plastic with my thumb before fling my wrist at a bottle. I miss. "So you suck too" Josh says with a small chuckle. "Whatever" I say rolling my eyes and dragging out the "r" Josh finally gets to his last 2 rings. "You got this!" I cheer for him. He smiles and flings the ring. "Clank" "clank" "clank.....clank" "Yes!" Josh punches the air. "You did it!" I jump up a little and he pulls me into a hug. "I knew you could do it" I smile as I pull away. "Which one?" The worker ask pointing at the huge stuff animals hanging from the roof of the booth. "The brown dog" Josh tells the guy and he gets it down. "Thank you" I smile at Josh as he hands me the giant dog. "Have fun carrying it around" he laughs. "I'm not helping you" I knew he was lying, if I started complaining right now he would carry it the rest of the night. "It's okay I'm strong, I got this." I say flexing my arm. "Yeah so strong" Josh says sarcastically and we both laugh. "Look! Look!" I say childishly as I jog off a little to the high swings. "Swings?" I ask and point at them as if I'm not already standing in the line. "Of course dear" Josh smiles. He takes the dog from me and holds it on one hip. Then he slips his other hand into mine. We move up in line. I lean against the metal fence creating a line, I look up and the sky is glowing with the neon lights all around us. You can still see the stars just past the lights. Josh leans next to me. I look over at him as he's looking over at me. "Let's get food after this." He says rubbing his stomach. "Hell yes" I say excitedly. "I'm so fucking hungry" we both chuckle. We get to the front of the line and place our dog on the side out of the way. The worker opens the gate. We find a double swing on the far side. Josh lefts the safety bar for me and I slip into the seat. Once he sits we clip the chain and relax. I grab his hand as the tower starts to rise and my feet leave the ground. When we are all the way up i take out my phone. "Come here" I say holding my phone out for a picture. He wraps his arm around me and places a kiss on my check as I take the photo. "Aww we're so cute!" He says as we look at the screen. I tag him and post it on my instagram story. I watch as he quickly repost it as the ride starts to slowly spin. We sit back and take it all in.
As we're getting off the ride I see someone familiar. "Juicy?" I yell a little. Gaege turns around and smiles. "I'm so sorry I didn't know you guys were here" he quickly apologizes. "Nah it's all good mate." Josh chuckles. "We were about to grab ice cream if you wanna come." I smile lightly. He pauses for a moment. "Nah it's okay I'm waiting for someone" he says looking around. "Okay see you at home" Josh smiles and takes my hand. We say bye to Juicy and make our way towards the food stands.
Gaege's POV:
"Juicy!" I hear someone yell my name. I turn around and there she is. That pretty yellow dress and that bright smile. I quickly apologize for being here. I didn't want it to seem like I was stalking them or something. She smiles. That damn smile. It gets me every time. Josh speaks. "Nah it's all good mate" he chuckles a little. "We were about to grab ice cream if you wanna come?" She offers. She's always so sweet. "Nah it's okay I'm waiting for someone" I look around to make it believable. I look so stupid coming to the state fair alone. They say bye and I watch as they walk away hand in hand. God she's gorgeous. I lower my head and walk fast toward the exit right past them.
Josh's POV:
I hand Y/N her vanilla cone. "Very basic" I tease her. She smiles and blushes. "Not basic just safe" she giggles. "I like safe" she adds. "Safe is always good" I say as we continue to walk. "Wanna leave this place?" She ask as we walk past the exit. I look around and nod my head yes. We've been here for a while going on rides and playing games. We make our way to the car in a comfortable silence as we eat. I unlock the car and open the door for her. She thanks me and gets in. I place the gaint dog in the back seat. "Buckle him up" she laughs. I do as she says and get in the car. I start it and turn the radio up and pull out the lot. "Nights not over yet" I tell her as she leans back in her seat. She takes her shoes off and probs her feet up on the dash. "Where we going?" She asks smiling at me. "Home" I chuckle. She looks at me confused. "We're gonna make popcorn and watch a movie" I explain. She gets excited. "Oh can we watch home alone?" She ask excitedly. I laugh "that's a Christmas movie, it's the middle of June." She looks up a little thinking. "Oh what about lights out?" She looks over at me. "Scary, I like it" I chuckle gaining a cute giggle from her. I reach my hand over the middle consul. I take her hand in mine and rest it on her thigh. I tap the steering wheel along to the beat of the song as she quietly sings.
Y/N's POV:
we pull in the drive way and park behind Gaege's car. Josh gets out the car and I follow. He grabs the giant dog from the back seat and hands it to me. I gladly take it. He unlocks the door and we enter quietly. It's almost midnight and everybody is most likely sleeping. Josh places his keys on the kitchen counter and we kick off our shoes at the door. "Hey can guys turn that light off for me?" We both jump a little not realizing Juicy is sitting on the couch playing COD. "Fuck dude you scared the shit out of me" Josh chuckles. "My bad man I like sitting in the dark" Gaege laughs. His laugh is so contagious that I laugh to. "Did you guys have fun tonight?" He ask after we claim down. "Yeah it was amazing" I smile big. He smiles back. "That's good" he looks away and back to the T.V. "Good night" we say to him and turn off the lamp as he asked. "Night" he says and I can hear his cute smile. We make our way to my room and I flick on the lights. I place the stuff dog in the corner of my room by my mirror. Josh tosses his hat on my desk. "Be right back." He says as I walk into the bathroom. He comes back with clothes. We stand at the double sink together. "Missed a spot" he smiles and points at my face. I rub the makeup off my face. I glance over and he's taking off his shirt. I don't know why people make fun of him. He looks good with his shirt off. He starts the shower and I realize where this is going. He takes his pants off now so I slip my dress over my head. "How hot?" He ask. I look him up and down. "Yeah" I say. I blush, that definitely wasn't an answer to the question. He laughs. "Yeah?" He questions. "I meant not to hot" I giggle. I unclip my bar as he takes off his boxers. We don't look at each. He disappears behind the shower curtain. I slip my panties off and join him. He grabs my waist and pulls me close to him. His soft dick touching my stomach. He slowly leans in and kisses me. I kiss back gently. He doesn't take it any farther and I appreciate that. He switches sides with me so I'm under the water. I step out and grab him a washcloth quickly. "Thank you" he smiles as i hand it to him. We wash our bodies and exit the shower. I watch as he wraps a towel around his waist and pushes his wet hair out his face. I wrap a towel around myself. We brush our teeth and get dressed. I lotion my legs and crawl into bed waiting for him. He comes out the bathroom staring at me smiling. He crawls into bed next to me and pulls me close. I lean my head on his chest and turn on the movie.
Josh's POV:
I look down half way through the movie and Y/N is sleeping. I turn off the T.V. and slide down a little so I'm not sitting up against the headboard. I pull her a little bit closer and she wraps her leg around mine. Her head laying on my chest and her hand gently placed on it. I wrap my arm around her and fall asleep.

AN: sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy with a new relationship, a new job and getting my permit:)

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