"Let Me Love You Properly"

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"Do you know where Gaege is?" Liv yells over the music. I stop dancing and look around the club then back at her. "I think he went to the bathroom with Grant" She nods her head and walks off. I look down at my watch curious of the time. Two in the morning, we got here at ten. "There you are!" Someone yells throwing their arms around my shoulders. I turn around in their grip. "Oh hey." I smile up at Josh. He smiles down at me, his eyes are glistening. He's clearly drunk. "I've been looking for you everywhere." He leans down and talks close to my ear so I can hear him. I giggle a little. "Well you found me." He finally drops his arms from my shoulders. "Tomorrow we have a meeting with our managers." He pauses taking a drink from the cup in his hands. "I was wondering if you could come as my assistant?" He's starting to slur his words. I look over his shoulder finding our table with my eyes. "Can't your sister do it?" I ask looking back at him. "I'm not trying to be rude but I don't think it's the best idea." I add. Josh has probably been back in the house for three weeks now and things are still kinda awkward between us. Going to another city with him would actually kill me. He studies me for a moment. "She can but this is a really important meeting and I need my girl there." He smiles. I look down at our feet and back up at him. "Josh you're drunk, and I'm not your girl." I say the last part softer. With that I walk away and back to the table where our friends are sitting. "Hey girl!" Gabbie greets me as I sit down. I give her a half smile. "No, no, whats wrong?" She ask sliding away from Eddie and towards me. "Josh just asked me to go to some meeting with him tomorrow." I explain. "And?" She prods. "He said he needed his girl there." Gabbie looks at me shocked. "And let me guess, you're his girl?" She ask. I take a sip from the cup sitting in front of my brother. "Yup." I say looking around the club. I don't know why Josh calling me his girl is affecting me so much but it is and right now I just want to run to Juicy. "Where's Gaege?" Gabbie asks the table. This girl can really read my mind. I look at her and she gives me a soft smile. "I know you better than you think." She smiles proudly. I open my arms for a hug and she gladly accepts. "I love having a girl best friend." I say still hugging her. "Girl I'm so glad I have you too." She smiles letting go of the hug. "He's over there!" Mully yells pointing to a random corner of the building. I stand up so I can see where he's pointing but quickly sit back down. "He's with Liv." I say disappointed. Gabbie stands up to take a look at what I saw. "Looks like they are arguing." Gabbie smirks at me. "Gabbie I don't want them to break up." I sigh. "But if they did you guys could get together." She says cheekily. I roll my eyes at her. "Never gonna happen." She gives me a "bitch seriously" look. "Girl I know about your little crush on Juicy." "And it's not so little." Eddie adds. My jaw drops. "You guys really think I have a thing for Gaege?" I ask. "No, we know you have a thing for Gaege." My brother pipes up. My head snaps toward him. "Everyone knows." He adds. "It's wrong of me isn't it?" I ask ashamed all of a sudden. I mean everyone knows I have a crush on my best friend who is also in a relationship. "No, Gaege likes you too." Mully says this like it's no big deal. "Gaege likes who?" Kevin ask coming up to the table. "Y/N." Eddie answers. "Well no shit." Kevin chuckles. "Wait so Gaege likes me back?" I ask excited now. "Of course he does girl." Gabbie giggles. "Like a lot." Kevin says. I turn to Kevin who is sitting down across from me. "You're his best friend." I say. "Yup." Kevin says confused. "So you would know if he really likes me." I explain. "I just said he does." He takes a sip from his cup. "Well I wouldn't say like, more like he loves you." He adds. "But he's dating Liv?" I ask sadly. "You told him to." Eddie cuts in. "Exactly." Kevin backs him up. "So if I never told Gaege to date Liv, we would be together right now?" I ask getting excited again. "Absolutely." Kevin smiles. I get sad again, I told Gaege to be with another girl and he listened. He listened because that's the type of guy he is. He'll do anything you tell him to if it makes you happy, he doesn't care how it makes him feel. I was stupid for setting him free, I was scared. I was scared Gaege would hurt me like Josh did. "What do I do?" I ask the table. "Nothing." My brother answers firmly. "Let life take its course, you guys will be together in no time." Mully smiles softly. I reach across the table and give his hand a squeeze. "You're the best big brother." He smiles widely. "I know." He says cockily. "Guys I'm ready to go." All of our heads snap to a teary eyed Gaege standing at the end of our table. "Gaege what's wrong?" I ask quickly getting up. "I'll answer questions later, for now someone take me home." He says frustrated a bit. "Come on man I was heading out anyway." Kevin says getting up. "Come with me." Gaege tells me. I take his hand. "We'll see you guys at home." I tell the table before we walk out.
At home:
3:14 am
"So you gonna tell me what happened?" I ask walking into Gaege's room. He's laying down when I walk in but quickly sits up and swings his legs over the bed. I close the door behind me as I walk farther into his room. He is sitting on the edge of the bed with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. "Gaege?" I ask getting closer. A small cry comes from Gaege. "Hey what's wrong?" I ask stepping in front of him. Without saying anything he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. He's still sitting down so his head is resting on my stomach. "Juicebox talk to me." I say softly rubbing my hand in a circular motion on his back. He doesn't saying anything so I move my hands up to the back of his head and run my fingers through his hair. His hair is still wet from his shower. "I don't wanna be with her anymore." He cries tightening his arms around my waist. "Why? What happened?" I ask. I keep my voice soft and calm. "I caught her coming out the bathroom with a guy." He says looking up at me with puffy eyes. There's a wet spot on my shirt from his tears. "Oh Gaege I'm so sorry." I bend down to hug him. "She said they didn't do anything but kiss." He says pulling away. I reach down and wipe the tears off his face. "You guys can rebuild the trust." I tell him but I don't even believe the words coming out my mouth. "She fucked him." He says coldly. He stands up so I move to the side. "I thought she said they just kissed?" I ask. If I ask enough questions it will make him have to rethink the whole situation, he'll get a clear understanding of everything himself. "Yeah she said they just kissed but I don't believe her." He says walking to his closet. I follow behind him. "Where are you going?" I ask as he slides a hoodie over his head. He just got out the shower and now he's changing at four in the morning. "Out." He says as he rips off his basketball shorts. I look down but quickly look back up. Oh my god it looked so big through his boxers. "Can I come?" I ask as he turns around and puts on a pair of black jeans. "Of course mama." He smiles turning around. He picks up a hoodie off the large counter next to us and throws it at me. I slip it over my head considering I only have a tank top, no bra and shorts on. He throws sweatpants at me next and I slip those on too. "So where are we going?" I ask following him out the closet. "Wanna go watch the sunrise?" He ask sitting down to put on his shoes. "Yes!" I say excitedly. He smiles widely at me. "I love you mama." I immediately feel butterflies in my stomach. "I love you too Juicebox." I smile back at him. He finishes putting on his shoes and stands up. "Come on." He says excited. "What about my shoes?" I ask looking down at my feet, I only have socks on. "No need for those." He smiles that boyish smile of his. He picks me, I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso. He carries me downstairs and out the front door. Every time he takes a step I can feel his bulge. "See no need for shoes." He chuckles placing me in the passenger seat of his car. We drive for a while listening to music, no need for talking. We pull into a dirt parking lot and there's a few other cars. "It's a short walk." Gaege says opening my door. I reach my arms out so he can pick me up. "Where are we?" I ask wrapping my arms around him. "I come here to think and clear my head." He explains as he starts walking up a dirt path. "I could've stayed home, I don't want to be a bother." I say awkwardly. He chuckles a bit. "You're never a bother mama." I tighten my arms around his neck a bit.
"Here we are." Gaege sets me down on top of a picnic table. I turn around and sit crisscross, Gaege sits down in front of me. I rub his shoulders as I take in the view. We are on top of a cliff looking down at the city. "It's beautiful." I say softly. I feel Gaege's shoulders relax under my touch. "What should I do?" He ask, his voice cracking. "You have two options, believe and forgive her or end things." He lays his head on my thigh. "I don't believe her." I can't see his face but I know he's holding back tears. "Are you gonna break up with her?" I ask running my hands through his hair. "Yeah." He says blankly. "You guys can fix it." I warn him. "Would you go back and fix it with Josh?" My body gets tense and I pull the hood of the hoodie onto my head. "He spelt with another girl of course not." I pause. "I wouldn't be able to ever trust him again." I sigh. "But she only kissed him." I add quickly. He lifts his head and stand ups. "That's still cheating in my book." He says walking toward the edge of the cliff. "But you can rebuild the trust." I say stepping off the table. "If she kissed someone else she can definitely fuck someone else." He says turning around. "I'll be honest, what Josh did to me hurts everyday but if he had just kissed that girl I would absolutely give him another chance." I walk closer to Juicy. "I absolutely would because I loved him that much. Do you love her that much?" I ask stopping in front of him. He turns around to look at the rising sun. "I do. But I'm scared she'll do it again." "Wouldn't you be afraid?" He ask turning to face me again. "I'm still scared, I'm scared that the next guy will do exactly what he did." I explain dropping my head. "I'm gonna break up with her." I lift my head and he's standing in front of me. "Are you sure you want to do that?" I ask. He chuckles a little. "I thought you would be excited about this." I look at him confused. "Why would I be excited? You're hurt." He smiles softly at me. "God I love you." He pauses looking into my eyes. "Let me love you properly." He pleads. I drop my head. "I would never be able to trust you. Josh fucked me up." I turn to walk away. "Mama." I stop in place. "Yes?" I ask without turning around. "Come sit with me." He says so I turn around and he's sitting on the ground watching the sun continue to rise. I make my way toward Juicy and sit down right next to him. I rest my head on his shoulder and let the sunlight warm me. "I love you too." I say softly.

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