Josh Leaves

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8:36 am
Y/N's POV:
*buzz* *buzz* *buzz*
I wake up with the feeling of Josh's huge arms wrapping around me tighter. "Josh we gotta get up." I kiss his forehead. He stirs a little. "Just give me five more minutes love." He says pulling me even closer. If he pulls anymore I'll be on top of him. I reach over and turn off the alarm clock. "Babe Mully is gonna be so mad if we are late to another shoot." I say trying to wiggle out of Josh's grip. "Fine. Fine. Fine." He lets go. "I'll get up." He rolls over onto his back and stares up at the ceiling. I kiss him before getting out of bed. I feel his eyes on me the whole time I'm walking around the room gathering my stuff to get ready. "You are so fucking beautiful." I turn around and he's sitting up smirking. I throw the balled up socks I just got out my drawer at him. "Shut up." I blush. He gets off of the bed and walks towards me. "It's true." He says in a low voice. He pulls me close to him by my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck. "Well you're very handsome." I place a kiss on the side of his neck since I can't reach his lips. "I'm going to go take a shower in my room." He says quickly pulling away. I watch him turn around and fix his pants before grabbing his phone off the bed and walking out the room quickly. I laugh to myself, he can be such a loser sometimes. I grab the rest of my clothes and head to the bathroom.
45 minutes later:
"Y/N I swear to god if your ass is not in the car in five minutes!" Mully yells at me from the kitchen. I have definitely gotten used to all the yelling the boys do and I don't even think about dad anymore. I stumble around my room trying to put my shoes on. Once I finally get them on I grab my book bag and camera. My channel has been doing pretty good thanks to the guys. I've only been in three videos but a lot of "The boys" fans come over to my channel because I'm at every shoot so my channel is like the behind the scenes. I run out my bedroom door. "We'll be back later mom!" I yell as I run past her and down the stairs. We asked her last night if she wanted to come along for the shoot but she said she rather stay at the house and go explore around town. I run out the front door right past the guys and to Josh's car. Mully and the guys come out the house laughing. "Someone did not want to see what was going to happen after five minutes." Narrator chuckles. I chuckle and take a glance at Gaege who is slightly laughing. I didn't run out because I was scared of Mully, I ran out because I didn't want to look at Juicy after what happened last night. It's taking everything in me to not get in his car and gossip about what Liv texted him last night or what sweet thing Josh did. "You can't blame me William is scary." I say over exaggerating. Everyone chuckles. "Just get in the car." Mully says walking past us to his car. I watch as Mully and Grant get in Mully's car and Gaege and Eddie get in Gaege's car. Again I so badly wanted to ride with my best friends. I get in Josh's car after him and put my seatbelt on. I look over at him laughing to myself over how he ran out my room this morning. His hair is neat and pushed back a bit and his tatted arms are on full display due to his t-shirt. He just looks so good. I lean over and place a kiss on his neck tattoo. "You're so handsome." I smile up at him. He stares in my eyes for a second. "Thank you love." He smiles. I place another kiss on his neck tattoo. "God I love these tattoos." I say rubbing his arm. He shifts in his seat. I can see his dick get a bit hard but I pretend I don't. "Yeah I like them too." He says not looking at me. I continue to trace my hand over his arm. "I wonder if Mully got those directions pulled up yet?" He says trying so desperately to ignore me. "I'm gonna go check." He says unbuckling his seatbelt. He gets out the car closing the door behind him. I watch him through the side mirror. He stops at the back of the car and adjusts his pants before walking over to Mully's car. Again can be such a loser sometimes.
5 minutes later:
"Everything good?" I ask Josh as he opens the car door getting in. "Yeah his dumbass was searching up the wrong name so the place wasn't coming up on maps." He chuckles a bit. I giggle. "My brother is so dumb." "I heard that!" I snap my head to the side and Mully is staring dead at me. "I was joking." I give a big smile. He just rolls his eyes and pulls out the driveway.
9:56 am
We pull up to the filming location and pile out the cars. Today the boys are filming a silent library video so of course I'm going to film the behind the scenes. "Love can you grab that bag for me?" Josh points towards the backseat. I grab the bag and follow him into the building. Juicy comes out of nowhere and walks next to me. Once we actually make it to the library room that we are filming in Juicy speaks. "Hey after filming you wanna go get food?" He ask setting bags down on a table. I do so too. "Umm I think me and Josh were gonna grab food." I lied, we didn't even talk about food. "You should definitely come with us tho." I smile. He gives me a weak smile. "Thank you but I'll get food with the guys, I don't wanna intrude." My smile fades a bit but I quickly curl my lips back up. "You wouldn't be." I say shaking my head no. Juicy goes to say something but the rest of the guys walk in. "Who's ready to film?" Kevin yells excitedly. He jumps onto Juicy. "Are you Juicy boy?" He yells holding onto Gaege's shoulders and jumping up and down. Gaege starts jumping with him. "So ready Kevy baby!" Juicy yells excitedly matching Kevin's crazy energy. Eddie joins their jumping. Me, Josh and Mully stand back laughing. They all stop jumping and look at me. They are lined up in front of me with their arms around each other's shoulders and red faces. "Are you ready bestie?" Eddie and Juicy ask me excitedly in unison. "Guys I'm not in this video." I giggle. Their faces change to sad looks. "What?" Eddie ask turning towards Josh and Mully with a hurt look on his face. "She's still here." Mully says pointing at me. "Yeah but she's gotta stay behind the camera." Juicy cuts in. I see Josh tense up when Juicy steps closer to me. I wish he would get over this jealousy thing. "Guys it's okay I like being behind the camera." I chuckle. "Now come on we got a video to film." Josh says ushering us farther into the library.
1:43 pm
"This has been silent library." Narrator says in his deep voice. The boys all yell and Kevin turns off the camera. "Good job boys." Josh says giving everyone a high five. They all celebrate another completed video. I flip my camera so I am in frame. "And just like that another video done." I flip the camera back towards the boys. "Good job boys." I say proudly. They all smile at me. "Thank you love." Josh leans past my camera and gives me a kiss. "Can we go eat now?" Juicy says rubbing his stomach. We all chuckle. "Can we please go home first?" I beg. "Yes!" Mully says completely agreeing. We pack everything up from our shoot and head home.
30 minutes later:
We pull up to the house and all pile out the cars carrying loads of bags. I unlock the door for all of us. I place the bags I'm carrying on the kitchen island considering it's all food. "I'm gonna go take a nap." Josh says once he enters the house. We all disperse going into our own rooms. Josh goes to mine instead of his. He kicks his shoes off and jumps onto the bed. He crawls under the blanket and shut his eyes. "You going to get food with the guys?" He ask with his eyes still shut. "Yeah I'm starving." I say stripping off my outfit. "Okay I'll be here sleeping." He says burying his face into the pillow. I find a pink flowy sundress to put on and slip on a pair of white sandals. I wouldn't need to change but it's gotten a lot hotter outside than it was this morning. "Be back in a bit." I place a kiss on Josh's cheek. I know he has fallen asleep already but I still say bye. I run down the stairs and turn the corner. Juicy is sitting on the couch. "You ready?" He smiles jumping off the couch. "Yeah where is everyone?" I ask confused. "They all said they are going to sleep, said they'll get food when they wake up." He explains grabbing his keys off the hook by the front door. "Oh." Is all I say. He looks at me hurt for a split second. "It's cool if you don't wanna come I understand." He says fake smiling. He was talking about last night, I was praying he wouldn't talk about last night. "No! Come on, let's go get food!" I smile brightly and march out the front door. He follows behind. We get in his car and pull out the driveway.
10 minutes later:
We pull into the parking lot of an old diner. Us as a household probably eat here twice a week. We love the old couple that runs it and they really know how to cook. "God I'm starving!" Gaege groans out as we walk through the diner doors. "Ah! Gaege and Y/N!" The older man greets us excitedly in his thick Italian accent. He's standing behind the bar but comes from behind it to hug us both. "Hi Vinny!" I smile at him when we let go of the hug. "How are you kids?" "We're good. How about you Vin?" Gaege ask him seriously. Vinny and his wife Maria always take care of us when we come here, they treat all of us like their grandchildren. Vinny has a heart condition that he doesn't take very seriously and it worries Maria and us. "Ah good as can be!" Vinny says smiling brightly. "He's lying to you kids." Maria looks at Vinny and hits him on his arm. "Show them." Maria tells him sternly. Vinny sighs and pulls down the neck line of his shirt a bit, he has three patches with wires coming out stuck to his chest. "He's got to wear a heart monitor now." Maria says almost annoyed. "He won't listen to the doctors and take it easy like they told him." She's not annoyed just frustrated Vinny won't listen. "Ah enough with the talking you kids go find a seat." Vinny says changing the subject. "You gotta take more days off Vin." Gaege says as we walk away to find a table. The place is pretty packed but we find a table towards the back of the building by a window. I sit down and look out the window. You can see Maria's garden that she's been working on for years now. It's beautiful and the flowers look amazing. Gaege looks out the window too and quickly gets up. "Be right back." He says before rushing off. I follow him with my eyes until I can't see him anymore. I look back at the window and a couple seconds later Gaege is waving at me. He has a small pair of clippers in his hand. "Which ones?" He yells but I can barely hear him. I smile realizing what he's doing and quickly point to blue flowers behind him. He turns around and looks for a second before disappearing into the garden where I can no longer see him. A couple minutes later he emerges from the garden with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He waves at me again before disappearing once more, probably coming back inside. "Here you go." Gaege smiles handing me the flowers he just picked. "Aww Gaege." He sits back down across from me. "I saw you looking at them so I asked Maria if I could pick a few for you." He smiles like a little kid. "This is more than a few." I giggle looking down at the flowers.
45 minutes:
"Bye Vinny! Bye Maria!" Gaege and I say as we leave the diner. We finished eating a while ago but we stayed to talk to Vinny and Maria. Gaege is carrying my flowers in his arm. His hair is neatly styled, his tattooed arms are lightly tanned and he's wearing a tight black shirt. He honestly looks really good, Liv is a lucky girl. "You wanna go to the park?" He ask snapping me out of my thoughts. I get excited, I love going on the swings even at my grown age. "Oh my god yes!" I jump into the car. "We can go to the big park with the walking trail to the water fall." He says happily. "Sounds amazing." I say.
3:19 pm
"Ready?" Gaege ask me as we step out the car. I smile and nod my head. He walk to the beginning of the nature trail. As soon as we are about to start walking down it a little girl comes running at us. "Gaege!" The girl yells excitedly as she makes her way towards us. Gaege smiles sweetly at her, he never gets mad at fans for wanting to say hi. The little girl finally makes it to us. "Omg Gaege I literally love you." She says smiling uncontrollably. "Nice to meet you." Gaege looks down at her. "Oh my god are you Y/N?" She yells once she looks at me. "Hi nice to meet you." I put out my hand and she shakes it. "Hi! I'm Bella!" "Could we take a picture?" She ask looking back at Juicy.  "Of course we can." Gaege takes the phone Bella was holding out. We all group together and Gaege holds the phone out so we are all in frame. We all smile and Gaege takes the picture. "There you go." Juicy says handing Bella her phone. "You guys are the best!" She takes the phone from Gaege. "And Y/N you look amazing." She smiles up at me. My heart melts. I know not all of the fans know who I am but the ones that do are so sweet. "Aww thank you, you are beautiful too." She smiles brightly at me. "Well thank you guys for the picture." She goes to give Gaege a hug and he hugs her back, she also hugs me. "Well that was nice." I say once Bella walks away. Gaege smile at me. "Yeah meeting the fans is a pretty great feeling." He says as we start to make our way down the path.
*bing* *bing*
I check my phone and someone tagged me in a post. I click on the notification and it is the girl Bella we just met. I can't help but check the comments. "Omg Y/N and Juicy are so cute together!" One comment says. A whole bunch of comments under it are saying things close to that. "The way his arm is wrapped around Y/N😍😍" another comment says. The fans know me and Josh are together but they still ship me and Gaege. None of us roommates ever talk about it but trust me we have all seen the edits. I think the shipping might be one of the reasons Josh has been so weird about me and Gaege lately. I put my phone away. Me and Gaege counting to walk in a comfortable silence. "That's a pretty flower!" Gaege yells out of nowhere and runs ahead. He runs off the path but stops at a yellow flower. He picks it and runs back towards me. "Here you go." He smiles. I smile back and we continue to walk. He sees another flower after we've been walking for a bit. He repeats what he did before. "Here you go." He smiles handing me the second flower. We finally make it to the waterfall. "It's beautiful." I say in aww. "Yeah it's pretty amazing." Gaege agrees. "Oh look over there!" He points to the grass at the bottom of the waterfall, It's a patch full of flowers. I smile to myself knowing what Juicy is about to do. He starts climbing down to the bottom of the waterfall. "You like this one?" He points to a flower. I nod my head yes so he picks it. "What about this one?" He points to another flower. I nod my head yes again. "What about this one?" He doesn't wait for a nod this time and picks it. "Or this one? Or this one?" He ask not waiting for an answer, he just starts picking a whole bunch of flowers. After a couple seconds he stands back up, his hands are full. "Got these for you!" He yells up to me since I'm still waiting for him on the trail. "Bring them to me!" I yell back. He quickly starts making his way back to me. "They're beautiful." I smile taking the flowers from Gaege. "Just like you." He looks me in my eyes when saying this. "Bestie." He quickly adds and looks away. "That's all you bestie." I joke trying to make things less awkward. He laughs. "Should we go to the park now?" I ask turning toward the path that leads back to the car and the park. "I'll race ya!" Gaege laughs out and takes off ahead of me. I quickly chase after him.
"You lose!" Gaege teases me once we make it to the end of the trail. "You cheated." I pant out. "Did not." He says while trying to catch his breath. "Whatever." He turns and starts walking towards the park with his hands on his head. I can see from behind him he is taking deep breaths. Every time he breathes in his shirt gets tight around his body, his back muscles look so good. "Want me to push you?" He jogs toward the swing set so I follow behind him. "Yes!" I jump onto the swing. I wrap my hands around the chains, Gaege places his right under mine. He pulls the swing back and lets go. Each time I go backwards I feel his hand on my lower back pushing me forward. After a while he stops me by grabbing the chains. "My turn!" He walks in front of me. "No keep pushing me" I whine. "No my turn." He narrows his eyes. When I don't move he leans down and wraps his arms around my waist lifting me off the swing. He places me down on my feet. "I said my turn." He sits on the swing. I roll my eyes and walk behind him. I give him a push. He starts laughing like a little kid and I feel my heart flutter.
4:17 pm
"Where have you guys been?" A voice comes from the living room as me and Gaege enter the house. We snap our heads towards the voice, Josh is staring at us. "We went to get food." I make my way over to him. He just looks at. "I thought you were going with the guys?" He pauses. "Gaege is not the guys." I stop in the door frame of the living room. I look over at Gaege who is standing in the kitchen. "The guys also wanted to sleep." If he came and got food with us like I thought he was going to me and Gaege wouldn't have been alone. "The guys said they would get food when they woke up but me and Gaege were hungry so we went." I stay calm realizing he's getting angry. Last night was the first time I've seen Josh seriously yell and I'm afraid it's about to happen again. "Why didn't you just wait for them?" He yells jumping to his feet. I step back a bit. "Josh I just said I was hungry." I continue to stay calm. "Hey man don't yell at her it was my fault." I didn't realize Juicy had moved behind me. Josh snaps his eyes to Gaege. "I told you stay away from her!" Josh steps closer to us. Gaege immediately steps in front of me. "I know man I should have listened to you." Gaege says calmly owning up to his wrong doing. Josh looks past Gaege and at me. "Love all I asked was you distance yourself." He calms down. He just looks hurt now and my heart breaks. I push Juicy to the side a little and run into Josh's arms. "I know I'm sorry. You said you were uncomfortable and I didn't listen." I hug him but he doesn't hug back. "Exactly you don't listen!" He pushes me off and I land on my butt. Just then the rest of the guys walk through the front door. Gaege helps me up. "What the hell is happening here?" Mully throws his takeout bag down yelling. "Mully don't yell it's my fault." I beg. "Josh I'm sorry." I turn back towards Josh with pleading eyes. "Did you see the post?" Josh ask hurt. I look at him confused. "What post?" Gaege ask before I can. Eddie comes out of nowhere and hands me his phone. Pulled up was Bella's instagram page. I show Juicy. There was the picture we taken with her, a video of Gaege getting me flowers, a picture of Gaege picking me up, a video of us pushing each other on the swings, pictures of Gaege catching me at the end of the slide and so many more from our trip at the park. Bella had been watching us the whole time. I look back at Josh, he looks like he's about to cry. I look over at Mully and Grant who are still standing by the front door and their faces say I fucked up. "And don't get me started on the comments." A tear rolls down Josh's face as he pulls out his phone. "Here's my favorite "don't understand why Y/N is with Josh when her and Gaege are clearly in love."" "Oh another "I want what they have."" "This one is good "wait until they realize they are in love."" Josh looks up from the phone. Tears are slowly falling. These comments were feeding into his fears and it didn't help that I willingly dismissed Josh's feelings. "Josh you know I would never leave you." I step closer to him. He backs up. "Fuck you! I'm leaving!" He storms out the living room and up the stairs. I follow behind but he went to his room and locked the door. "Josh please don't leave." I beg. I can hear him moving around the room on the other side of the door. "I asked you to do one thing!" He yells from inside the room. I don't say anything, he was right.
Josh's POV:
"I asked you to do one thing!" I yell at Y/N who is standing outside my bedroom door. She doesn't say anything. I continue to pack my things into a duffel bag. I just need some time away from everyone, especially Y/N. It really bothers me to leave her here with Juicy but i just need space right now. I asked her to distance herself from Juicy and she can't even do it. I'm gonna go stay at the office tonight. There are plenty of coaches there and this way I won't have to ask Kevin or someone on the team. I put the last of my things in the bag and sling it over my shoulder. I open my bedroom door and Y/N is staring up at me puffy eyed. I lean down and kiss her forehead. "I'll see you soon love." I say to her. She looks up at me with pleading eyes. "Josh please don't leave." I push past her and down the stairs. "You good man?" Mully ask me before I exit the house. "Yeah just need some time." I explain. "Do what you gotta do dawg." Eddie dabs me up then Mully. "See you man." Narrator says from the living room. Gaege is sitting right next to him but doesn't say anything. I exit the house as Y/N is coming downstairs.

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