The Party

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Gaege's POV:
One week. One whole week Y/N hasn't talked to me. I mean I respect her and Josh's relationship and all but it's killing me not having her around. She's always working or in her room with Josh. She doesn't even look at me when we cross paths in the house. The only time we ever talk is for filming purposes. I just miss my girl man. And I know it's wrong to call her my girl but let's be honest there is clearly something between us, She looks at me the way I look at her. In love. I know we belong together. "Whatcha doing?" Mully breaks through my thoughts. He enters the living room and plops down on the couch next to me. I look up from my phone I've been mindlessly scrolling. Life is so boring without Y/N. "Nothing just sitting here." Mully chuckles. "Man that's all you been doing since you and my sister broke up." I look at him weird. "Let me correct myself, since your friend breakup." I roll my eyes. If Y/N was mine there would never be a breakup. "Anyway I came in here to tell you I'm throwing a party tonight!" He says excitedly. Three things Mully loves:
2.His mom
"Sounds fun." I say dryly. He looks at me with a unamused face. "Stop being sad over my sister and come to the store with me." He says standing up and trying to pull me off the couch. I give in and let my body rise from the couch. "You're right let's have some fun!" I say jumping up and down. "Yeah we're gonna get blackout drunk!" Eddie comes out of nowhere joining me. "Wanna come to the store with us?" Mully ask Eddie. Eddie looks down at what he's wearing. "Dawg I'm not leaving the house like this." He laughs. "I didn't say right now, does it look I'm dressed?" Mully says looking down at his clothes. "There's not really a difference between your pajamas and your going out clothes." Someone giggles as they walk past the living room. My heart skips a beat. Mully looks at me and smirks. "Hey baby sis." Mully calls out following her. Me and Eddie follow after them into the theater room. "You wanna go to the store with me?" He smiles at her widely. She looks at him and takes one long blink. "Why?" He sits down on the couch next to her. "We're having a party here tonight and we need booze and food." He explains. She smiles. "In that case yes brother I will gladly accompany you to the store." Mully shoots up. "Good go get dressed." He points to all of us. Me and Eddie turn on our heels and walk out the theater going to our rooms to get ready.
15 minutes later:
"That is the fastest I've seen any of you get ready." Mully chuckles as me, Eddie and Y/N all walk down the stairs. "I'm just here for the booze." Y/N laughs. "Yeah what she said." Eddie says grabbing his wallet off the little shelf by the door. "I just want food." I groan. Y/N looks up and smiles at me. "Food sounds so good." We snap our heads towards Mully. "Yes we can get food." He says annoyed. "Yippie!" Me and Y/N jump up and down, she's holding both my hands. "I hate when you guys do that." Mully says opening the front door. Eddie, Y/N, Kevin and Me do this thing where we hold hands and jump up and down when excited. We are never actually that excited the four of us just like being dramatic and the rest of the boys hate it. "I call shotgun!" Eddie runs out the door towards Mully's car. Mully turns around and grins at me. I narrow my eyes at him and he just smiles and walks away. I look over at Y/N and she smiles at me awkwardly. I move aside and motion to her to walk out the door. "After you." She smiles at me as she walks out. We all pile into the car, I press myself up against the door so I'm as far from Y/N as possible. "Wait for me!" I look up and Josh is running towards the car. He stops at the passenger window that Eddie has rolled down. "I wanna come." He pouts. "Then get in cunt we have to go." Mully motions to the back. Y/N slides towards me so Josh can get in. Her hand brushes against the side of my leg and I feel electrocuted. "Hi beautiful." Josh smiles at Y/N once he's in the car. She blushes and my heart aches. He leans down to kiss her and I quickly look away.
At the store:
"Come on let's go!" Mully yells jumping out the car as soon as he turns it off, we all laugh following behind. Mully runs until he is in the store. "Dawg slow down the party isn't until tonight." Eddie pants bending over with his hands on his knees. "For real mate." Josh says trying to catch his breath. "I'm a gamer man I'm not supposed to be running." I say in between fast breaths. Y/N laughs at all of us. "I say as a family we all start going to a gym." I shoot a look at her. "Shut up." She giggles. "It's not my fault I'm the only one in shape." Mully stares at her. "We aren't track stars like some people." With that he garbs a shopping cart and walks away from us. We all stand up straight again to catch up with him.
7 pm:
"Okay mates party starts in exactly a hour." I hear Mully yell from downstairs. I know we haven't thrown a party in a while but he's super excited for tonight's. I finish slicking my hair back and grab my cologne. "Someone smells good." I turn and Y/N is standing in my doorway. I feel my cheeks get hot. "Yeah I invited Liv tonight." I smile. Y/N smile fades but she quickly fixes it. "Good I love hanging out with Liv." She says taking a seat on my bed. She really does and I love that my two favorite girls get along. "Mully wants everyone downstairs so we can pre game." Eddie pops his head into the room. We both nod our heads. "I'll be right down." I say walking into my closet that is still organized thanks to Y/N. I garb a random black shirt and throw it on. Of course it's one of our merch pieces. "Oh you waited." I'm shocked that Y/N is still sitting on my bed waiting for me. "Of course I did." She smiles at me brightly and for a split second I think she means something else then just waiting for me to go downstairs. We make our way downstairs and everyone is gathered around the kitchen island. As soon as me and Y/N enter the kitchen we are handed shot glasses. "Cheers to a good night." Mully holds his glass up in the sky. "Cheers!" We all yell. I throw my shot back. "See you kids later!" Mrs. Jonas smiles as she walks out the door. "Where the hell is she going?" Mully looks at his sister confused. "Out with friends she made the other day." Y/N smiles like her mom is a kid growing up. Mully looks like the mad father of said kid. "She'll be fine Mully." Y/N rolls her eyes at her brother's overprotectiveness.
9:54 pm:
I stumble to the door as it's ringing. "Hey guys!" I shout cheerfully like I know the people standing on my doorstep. I move aside so they can come in. The house is already packed but Mully told security to keep letting people in. I don't need to answer the door but I enjoy it for some reason and people seem to love it. "Juicy come take this shot with me!" I hear someone call for me from the backyard. The sliding doors are open so people can freely move around. I stumble through the crowed house trying not to drop my drink. I'm not sure what's even in my cup but it's good and I don't want to waste it by spilling it on the floor. "Bro watch out!" I yell as someone gets too close to my hand latching onto the cup. They just look at me weird and go back to dancing with their friends. The music is so loud I can feel it in my chest. I finally make it to the sliding doors without dropping my cup so I take a celebratory drink out of it. "Gaege!" Someone yells my name. I look up and Y/N is running right at me. She runs right toward me with her arms out. I reach out my arms and catch her as she jumps into them. I stumble back a bit but catch my balance again. "Hey handsome." She smiles at me. My cheeks get red and I don't say anything. "Hey pretty." I say finally after just smiling at her. She wraps her legs fully around my waist. "Come on Juicy!" Eddie yells. He's probably the one that wanted to take that shot earlier. Y/N doesn't even move to get down so I move her so she's sitting on my hip and carry her across the backyard to the table Eddie is at with a bunch of our YouTube friends. "Gaege! Gaege! Gaege!" They all chant while Eddie hands be a shot glass. I garb it with my hand that isn't wrapped around Y/N's waist while also holding my cup. I cling my glass against Eddie's and throw the shot back. I slam the glass down on the table and everyone goes crazy yelling. I get hyped and motion for another one. I hand it to Y/N who I'm still holding like a kid on my hip. Eddie hands me another glass for myself and the three of us take another shot. Me and Eddie slam our glasses down and again everyone goes crazy including Y/N. I smile at her and she wraps he arm around my neck tighter almost like she's saying down let go.
Josh's POV:
I stumble through the crowed house towards the backyard where people are screaming. I make it to the sliding doors that are open and see Gaege and Eddie standing around a table with some of our friends. "Wassup guys!" I say cheerfully once I make it to the group. "Yo Josh! Y/N was looking for you earlier!" Gaege yells over the loud music. I look around the backyard. "Where is she?" I have to yell for him to be able to hear me. He looks around the backyard. "I think she went in the house with Liv!" I smile at him. "I love it that our girls get along!" He looks at me for a second. "Yeah me too!" He tries to sound happy but I can't tell what I said pissed him off for some reason. "Well I'm gonna go find Y/N!" I inform him before talking towards the house. "Josh you gotta try this!" My head snaps towards the voice. Mully is in the kitchen making drinks for people. I walk towards him. "What's in this?" I lean close to him so I don't have to shout over the music. He just smiles and shrugs his shoulders. "I have no idea man." He laughs. I take the cup from him and smell the liquid inside. It smells like straight alcohol. I hesitantly take a sip. "Oh my god that's strong!" I shout over the music. Mully just smiles at me proud of his creation. "Take it!" I take the cup and continue my way through the house. By time I find Liv in the basement my cup is empty and my head is pounding. It's not weird for Liv to be in the basement since it is finished but only people doing hard core drugs come down here. "Hey have you seen Y/N?" I ask. She look up at me with blood shot eyes. "No she didn't wanna come down here with me." Liv says looking at me like I have four heads. "Well let me know if you find her." I say turning to leave. "You look really sexy tonight Josh." Liv says before I leave. I turn around and look at her confused. "Come on Liv you should probably go upstairs now." I say taking her hand and pulling her off the couch. She stumbles once on her feet but I help her catch her balance. "Let's go find Juicy." I say wrapping an arm around her upper back to help her walk. She throws her arm around my neck and we stumble up the stairs. "Come on, this way." I tell her once we get to the top of the stairs. I lead her towards the backyard where Gaege is. I look around and Gaege is still at the same table just this time Y/N is with him and she's holding onto him for dear life. I basically drag Liv across the backyard to Juicy. "Wanna switch?" I ask with a small laugh once I make it to where Gaege is standing with his friends. He turns around with Y/N still latching onto him. "Absolutely." He says looking down at Liv. I lightly push Liv towards Gaege and take Y/N out of his arms. "Where were you?" Me and Gaege ask our girls at the same time. Liv just looks at Gaege with glossy eyes. "I was looking for you but whatever drink Mully gave me fucked me up." Y/N laughs looking up at me. I laugh slightly because Mully's drink did the same thing to me. I don't even know how I'm holding both of our body weight up. "You wanna go to my room?" She smirks at me. I look over at the table but everyone is lost in their own conversation. "Yeah come on." I smirk before picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder. I make my way through the crowd and to the stairs that lead to our bedrooms. I climb up the stairs slowly so I don't fall or drop Y/N, I'm not blackout drunk but I'm pretty drunk. I make it to Y/N's room and throw her on the bed. She lays on her back as I climb on top of her. "Hey handsome." She smirks at me. I lean down and kiss her. "Hello beautiful." I say once our lips part. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me closer kissing me again. As we are kissing she pushes me off and runs to the bathroom so I follow after her. She stands on her knees in front of the toilet and throws up. I wipe her hair out of her face and hold it back for her. "I'm sorry babe." She says sadly lifting her head up. Before I can answer she is throwing up again. "Don't worry about it baby." I rub her back. She lifts her head again and smiles at me weakly. "I really know how to ruin the moment." She giggles so I chuckle with her. "Are you kidding me you're sexy all the time." I say and she laughs again making my heart jump. She leans against the wall next to the toilet. "I'm gonna go grab you some water and crackers." I lean down and give her a kiss on her forehead before leaving.
Y/N's POV:
20 minutes later
"Hey you okay?" I hear someone open the door to the bathroom but I can't look because I'm literally throwing up everything in me. The person walks towards me and wraps my hair around their hand to hold it out of see the way for me. They start to talk but I can't hear them because my head is foggy and my ears are ringing. "Did you hear me?" I finally am able to lift my head. I turn to face the person and Gaege is looking down at me with concern. I shake my head no, not being able to form words. "I said did you drink any water?" He asks this as his hand moves around my back in a circular motion. My heart could explode. Gaege makes it beat faster than it ever does. "No, Josh was supposed to get me water." I pause and lean against the wall. "That was ten minutes ago." I look down. It's embarrassing having to explain how my boyfriend just dipped on me. "It's fine I'll go get you water." He stands up. "What time is it?" I ask. He looks at his watch. "One thirty-five in the morning." He says running his hands down his face. He looks exhausted. "Has everyone left?" I ask trying to stand up. He puts out his hand to help me. "Pretty much, just a few people that fell asleep." He chuckles. I catch my balance fully standing up. "I need food." I groan. Gaege wraps his arm around my waist to help me stand. I wrap my arm around his neck and we make our way downstairs. "Has anyone seen Josh?" I ask the half drunken group of guys. They all look in different directions. "Nope." Mully says. "Here." Gaege hands me a bottle of water. I sit at the dining table with the group of boys. "Well tonight was fun!" Narrator chuckles. "You were literally sleeping on the floor!" Eddie burst out laughing. I can't help but laugh too. "What are laughing at? Mrs. Got carried like a child by Gaege." We all laugh at Grant's sassy attitude. "I was drunk!" I defend myself. "So was I!" Grant points at himself. "It was Mully's drinks." Eddie says rubbing his temples. "It definitely was." I say exhausted. It's only been a couple of hours but the party feels like it was weeks long. "I'm going to bed man." Grant says getting up from the table. "Me too." We all say in unison. I garb my water and a cold slice of pizza and head to my room. I invite Gaege to come with me. "Where's Liv?" I ask plopping down on my bed. Gaege plops down next to me. "She left about a hour ago." He says before taking a bite of my pizza. "I thought she was spending the night?" I ask taking the pizza back from him. "Yeah I thought so too but she was high off her ass and wanted to go home." He explains stealing the slice of pizza back from me. "High off what?" I ask confused. After I took those shots with Gaege in the backyard I left to greet Liv and we danced the whole time. She left my side for maybe 10 minutes while I was looking for Josh. "I don't know. Josh brought her to me and she was high." I try to remember the night. "Wait she was high when you guys switched?" I ask looking at him. He nods his head yes. "Do you know what she smoked?" I try to remember anything from tonight. "I took that shot with you and Eddie, then went to greet Liv at the door, then Mully gave us cups of his drink and we danced for hours before I left her to look for Josh, which you know I found you instead." I recall everything I can remember. "Yeah well while you guys were dancing Josh came to me looking for you and then comes back with Liv high as hell." He chuckles a little. "How'd you guys end up with each other's girls?" I giggle. "Wait where is Josh?" Gaege ask me confused. "Well after you guys switched we went to my room and I started throwing up so he said we was going to get me water." I pause. "And he just disappeared." I explain. Gaege looks at me confused. "Should we check the house?" He ask. I nod my head yes. "Probably." We jump off my bed and run downstairs. I check the basement, living room, backyard and office. Nothing. "What the fuck!" Someone yells on the other side of the house. I run to the noise. "What's w-" I can't ask my question because I freeze up seeing what Gaege was yelling at. Josh just stares at me. "Baby I'm sorry." He pleads standing up from the bed with a blanket wrapped around his waist. I look behind me at Gaege with tears in my eyes. He puts out his arms and I slam my body against his. I let the tears flow. "You need to leave." Gaege says in a stern voice. Josh ignores him. "Baby talk to me." Josh begs. I pause my crying and turn to look at him. "Don't call me that!" I yell. "Get out and take her with you!" I yell pointing at the random girl in the bed Josh was just in. He looks back at her then back at me. "Baby it will never happen again you gotta believe me." He pleads. "Man just leave." Gaege says pulling me closer to him. Gaege reaches out and closes Josh in the room. "Put your clothes on and get out!" Gaege yells angry for me. I turn so my face is pressed against Juicy's chest. I let the tears flow again. Gaege pulls me as close to him as he can. I hear the door open behind me. "Leave." Gaege says before Josh can say anything. I hear two sets of footsteps walk away and the front door open and close. Gaege picks me up while I'm still crying into his chest. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck without thinking about it. He walks us to the living room and sits down on the couch with me still wrapped around him. "He's not worth your tears." Gaege whispers in my ear. I lift my head off his shoulder to look at him. "How could he?" I sob. Gaege wraps his arms around my waist. He rest his forehead on mine. His green eyes clam me a bit. "You are the perfect girl Josh just isn't the perfect guy." He says softly. He leans his head back and places a kiss on my forehead.
8 am:
"Hey love birds wake up." Someone shakes me a bit. I slowly open my eyes and Mully is smiling this big goofy smile. "Did you sleep well?" He ask smirking. I look at him confused. "Can you shut up please?" The voice rattles my body. I lift my head and realize I fell asleep while sitting on Juicy's lap. I try to get off him but he wraps his arms around me and pulls me back down. I don't try to fight it and lay my head back on his chest. Mully just smiles at us. "Grant made breakfast when you guys are ready." Gaege reaches over with his eyes still closed and throws a pillow in Mully's general area. "Missed me." Mully teases. I feel Gaege lift his head. "Bro I have the worst hangover leave me alone." Gaege threatens. Mully just chuckles and walks away. "That breakfast does sound kinda good." I say with my head still on Juicy's chest. He lets go of me. "Let's go eat." I climb off him and stand up but my legs feel weak. Whatever Mully put in those drinks last night really got me. Gaege stands up too and stretches. "I need like ten Advil" he groans. We make our way to the dining room where the whole family is sitting including mom. "Where's Josh?" Mully ask. I look at Gaege who is already looking at me. "Josh won't be returning for a couple of days, or maybe even weeks." Gaege explains with no emotion. He sits down at the table so I take a seat next to him. "Is everything okay?" Grant ask concerned. I fake smile. "Yeah everything is fine." Eddie looks at me and shakes his head. "You're lying." He points out. "What happened Y/N?" Mully ask sternly. "Josh cheated." I say looking down at my lap. Everyone in the room gasps. "Oh babygirl are you okay?" Mom ask running up to me. She leans down and hugs me. "No mom." I say with a shaken voice. "I'm going to kill him!" Mully jumps up. We all jump up to trying to stop Mully but he makes his way past us and out the front door. "You boys should probably go after him." Mom suggests and all the guys rush out the house.
Josh's POV:
I wake up to banging on the door. I didn't know where to go last night so I went to the office. I slowly make my way to the door where the banging hasn't stopped. I look through the peep hole and almost shit myself. Mully, Grant, Eddie and Gaege are all standing on the other side of the door. They look pissed off and for a good reason too. I slowly open the door. "I should fucking kill you!" Mully barrels through the door. I stumble back, my head is foggy and I feel sick to my stomach. "Wow calm down." I say putting my hands up. "Calm down!?" Gaege speaks up. "Why are you even here?" I shout this time. "Because you hurt my best friend!" He yells entering the warehouse we use as an office. Grant and Eddie follow him. "Are you sure she's just your best friend!" I yell. When I got here last night I went on instagram and seen the pictures and videos of Gaege carrying Y/N. Gaege looks at me dumbfounded. "That's what you care about right now?" Mully yells. I step closer to the guys. "I wouldn't have to if your sister wasn't in love with this clown!" I yell in Mully's face pointing to Juicy. I never wanted to admit it out loud but I know Y/N has feelings for Juicy. "Clown?" Gaege steps in between me and Mully. "You're the fucking clown!" He shouts in my face. I push him back a bit, He stares at me before lunging at me. He tackles me to the floor and starts throwing punches at my face. I see through blurry vision the guys trying to pull him off. I try to block his punches but he hits me good a few times. I get angry and push him off me. I start punching him back, hitting his face a few times. The guys try to pull us apart. "You don't fucking deserve her!" I yell. Juicy gets to his feet and lunges at me again knocking me to the floor. "Like you fucking do!" He yells while we throw punches back and forth. The whole time the guys are trying to pull us off each other. He hits me one good time in the face and my nose starts to bleed. The guys finally pull us apart. I can see in Mully's face he doesn't want to but he helps me up. I hold my nose to try and stop the bleeding. "You never deserved her." Eddie says calmly, hate filling his eyes. "Get your shit out the house by tonight." Mully hisses at me. And with that they leave.
Gaege's POV:
"You didn't have to fight him." Grant says once we get to the car. I don't look at him I just get in the car. "I'm glad you did tho." Eddie chuckles slightly. I look at Mully through the rear view mirror. He looks proud and disappointed at the same time. I know he isn't disappointed in me but I still feel like shit for beating up one of my best friends. "Thank you Gaege." Mully says and the rest of the car ride is silent. We get to the house and I can feel bruises forming on my face and body. I got hit a few times but I know I did Josh worse. We all get out the car and enter the house. We all walk to the living room and find a seat. Y/N looks at me shocked when she enters the room. "Oh my god Gaege what happened to you." She runs up to me and assesses my face. "Him and Josh fought over you." Mully smirks. "Gaege might have even broken Josh's nose." Grant says smugly. She looks around the room at all of us before she looks back at me. "Are you okay?" She ask softly. "As long as you are." I say.

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