"He Was Crying Over My Girl"

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Gaege's POV:
You can't help but be happy for your friends when there's something positive going on in their lives. But. It's never okay to be jealous of them, and right now I fucking hate how happy Josh is. Him and Y/N have been going out for about three weeks now. Every corner I turn and room I enter there they are. And god the way she looks at him. "Hey Juicy!" I snap out my thoughts. The pretty voice speaks again. "Good morning everyone" she says happily as all the guys pile into the kitchen. "Good morning" they all say tiredly. She hops up onto the counter next to me. I feel her staring down at me. "Good morning" I look up and smile. I knew she was waiting for me to say it back. She smiles back "thank you." "I hope everyone's ready to film today!" Kevin comes breaking down our front door. "Shut. Up." Mully glares at him. "Not much of a morning person are we mate?" Kevin says in a terrible Australian accent. Mully doesn't say anything and just rolls his eyes. "Cameras charged?" Josh ask entering the kitchen. I look at her as she looks at him. Her eyes light up every time she hears his voice or sees his face. "Of course honey" Kevin jokes. Josh sits in the stool next to me. So now she's sitting in front of him. Narrator speaks but I don't catch what he says because I'm watching her every move. The way she pushes the hair out her face when she's looking down at her phone. The way she rubs the top of Josh's hand with her thumb. "Huh?" I say in response to Grant. "Coffee?" He smiles. "Yeah sure man" I give him a little smile. "Who's hungry?" Eddie ask coming back from the bathroom. "I hope you washed your hands" she teases him. He looks at his hands then back at her. "Nahhh" he chuckles. She reaches backwards a little and slaps him lightly on the arm. Her little giggle eats me alive. "I'm hungry" Narrator groans. "Yeah same" Kevin says sitting down on the other side of me. Josh and Y/N are caught up in their own conversation now. Grant places a cup of coffee in front of me. "Pass me that" I point at the milk. Kevin slides it towards me. I fix my coffee and right before I pick it up she does. I let her take a sip. "Good" she smiles in approval. Josh looks up at her as soon as she speaks. He looks at her the same way she looks at him.
After breakfast:
"Juicy!" I hear her yell my name. Then there's a soft knock on my bedroom door. "Come in!" I walk out my closet as she walks in. "What's wrong?" I say slipping my shirt over my head. "The boys wanted to know if you were ready?" I balance on one foot as I put my sock on. "Yeah just give me a sec." I rush back into my closet. I hear my bed sink under someone's weight. Of course she's waiting for me. She's the type to wait for you when you stop to tie your shoe. I exit the closest once again. "Ready." I say buckling my belt. She's looks at me and laughs a little. I look at her confused. "Your other sock?" She laughs harder. "Shit!" I run back into my closet to find my other sock. "I know I placed it down somewhere in here." I yell out to her. "How did you even get the walk in closet?" She ask leaning against the closest doorframe. I find my sock under a hoodie thrown on the floor. "I don't know it's not like I even keep it clean." I say standing up and looking around. "I'll help you clean it tomorrow." She giggles. I turn off my closet light and we leave the room. "He's ready!" She tells the guys as we come down the stairs.
Y/N's POV:
"Took you long enough." Mully huffs. "Yeah whatever man." Gaege flips him off playfully. Gaege slips on his shoes and now we can finally leave. We all grab keys, wallets, cameras and hoodies. "How many cars we taking?" "Mully, Narrator and...Ayden are riding with us" Josh's says as Ayden pulls into the drive way. "Sorry I'm late!" Smashing apologizes. "All good mate Juicy took longer" Mully chuckles. "I did not!" Gaege whines. I laugh at all of them. "Love do you want to ride with Eddie and them?" Josh ask. I look at Eddie, Kevin and Gaege standing by Juicy's car. Then I look at Mully, Narrator and Smashing standing by Josh's. "I'll make it even and go with Eddie." I smile. He leans down and places a soft kiss on my lips. "Okay I'll see you there." He smiles and gets in his car. I do a little run over to Gaege's car. "Decided to join the better group?" Eddie chuckles. "Hell yeah!" I laugh. We get in the car. I sit in the passenger seat and Kevin sits behind me. I look back at Eddie. "So how's everything going?" Me and Eddie haven't been able to catch up much because we're both in new relationships. Gaege starts the car so I wait to talk. Talking over his exhaust requires screaming. Juicy pulls out the driveway following Josh. "Things are good, you know still in the honeymoon stage." I smile. I shift in my seat so my legs are facing Juicy. "The honeymoon stage is the best!" Kevin chimes in. Gaege laughs. "Of course it is for you, you never make it past that stage." Kevin glares at him. "Yeah didn't even make it past with Y/N" Eddie teases him. I reach back and slap Eddie's arm lightly. "Eddie!" I say in embarrassment. "Hold on!" Gaege speaks over us. He throws his arm in front of me.(you know the mom arm) he steps on the gas and speeds up to an opening in between cars. He puts his arm back down. "Sorry guys that guy was pissing me off, dude didn't know which lane he wanted to be in." Juicy says annoyed. I look over at him. He's focused on the road but he's also listening to every word we say. "But how are you and Gabbie?" I ask Eddie excitedly. A huge smile forms on his face. "I think she might be the one." He rubs the back of his neck. "Aww Eddie that's amazing!" I say excitedly. "Yeah man I'm happy for you" Kevin smiles. "Just don't go moving out on us" Juicy chuckles. "I could never." Eddie chuckles.
Mully's POV:
"He's got eyes on your girl." Narrator says in a matter of fact kind of way. I look back at him confused. "What?" I ask puzzled. Narrator laughs at my face. "Gaege wants Y/N." Smashing explains. Josh tenses up in his seat. "No he doesn't" I chuckle. "He wants that girl Liv he's been hanging out with" I add. Josh doesn't say anything he just listens. "No man I'm telling you, just watch the way he looks at her." Narrator says. I think for a moment. Juicy is always smiling when she's around and he listens to every word she says. Not once does he ever "huh?" or "what?" her. I think Josh was thinking the same thing because he finally speaks. "Well she doesn't want him." He says with a straight face. The car goes silent.
Y/N's POV:
We pull up to a huge warehouse. "Kevin don't forget those extra batteries in the back." Juicy reminds Kevin. "Y/N can you grab that drink for me?" Eddie ask trying to close his door with his hands full. "Yeah of course" I smile. I grab Eddie's drink and anything else they left behind. Before I open my door Josh runs over and opens it for me. "I missed you" he smiles. "Josh it's only been 45 minutes" I giggle. He closes the door once I'm out the car. "I know but that's a long time" he says before placing a kiss on my lips. I take his hand and we follow the other guys into the warehouse. We throw everything onto a table by the door. I kick off my shoes like we're home because this warehouse is practically our second home. We are here at least 3 times a week. "Love can you help me grab a few more things from the car?" Josh ask coming up behind me. I nod my head yes and follow him out to the parking lot like a lost dog.
Gaege's POV:
I watch her follow him out the warehouse and I feel empty. Her presence alone makes me feel alive. "He does want her!" I her Mully say in realization. I look back at him and Narrator, they start laughing but I ignore them. I know exactly what they are talking about. Grant told me the other day he caught the way I look at her. "I do not" I say out loud. I hear Eddie huff from the other side of the room. "Whatever you say man." I snap my head towards him. "I don't like her, I never have and I never will!" I snap at him. He looks at me shocked. "Okay man we believe you" William says walking over and placing a hand on my shoulder. "We believe you" he says taking me into a hug. I hug him back. "Why'd she chose him?" I break down. Mully hugs me tighter. "I love her man!" I cry harder. "I know you do" Mully says softly.
Josh's POV:
Me and Y/N stop in our tracks as we enter the warehouse. Juicy was crying into Mully's arms and Mully looked like he was hurting for Gaege. Mully whispered something to Gaege and they let go of each other. Juicy wiped his face before looking over at me and Y/N. "Ready to film!" He asks excitedly. The other guys got hyped with him but I didn't, I couldn't. He was crying over my girl. I looked over at Y/N who was almost frozen in place. "You okay Juice?" She asked softly. He smiled at her "Yeah, I'm good" She walked over and hugged him. He melted into her, that hug meant everything to him. "Ready to film?" She looked up and wiped the last tear on his face. "Yup!" He smiled brightly. "Let's do this!" Kevin cheered. I put on a smile and join them.
Y/N's POV:
Me and Eddie watched Kevin and the others set up. "You're gonna tell me what happened later right?" I leaned over and whispered to Eddie. "Of course" he said seriously. "Ready" Kevin said happily. Eddie got up from next to me and joined the other 4 boys at the table in front of the camera.

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