Picking Up Mom

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Mully's POV:
Same day
6 am
"Shut the fuck up mate!" I yell out in annoyance. I roll over in my bed reaching my hand out trying to find my phone. I slide my hand across the top of the nightstand and finally find it. I grab it but shut my eyes immediately when I put it in front of my face. "Cunt!" I turn the brightness down so I can turn the alarm off. With my phone in my one hand I throw my arms out to the sides of my head and sigh. I absolutely fucking hate getting up this early. After a couple minutes of laying on my bed like a dead body staring up at the ceiling I sit up. I slowly but surely get out of bed not wanting to at all. I better be my mom's favorite child. I know it's Y/N, who's probably been up and ready. I mean a guy can dream though, right? Anyway I got to get ready, my mom's plane is landing in a hour and it's takes forever to get to the airport. I quickly get dressed, brush my teeth and wash my face. I run down the stairs yelling Y/N's name. "I'm right here." She says with a chuckle. "I just wanted to make sure you were ready." I say slipping on my shoes. I grab my keys, wallet and whatever else. "Come on Mully she's gonna land before we even get there." Y/N rushes me out the door. "I call aux!" Y/N shouts getting in the car and grabbing the aux cord. I roll my eyes, I don't know why it matters her whole playlist is music she got from me. I start the car and drive off.
15 minutes away from the airport:
Y/N reaches over and turns down the song we were singing. "Are you also nervous to see mom?" She looks over at me with worried eyes. It bothers me so much when Y/N is feeling anything but happy. I guess it's a big brother thing, I get the same way with Juicy and Kevin. "No not really." I look at Y/N for a second. She's playing with her necklace. "What if she's disappointed in me?" Y/N sighs before continuing. "Like what if I'm not doing enough? She did everything in her power to get me away from dad and to America and all I'm doing here is making silly little videos and hanging out with friends." Y/N looks at me with watery eyes. I reach over and grab her hand. "You are doing plenty." I give her a quick look. "Mom knew what you were going to do when you got here. She's probably so proud of you, we make good money and all we have to do is talk to a camera and hangout with friends." I squeeze her hand in a reassuring way. She takes a deep breath and wipes her eyes. "Yeah you're right." She smiles softly at me.
At the airport:
7:08 am
We follow the road signs to mom's terminal and park in the pick up section. We get out the car and patiently wait for our mother. Y/N is holding up a sign that's says "Welcome to America Mom" After a couple minutes I see her walk through the automatic doors. She looks exactly like Y/N just a lot older. She smiles brightly when she sees us. "Hi Mom!"
Y/N excitedly says pulling mom into a hug. "Hi honey." Mom smiles. She looks up at me and motions for me to join their hug. I wrap my arms around the two short women, I feel whole again. I haven't seen my mom in 5 years. Sure we talk on the phone or text everyday but it's not the same. We all let go of the hug. Mom looks up at me worried. "Baby boy what's wrong?" She reaches for a hug and I gladly return it. "I missed you so much." I'm not afraid to admit it, I'm a momma's boy. We pull away and she reaches out for my face and wipes a tear I didn't know was there. "Aww you big baby." Y/N laughs at me. "Fuck you mate." I chuckle flicking her on her forehead. "Ow that hurt!" She whines rubbing her head. "Okay that's enough you two, help me with these bags." Our mom orders us. "Yes ma'am." We say in unison. We load our mother's bags into the car. "Mom you take front seat." Y/N offers opening the passenger door for Mom.
Back at the house:
8:11 am
I grab Mom's bags while Y/N leads her to the front door. Y/N unlocks the door and swings it open so we can see right into the house. "Welcome to America!" Josh, Eddie, Gaege and Grant jump out from behind different furniture pieces. I look down and mom is holding her chest with the biggest smile on her face. I notice the banner hanging from the ceiling that's says "Welcome to America Mrs. Jonas!" I smile at the guys. Mom steps into the house and the guys quickly surround her. "You are the sweetest young men." Mom smiles at them. "We're happy you're here Mrs. Jonas." Juicy smiles. Mom pulls Juicy into a hug and he returns it. When she lets go she laughs a little. "I'm sorry I didn't catch your names." "Mom that's Gaege, Eddie, Grant and you remember Josh." Y/N introduces the guys. They all shake her hand saying their hellos. "Well why don't we show you to the guest room Mom." I suggest. She nods her head yes with a smile. Y/N leads us up the stairs, to the left and down to the end of the hallway. "Mom this is your room for the next week." Y/N says opening the freshly cleaned room. A couple days ago I cleaned it and Y/N made sure everything Mom would need is in here. Mom walks into the room looking around. "Oh you two! It's beautiful!" She says excitedly. I place her bags down by the foot of the bed. "Well Mom you get settled, we'll be going to get breakfast at 10 so be ready." I smile.
30 minutes earlier at the house:
Josh's POV:
"Come on they're gonna be here soon!" I shout rushing to put up the streamers in the kitchen. "I'm trying my best man!" Juicy shouts from the living room. He's currently trying to blow up balloons so we can scatter them around the lower level of the house. "Well if you didn't smoke so much you would probably have them blown up by now." I state. Juicy just stares at me blankly. "Okay Mr. needs a new vape everyday." Juicy jokes. "Whatever blow up the balloons." We both chuckle. "We finished the banner!" Grant and Eddie yell running into the kitchen. "Okay quickly, hang it up." I say stressed. I want Mully and Y/N's mom to feel comfortable and welcomed.
Back to current time:
Y/N's POV:
"You really are the sweetest." I say kissing Josh. I know the banner and everything else was his idea, there's no way the other guys would think of that. He smiles blushing. "It was nothing." He says sweetly. I kiss him again. "No it means a lot." I say wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiles down at me wrapping his arms around my lower back. "I just wanted your mom to know we want her here."
9:23 am
"You are not actually wearing that shirt to get breakfast with your mom?" Gaege laughs questioning me. I look at him then at the shirt. "Of course I am." I give him a "duh" kinda look. "Y/N please do everyone a favor and get rid of the shirt." Gaege begs. I shake my head no fast. "Absolutely not I need everyone to know I'm alpha." I joke. Gaege just face palms. "Okay." I don't say anything else and go back to my closet. The house is getting ready to take my mom out to breakfast. Juicy is of course hanging with me while I get ready, it's what best friends do. "Okay how about this one?" I ask holding up one of The Boys old merch designs. It's a black shirt that I cut into a crop top. "Yes that is so much better." Juicy says exaggerating. I throw the shirt at him and walk back to my closet. I grab a pair of random jean shorts and my military black Jordan 4s. "There, all done." I say placing the jeans shorts on the bed next to the shirt. "Sunglasses?" Juicy ask looking up at me. I smile. "You know me so well." I try to hide how happy that made me but you can hear it in my voice. He just smiles at me, teeth white and green eyes glistening. I look away quickly, as I do my bedroom door opens. The one and only Josh is entering my room. I walk to my vanity and pick up two pairs of sunglasses. "Which ones?" I ask both guys. Josh takes a seat on the bed opposite of Juicy. "Those." They both point to a pair of black Ray-Bans with blue tinted lenses. "Good choice boys." I smile at them. I grab my clothes off the bed and rush into the bathroom.
While Y/N is in the bathroom:
Juicy's POV:
Y/N walks into the bathroom and the room is quiet. Josh speaks first. "So the Japan trip is in the works." He turns to look at me. "Cool, do you know when we are going?" I ask turning towards him. "Maybe some time at the end of this year or early next year." He explains. I nod my head. "So would Y/N and Gabbie be coming?" I throw Gabbie in there so it isn't suspicious. He shakes his head. "Yeah, I was thinking everyone could bring a plus one." I think for a moment. "Cool so I could bring Liv?" I ask. "Yeah of course man." He smiles. I don't know why I said Liv, I haven't hung out with her in days because I've been with Y/N. We only text and most of the time I always forget to text back. The room goes quiet again. "I'm gonna go get dressed." I tell Josh and awkwardly leave.
Y/N's POV:
I get changed and wash my face even though I did that earlier this morning. I exit the bathroom and only Josh is sitting on the bed. "You look amazing." He smiles softly. My cheeks get a little hot. "Thank you babe." I sit down at my vanity and tie my hair back. "How should I do my hair?" I ask looking at Josh through the mirror. He's sitting up on the bed watching me intensely. "I like when your hair is in that cute half pony tail thing." He brings his hands to the back of his head trying to show me what he means. "Oh! Half up half down babe?" I ask with a giggle. "Yeah, Yeah that!" He says excitedly because I understood him. I start brushing my hair. "Going to the bathroom." Josh announces before disappearing into my bathroom. I turn back to the mirror about to continue my hair when I'm interrupted. "Y/N please tell Eddie that this shirt." Gaege holds up a black band tee. I have no idea what band it is but it's a cool shirt. "Is better than this shirt." He holds up a green graphic tee. I look at the two shirts then at the two guys standing in my doorway. "I like both." I shrug my shoulders. "That's not helping." Gaege says sassily. Eddie just rolls his eyes. "Here I'll try them on." The two guys walk fully into my room. Eddie takes a seat on the bed and Juicy stands in the middle of the room. I turn my vanity chair so I can see him fully. He takes off the shirt he currently has on. I look him up and down, it's like an instinct. His body is toned all around. His biceps, his chest, his shoulders, and his abs. I also notice for the first time how veiny his hands and forearms are. He slips on the black shirt first. I study him for a second. "Not bad." I say. "Not bad!? This shirt is awesome!" Gaege freaks out. Me and Eddie can't help but laugh. "Like what is wrong with you people!? Have you no culture!?" He continues his fake freak out. I'm crying laughing at this point and Eddie is collapsed on my bed. "Okay try on the other one." I say collecting myself. He slips off the black shirt, once again I look him up and down. He slips on the green shirt. "I like that one." I say all smiley. He looks at me blinking fast. "You're kidding right?" I shake my head no. "That one makes your eyes pop." I explain. He walks over to me so he can look in the vanity mirror. "I hate to say it but I agree." He hangs his head low. "Stupid band tee." He says sadly snatching the black t-shirt off my bed. He slowly walks out my room. "I told you dawg!" Eddie follows after him rubbing it in. I laugh to myself. This is really what my life is. I turn back to the mirror and continue doing my hair. "Why were they yelling?" Josh ask coming out the bathroom. He sits on the bed. "Arguing over shirts." I giggle. "Of course." Josh chuckles. I finish my hair and throw on some light makeup. The whole time I do so Josh is watching me through the mirror. "What are you looking at?" I giggle blushing. "I'm just admiring my beautiful girlfriend." He smirks coming up behind me. He bends down and wraps his arms around my shoulders letting his hands rest on my chest. He kisses me on the cheek. "You're drop dead gorgeous love." He whispers in my ear. I blush harder. "Thank you hun." I turn my head to give him a kiss.

A/N: I wrote out my plan for how the story will go, I think a lot of you will be pleased with the ending and who Y/N ends up with:) <3

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