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7:56 A.M. at the race track
Y/N's POV:
"Let's go Joshy" I say getting out of Josh's car. "Hey you wanna be in the video?" Josh ask me as we walk side by side to where the other guys parked. "Are you sure?" I say facing him as we walk. "Yeah it would be more fun if you were in it too" he smiles. I smile back kinda forgetting how rude Juicy was earlier. "Aww thanks Josh, I'll be in it just for you" he looks away and I can tell he's blushing. We make it to the other guys and Mully explains everything to us. "So after we sign the waver the track is all ours" Mully says excitedly. "But please for the love of god and my bank account don't crash the cars" Josh jokes. We all laugh and tell him we won't crash. We wait a while for the other camera man Dose to show up and when he does we head into the garage to choose our cars. "Hey guys welcome back to the Boys!" Eddie yells into the camera excitedly. "We have me, Mully, Juicy, Josh and Narrator here today" Eddie points at all the boys. They all wave and say their hellos. "And behind the scenes we have Dose, Kevin and a special Guest Mully's sister!" Eddie speaks to the camera. Narrator walks behind the camera and grabs my hand walking me into frame. "Guys this is Y/N" Narrator says standing me in between him and Mully. "Hi" I wave at the camera. "Ok so today we are going to be racing!" Josh says steeping in front of the rest of us. "So huge shout out to Dallas raceway for letting us film here" William says stepping next to Josh. Does shuts off the camera and we start talking to the workers about how choosing a car works. "Okay now the place is all to you guys" he says walking back into the main building. "So clearly I'm going with a challenger because someone wouldn't let me ride in theirs" I say shooting a look at Juicy he puts his head down and walks to the back of the huge garage. We all walk around the garage looking at the cars. We are spreed around the garage when Gaege comes up behind me. "Look I'm sorry I should have let you ride with me, I knew I had enough room for you and Kevin but I still said no and now I feel like a dick." He says playing with his fingers. I take my backpack off and open it up. I pull out his Robert and hand it to him. "The guys wouldn't let you take him so I brought him thinking he could ride with us but now he'll only be riding with you" I say and slam Robert into his chest. I wasn't mad he didn't let me ride with him i was just mad that my friend made up such a lame excuse to not let me ride with him. I walk away from him and to Narrator. "Hey honey bunch know what car you wanna drive yet?" He ask taking his attention away from the cars and putting it on me. "No I kinda don't wanna drive I think I'll just ride with Mully" I say following him as he looks at the cars. "Oh okay, you good?" He ask smiling at me. "Yeah just kinda mad Juicy was a jerk towards me" He looks me in my eyes. "Gaege gets in his moods sometimes don't take it personally. Plus you have me and I'm amazing" he smiles and side hugs me. "True" I say and giggle. "You guys ready yet?" Mully yells from the other side of the garage. "Yeah I'm ready" Eddie responds to him. "Yeah same" Narrator and Josh say. We all follow Mully into the office and they let the workers know what cars they want and they hand the boys the keys. "I gotta go to bathroom Mull" I say to William walking away from the group. I turn the corner to the hallway leading to the bathrooms. "Hey Y/N can we talk?" I hear Juicy ask behind me. "Not right now Gaege I gotta go pick Kevin up from the bathroom" I say to be petty. "Y/N please" he says grabbing my shoulder and turning me around to stop me from walking. "I know I was a jerk, and I'm sorry but I didn't want to cause tension between me and the boys" he says looking down at his feet. "Juicy you don't have to keep making excuses, if you don't want to be my friend it's fine" I say about to turn back around. "No thats not it" he says stopping me. "Listen I didn't want to be the one to tell you this but having a girl around lately has been having everyone, well not really everyone just me, Josh and Grant acting different" he pauses. "I guess because we all kinda want to get with you, so we are making it super tense between us 3 because we are constantly trying to get in the way of each other" he says pausing after. "And I didn't want to be in this competition us guys have going on anymore so I thought if I told you no they wouldn't see me as competition anymore and I could get out of this weird situation." He says and sighs. "You guys are all stupid, I don't want any of you, you guys are my brothers best friends" I tell him. "Yeah I had a feeling you didn't like any of us like that so I told the guys we shouldn't force you to like us" he says finally lifting his head. "Yeah I don't have feelings for none of you so can you please tell Josh and Grant that, I just want friends" I give him a small smile. "Yeah of course, and I'm sorry I was rude" he says about to walk away. "Juice it's fine I know you boys let your hormones get in the way of a lot of things" I tease him. He laughs a little. "So friends?" He ask. "Of course Juicy you have always been my friend" I laugh and pull him into a hug. We pull away. "God that feels so good getting that off my chest" he chuckles. "So you're riding with me right?" He adds on. "Yeah" I smile. "Good, Good" he laughs. We walk back to the group. I forgot about going to the bathroom. "Okay Juicy here are your keys" Mully says when we get back to the guys. "Okay amigos lets go" Eddie says leading us out to the racetrack. Does and Kevin turn the cameras back on and I stay out of frame while the guys show off the cars they choose and explain what they are going to do in the 4 different races. "Here I'll take that" I say to Kevin. He smiles at me and hands me Robert the brush. "Take care of him Gaege loves that thing a lot and it's weird" me and Kevin laugh behind the camera. "I will" I smile at him. The guys get in the cars and pull them onto the track. "Hop in shorty" Juicy yells to me. I run onto the track and get in the car with Juicy.
Gaege's POV:
"Get in shorty!" I yell to Y/N who is standing next to Kevin on the sideline. When I called her shorty I was just playing around but i still get dirty looks from Grant and Josh. I watch as she runs to me past Narrator and Josh. She gets in holding Robert on her lap. She buckles up and I set the GoPro up on the dashboard. "Ready Robert?" I say looking at Y/N and Robert. "Don't kill my sister!" William yells to me.
Josh's POV:
I watch as the pretty girl runs to Gaege's car holding his stupid brush. They looked like they were in some type of romance movie. It's supposed to be me she's running to though. Grant walks past me and gets in his car with a pissed off look on his face. I'm the last to get in a car. Does brings the camera over to my window and I put my happy face on. "Ready Joshy Boy?" Does ask me laughing. "Ready" I smile into the camera. Kevin is standing in the middle of the track with a flag waiting to tell us when to go. He's standing like a girl with his hip popped out. "Are you ready daddies?!" Kevin yells to us. "Ready baby!" Mully yells to him. Does backs up from my car and gets on the sidelines. "Ready.... Set.... Go!" Kevin yells waving his flag. I speed off with the rest of the guys following behind me. I can't help but laugh, I can't let a girl and Juicy get my mood down. Mully speeds past me. "Bye baby boy!" He yells to me. "For Mexico!" Eddie yells out his window as he passes me and Mully.
Y/N's POV:
I watch as Eddie passes William and Josh. "Ready?" Juicy looks at me. I nod my head. He presses on the gas and speeds up pulling up next to Josh. "Hey sweetheart" I smile at him. "Your going down" he laughs. Juicy speeds up more and Josh trails right behind us. All I can hear is the car engines and me and Juicy's laughter. "Here pass!" Narrator laughs pulling up to Juicy's window. Juicy takes Robert from me and holds him out the window so Does who got in the car with Grant can grab him. I watch as the guys pass Robert to each other. "Don't hurt my kid!" Gaege yells to them as they speed off. "Why'd you give up the kid like that?" I laugh. "He needed to go to his other dads" Juicy jokes.

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