Juicy Has A Question

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8 A.M the next morning:
"What the hell!" I shoot up and William is standing at the foot of the bed basically fuming from the mouth. "I was sleeping what the hell?" I say rubbing my eyes. He steps closer to the side of the bed. "Wake the fuck up!" He yells and pulls the covers off of someone I didn't even know was laying next to me. The person jumps up and I see it's Josh. I look around and I'm in Josh's room, in his fucking bed. "What the fuck man?!" Josh ask rubbing his eyes. I slowly step out of the bed as Mully's attention is on Josh and just stand at the side of the bed. "Look behind you" Mully says with a stern voice. Josh rubs his eyes again and turns his head towards me. His eyes go wide and he jumps to his feet. "Did you sleep with my fucking sister?" William yells getting in his face. I climb over the bed and step in between the guys. "Mully it's not like that you big idiot" I say putting my arm out in front of me so I can make space between me and him. "Didnt kevin tell you?" He looks at me weird. "I took Josh home last night because he was passed out on the floor." I say with attitude. "You're so stupid" I say as he looks at me confused. "Wait so you guys didn't sleep together?" He ask waving his finger to me and Josh. "No" we both say. "Yeah man Y/N was just taking care of me." Josh kinda chuckles a little. "Oh thank god, I thought my best friend got in my sisters pants" William laughs a little. I roll my eyes at Mully and walk out the room and go to mine. "Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to jump to conclusions" Mully says coming into my room and taking a seat on my bed. "You looked pretty stupid" I tease him. He sighs and says sorry again. "Mully it's fine but can you get out I have to get ready" I say pointing to the door. "Why where are you going?" He asks standing up. "It's none of your business mister" I say walking around my room grabbing different things. "Come on tell me" he whines watching me walk around the room. "William no" I say and start pushing him towards the door. "Stop calling me that" he says madly. "What? William?" I tease him as I get him to the door. "Bye William" I say and push him out into the hallway. "I hate you!" He yells from the hallway as I close the door on him. I sit on my bed and check to see if I missed any text from Kevin. I did.
Kevin: hey we still on for breakfast?
Y/N: yeah🙂
Kevin: cool, I'll pick you up in 10 beautiful
Y/N: sounds good
I put my phone down and rush to my bathroom. I take a quick shower and dry off. I leave my hair down but put a few products in it. I walk out the bathroom. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Juicy yells covering his eyes. "Gaege what the fuck?" I laugh a little. He stands up from my bed and tries to make his way to the door. "Juicy I have a towel on, you can uncover your eyes" I giggle. "I'm so sorry, I was just waiting for you to come out the bathroom so I could ask you something" he explains looking down the whole time. "But I'll just ask later" he reaches for the door handle and rushes out the room. That kid really needs to stop coming in here when I'm in the bathroom. I laugh the situation off and grab an outfit from my bag. I sit down at my vanity and put on some mascara and lipgloss, no need to go all out it's only 8 something in the morning. I throw on my shoes and run down the stairs. "Has anyone seen my wallet?" I ask the boys who are sitting in the living room. "Check my car" Josh's says looking into the kitchen from the couch. I grab his keys off the counter and go outside. "Oh hey" I smile at the buff long haired guy in front of me. "Hey pretty how did you know I was here" he ask as I pull him into a hug. I let go "I didn't I was coming out here to see if my wallet was in Josh's car" I smile. "Oh well you don't need it" he smiles. "Are you sure?" I ask still walking to Josh's car. "Yes I asked you to breakfast so I'm paying" he laughs a little. "Ok ok fine, just give me a sec" I rush back into the house and put Josh's keys down and grab my phone. "Ok bye see you guys later" I say and rush out the house. "Ready?" Kevin ask as I step off the porch. "Yup!" I say excitedly and he takes my hand in his.
Gaege's POV:
"That was weird right?" Eddie laughs. We all just watched Y/N rush out the house. "Yeah kind of" Josh laughs too. "She's going to get breakfast" I tell the guys without looking up form my phone. "With who?" Mully ask and I look up from my phone. "Kevin" I say. Kevin told me last night he was going to come pick her up in the morning to take her to breakfast. I was kinda jealous but I have to get over it she doesn't like any of us. "Kevin? Really?" Eddie ask chuckling. "Yup Kevin" I say putting my attention back on my phone. "Well she better not take forever, I'm not picking up her boxes form the post office by myself" Mully says and leans back into the couch. "Your not bothered by her hanging out with Kevin?" Josh ask irritated putting his phone down on the coffee table. I give my attention back to the guys and see Josh's face has this jealous mad look. "No I trust Kevin, he knows not to mess with my sister" Mully says nonchalantly. "Really man? You should be getting in your car right now to go get her" Josh says even more irritated. "Wow man calm down they're only getting breakfast" Eddie chuckles and Mully chuckles with him. Josh stands up and walks to the office. "What's his problem?" William jokes. I just shrug my shoulders, I feel the exact same way but I'm not gonna freak out like Josh. I'm surprised Narrator hasn't said anything he's just sitting in the armchair with a dumb founded look.
Y/N's POV:
"Thank you" I smile at Kevin as he opens the door for me. He takes my hand and leads me towards a small cafe. "2" he says looking back at me smiling. The waitress leads us to a table and Kevin pulls out my chair for me. "You know I didn't think you would be such gentleman" I tease him. He chuckles "I'm a man full of secrets" he smiles and I just stare at him. He's so handsome and so kind. "Can I help you guys to some drinks?" The waitress says taking me out of my daze. "Just a coffee" kevin smiles to her. "Make that two" I smile and she walks away. "So you coming to chill at the office with us later?" Kevin ask smiling. "Yeah after I go get my stuff from the post office" he nods his head. "Okay good because I want you to see the abuse your brother puts me through" he jokes and chuckles that cute laugh. I giggle and just smile at him, admiring him. The waitress places the cups on the table and I stop staring at Kevin. "Can I take your orders? Or do you guys need more time?" She asks staring at Kevin the whole time, it didn't bother me though we aren't even a thing yet. "Yeah can I just get a Texas omelette with potatoes?" Kevin says kindly to the lady. "Ohh that sounds good!" I say excitedly. "I'm guessing she'll take that too" Kevin chuckles. "Yeah" I nod yes. She walks off and Kevin looks at me again. "I can take you to go get your stuff and we can meet the guys at the office" he offers. "Are you sure I thought Mully said he needed you there?" I ask. "Nah he's okay he has Does to abuse" he jokes. The waitress comes back with our food after a while and we eat. Kevin pays the bill and we head back to his car. My phone rings before I'm about to get in the car. "Give me a second" I smile at Kevin and answer the phone. "If you don't get here in 20 minutes I'm going to the office and we can get your stuff later, Josh is demanding we go to the office right this sec" Mully says fastly. "Mully it's okay just leave the mailbox key there and Kevin will take me" I chuckle a little. "Ok they'll be on the counter, I love you bye" "I love you too"' and he hangs up in a rush. "They're going to the office now." I explain to Kevin as we get in the car. "Okay then we'll go get the packages" he smiles. "Okay, he left the key on the counter to the mailbox so can we stop back at the house?" I ask, he smiles "of course we can Beautiful"
10 minutes later:
We pull up to the house and I run in inside to get the key. "Oh you're still here?" I ask shocked Gaege is still at the house. "Yeah Mully said I should stay here and help you guys." He explains. I smile "ok, come on Kevin is waiting outside" he smiles softly and follows me out the door. I offer him passenger seat but he refuses.
9:45 A.M (30 minutes later):
We pull up to the post office and all climb out the car. "Come on my little movers" I joke with the guys and hold the door open for them. "Mully said mailbox number 238" Juicy says walking towards the rows of mailboxes" I follow him and kevin follows me. "Found it!" Kevin says excitedly as we were all just liking for this stupid mailbox. I unlock it and kevin pulls out pieces of paper and small bubble folders. "It's says to go to the front desk and give them these slips" Kevin says handing me the slips. The lady at the front desk takes the slips and tells us to meet her on the over side of the office. We park the car in the new parking lot and she opens a big storage room for us. "Start loading baby boys" I tease the guys. "You know I'm only doing this because I love Mully right?" Juicy teases me as he picks up boxes. "I think your doing it because you love me actually" I giggle and Juicy just rolls his eyes as we grab more boxes. "Well im doing it because if I don't they're gonna lock me and Juicy in a cage again" Kevin laughs stacking boxes into the trunk. "You know what that's why I'm doing it too" Juicy laughs putting the last box in the car. "Yeah whatever you guys are still doing it though" I tease them as we get in the car.
Back at the house:
We all grab boxes and walk them up to my room. Kevin goes to grab another box and Juicy comes in with one. "Hey can I ask you that question now?" Juicy ask right as I'm about to go downstairs to grab another box. I turn back around. "Yeah" I smile. "Get to moving kids" Kevin chuckles from behind me. "Sorry" I giggle. "Never mind I'll ask later" Gaege says and rushes downstairs. We finish piling all 14 boxes in my room and head to the office.

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