Another Date?

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Y/N's POV:
7:02 am
A week later:
"It's time to get up!" Someone yells as they bang on my bedroom door. "No!" I yell back pulling the blanket over my head. "I said it's time to get up." The person says as they rip the blanket off of me. I blink a few times so my eyes can get adjusted to the bright sunlight coming through the curtains. "Good morning sleepyhead." Gaege smiles down at me. "Get out." I point towards the door but he ignores me. "Blue or purple?" He ask going to my closet. "Neither." I say with a bit of an attitude. He just laughs at me. "Why must we go through this every morning?" He ask tossing a blue workout set at me. "Because you're annoying." I roll my eyes. "Yeah whatever, I'll be waiting downstairs." He rolls his eyes before leaving. I slowly get out of bed not really wanting to. I should have never suggested we go to the gym as a family because now we go every morning. I know it's the boys's way of getting me out the house and doing something other than crying over Josh but I still hate it. I put on the blue shorts and the matching sports bra before brushing my teeth and washing my face. I throw a baggy shirt on then mosey on down the stairs. "Good morning!" They all greet me once I enter the kitchen. "Coffee?" Grant ask with his big smile. I nod my head yes while pulling my hair back into a bun. "You gonna eat before we leave?" Eddie ask with a concerned look. "No I'm not really hungry." I say taking a seat next to Gaege. The boys have a whole breakfast buffet laid across the kitchen island but I haven't had an appetite since the night Josh came and got his stuff. "Can you please eat something?" Juicy leans over and whispers to me. I look at him with puffy eyes. I've been crying every night since the party. "I'm okay Juice box." I give him a weak smile. He looks defeated when I say this and goes back to eating. I lean over and place my head on his shoulder. I just want to get back in bed. "Here you go!" Narrator says cheerfully placing a cup of coffee in front of me. I lift my head and take a sip. Perfect, like always. Narrator never messes up my coffee. I finish my coffee and the guys finish eating before we leave for the gym.
Gaege's POV:
30 minutes later:
"Let's go get this pump in!" I yell trying to hype up the group as we walk into the gym. "Let's fucking do this!" Grant joins my excitement. The rest of the group gets a bit hype except for my girl. "Come on let's go do squats, your favorite." I smile taking her hand and leading her to the squat rack. "You go first." She says helping me put the weight on the bar. I nod my head. "Bet!" She still doesn't lose the sad look on her face. I get in position under the bar and lift it onto my shoulders. "Count for me?" I ask before starting. If she's counting she can't think about Josh, but I can then. I beginning my squats. She's been in this slump for a week now and no matter what I try I can't get a smile out of her. I mean like a real genuine smile. I can hear her counting break through my thoughts every time she says a number. I can't tell if it's the heavy feeling in my chest or the actual heavy weight on my shoulders but I stop early. "Hey you have three more left." She looks at me confused. "Oh well your turn now." I smile brightly. She doesn't smile back and it makes my heart ache. She gets in position and begins her squats. I look around the gym and realize not many people are here. I see the guys in the corner doing arms, I wish I was doing arms. Shut up Gaege legs is Y/N's favorite so that's what you're doing. "Can I get a spot?" She ask breaking me out of my thoughts. "Yeah of course." I say getting behind her and putting my arms out to catch the weight if I need to. As we move in unison my eyes wonder to her ass. I know it's wrong but I can help but look, it's so perfect. Just like her. "You wanna go on a date tonight?" The words spell out my mouth. She stops mid squat and stands up straight. I move to the front of her so she can see me. "Gaege I'm not going on a blind date with one of your weird friends." She says putting the bar back on the rack. "No not with one of them, with me." I shrug my shoulders. She looks at me confused. "Like a friend date." I blurt out so she doesn't get the wrong idea. "I just want you to get out the house." I pause. "And what better way to do that then go on a date with your best friend?" She finally gives me one of her real smiles. "I would love that Juice."
A hour later:
"No I swear there was something in that room!" Eddie says trying so hard to be believed. "I believe you man but I wanna see something with my own two eyes." Mully says opening the door to the diner. We all file in. After our workout we decided to get food so of course we came to Maria and Vinny's. "Ah my favorite faces." Vinny greets us. We all give him big smiles. "Wassup Vin?" Mully says shaking his hand. "Nothing much just taking care of this place." He looks around the diner.  "You kids don't want to listen to this old man talk, you guys want food." Maria laughs coming up behind us. Vinny pulls her to his side. I wish I could do the same with the girl standing next to me. "Oh shut up darling the kids love hearing me talk." Vinny laughs. "Of course we do." Narrator chuckles giving Maria a hug. The rest of us do the same, it's the only right way to greet Maria. "Let's get you kids a table." Vinny and Maria usher us to a table large enough for all of us. It's our usual table but there's a seat empty where Josh would always sit. Maria looks at the seat confused. "No Josh?" She ask sadly. We all look at each other then at her. "No he's busy." Y/N smiles trying to hide her sadness. Maria pats her hand that's resting on the table. "He was never the one for you anyway sweetheart." She says and takes a glance at me. "The right one is closer than you think." She looks back at Y/N. Y/N smiles completely believing her. "That's what I've been saying." Mully speaks up with a smug look. "Listen to your big brother, they always know best." Y/N and Maria both look at Mully then back at each other. Y/N smiles. "Yeah you're right." "Always is." Vinny says coming out of nowhere. He places menus in front of us. "How'd you knew Vinny was the right one?" Narrator speaks up. Maria smiles widely at Vinny. "You just know. When you meet the one your heart and soul feels it. They'll make you feel things you've never felt before." I take a glance at Y/N while Maria is speaking and she's already looking at me. I already know she is the one she just needs to know it too. Y/N looks away quickly. "How did you know Vinny?" Eddie ask. Vinny looks up like he's thinking. "I think I knew when I would picture the future and she was always front and center." Vinny looks down at Maria and places a kiss on the top of her head. "I also knew she was the one because my heart craved her when she wasn't around." I feel a hand on my knee as Vinny speaks these words. I look down and then over at Y/N who is staring at Vinny and Maria. I place my hand on top of hers and give it a squeeze. Maybe she does know I'm the one. "Ugh I want what you guys have." Narrator whines. "Me too man." Mully says placing a hand on Narrator's shoulder. "You kids will all find it one day, I know it." Maria reinsures us. "Now what do you kids want to eat?" Vinny ask taking out a notepad. We order and the whole time Y/N doesn't move her hand off my knee. 
Y/N's POV:
The guys are caught up in a conversation but I can't stop thinking about what Maria and Vinny said. I wanted Josh to be the one so badly but the one wouldn't hurt me like he did. The one would treat me the way Juicy does. Maybe Juicy is my "the one." I never really thought about my feelings for Juicy but he makes me feel exactly the way Maria described it and I can absolutely picture my future with Juicy. My heart and body crave Juicy, I crave Juicy. It hurts me a little every time I remember he's talking to someone. Liv is a lucky girl. "Y/N?" Mully breaks me out my thoughts. "Yeah?" I smile pushing my feelings for Juicy deep down. "Whatcha thinking about?" Mully leans in like he is supper interested in what I'm about to say. "She better be thinking about our date tonight." Gaege chuckles. My heart drops. A part of me wishes it was a real date. "Of course I am, I think we should go to that steakhouse." I smile up at Juicy. His eyes tell me he loves me but his mouth won't. "Finally you guys are going out." Mully looks excited. Me and Gaege look at each other then back at Mully. "It's a friend date." Gaege says awkwardly. Mully looks embarrassed. "Oh yeah of course." Eddie and Narrator laugh at Mully's embarrassment. "I was thinking we go see a play at the college theater." Gaege turns towards me. I smile widely. "You remembered." He rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah you said you been wanting to go." "Can you guys just date already." Mully cuts in but he says it in a joking matter. I throw a balled up napkin at him. "Shut up!" I say embarrassed, I have no reason to be. "I'm just saying if it were to happen I would approve." Mully throws his hands up in defense. I take a glance at Gaege. I would also approve. Juicy's cheeks are a little red and he's looking down at his lap. "Who knows maybe tonight could be the start of something." I say this half as a joke and half not. Gaege looks at me. "Oh trust I'll win you over sweetheart." He says with a smirk. "He's not lying, Gaege is a smooth talker." Narrator chuckles. "That's why it would freak Josh out every time you guys hung out." Eddie says. I look at him shocked. Josh would have never admitted that to me but he can admit that to Eddie? "Sorry for bringing him up." Eddie quickly apologizes. I brush it off. "We can talk about Josh he's still our friend." The guys all look at me. "Is he really tho?" Mully ask. This was always my fear with dating one of Mully's friends, I didn't want the break up to ruin one of Mully's friendships. "Yes he is." I say firmly. Josh might have messed up being a boyfriend but he was once a great friend to me and he's an amazing friend to the guys sitting in front of me.
Later that night:
9:36 pm
"I hope you're ready mama." Gaege walks through my bedroom door with a giant smile on his face. The new nickname makes my heart flutter. I turn around in my vanity chair to face him. "We gotta be at the steakhouse in thirty minutes." He informs me taking a seat on my bed. I turn back around to finish my makeup. "You know you're really beautiful, especially without the makeup." He smiles at me through the mirror. "And did you know you're really handsome." I play along to this new flirting game. "I mean of course I am look at me." I turn around as he stands up and does a spin. The black suit is fitted to him perfectly showing off every muscle on his body. "You do look really good." I smirk looking him up and down. I instantly feel guilty for flirting with Gaege, I feel like I'm betraying Josh. He betrayed you dummy I tell myself. "You okay?" Juicy ask sitting back down on the bed. I try to hide this sad feeling. "Yeah just thinking." I turn back around to face the mirror. "About Josh?" Gaege has a said look on his face. "Yeah." I say shamefully. Gaege walks toward me and spins my chair around so I'm facing him. He leans down and puts his forehead on mine. "You focus on me tonight mama. Okay?" His low voice makes my heart jump. I nod my head yes and he spins me back around. "I'll be waiting for you downstairs." He places a kiss on the top of my head and leaves the room. I do the finishing touches to my makeup and grab my heels out my closet. I'm wearing a navy blue dress that goes to my ankles and hugs my body nicely. The slit in it shows off my tan legs. I pair the dress with sliver jewelry and sliver heels. I grab a sliver clutch and fill it with miscellaneous things and head downstairs. I hear whistles as I enter the living room. "Damn girl." Narrator says. "Ass looking fat girl." Eddie hypes me up. "Where's Juicy?" Before anyone can answer my question the doorbell rings. Narrator and Mully smirk. "No he didn't". I laugh running for the door. I open it and Gaege is smiling while his green eyes shine. He's holding out a bouquet of flowers so I take them. "Can I talk to the man of the house?" He ask stepping into the house. I play along and call for Mully. "Yes?" Mully says entering the mud room. Gaege clears his throat. "Sir I was wondering if I could take your daughter on a date?" He puts out his hand. Mully shakes it smiling wide. "Of course young man." Gaege looks at me and smirks. "Looks like you're all mine tonight mana." I wouldn't mind being all his all the time. He takes my hand and leads me out the house. Gaege opens the car door for me and shuts it once I'm in. "Aux is all yours." He says climbing into the car. I take the cord and plug in my phone. The first song starts playing and I quickly switch it. It's the song from me and Josh's first date and I don't need to be reminded of that. Tonight could be the start of something new. As we drive Juicy starts singing along to the song playing. "When you're all alone I'll reach for you." He continues singing. "When you're feeling low I'll be there too." And the words sound like they're meant for me. I reach over and place my hand on top of his that's on the gear stick. He switches our hands so his on top. He starts singing along to sweater weather and again the lyrics feel directed towards me.
45 minutes later:
We pull into the parking lot of the steakhouse and Gaege parks. He turns off the car and gets out but not before stealing a glance at me. He comes around to my side of the car and opens my door for me, he holds out his hand and helps me out the car. "Did I tell you, you look beautiful?" I giggle. "A few times yes." He smiles and leads us to the front doors "Reservation for Gibson." He tells the host. The host grabs menus from behind the stand she's at and leads us to the back of the restaurant and outside to the patio. The patio is light up with fairy lights and there is flowers everywhere. Gaege pulls out my chair for me and I take a seat. Gaege sits across from me. "It all sounds good." I look up from reading the menu. Gaege is already looking at me. "Don't say it." I giggle. "Say what?" He chuckles like he has no idea what I'm talking about. I roll my eyes. "You know what." I point my finger at him. "All I was gonna say're beautiful."
He smirks. My cheeks heat up and I look away.  The lake that the patio overlooks has old style street lights around it and couples are on those swan paddle boats. "We should do that." Gaege suggests also looking at the lake now. "You sure? I know you hate leg workouts." I tease. He smiles. "Tell that to these amazing calfs." I laugh and people around us look. "No these are amazing calfs." I stick out my leg and the slit in my dress exposes it. "You got some nice legs love." Gaege says looking up at me. Our eyes connect and for a second my heart stops. Gaege is the one I just know it. I look away from Juicy but he continues to look at me. I have never thought about Juicy in this way before, today has stirred up some real emotions. I want to jump over this table and rip his clothes off. I want to kiss him all over that pretty face. His biceps are driving me crazy, his white button up shirt fits his body perfectly. "What you thinking about mama?" My head snaps towards Gaege, almost forgetting he's there. "Josh." A lie. I don't want Gaege knowing my true feelings, at least not while he has a thing going on with Liv. "Okay so talk to me, tell me everything. I want to know exactly how you're feeling." Gaege says taking my hand in his. His green eyes are soft and screaming "I'm in love with you" but his mouth just won't say it. "I don't even know how I'm feeling." I say hopelessly. "I thought Josh was it, that I was never going to have to start over again." I pause and realize Gaege is listening intently. "I thought we would grow old together. I've never seen Josh as the disloyal type but he had to go and prove me wrong in the worst way possible." I get a little upset. Gaege just nods his head signaling he is listening. "I know we went through a roughy patch with the whole jealousy thing but I thought that was over with." Mully had told me what Josh said during the fight with Juicy, so clearly Josh was still jealous about it all. But that doesn't give him the right to cheat. I look down before speaking again. "Gaege I don't think I'll ever find the one." I feel like crying but I don't.
Juicy's POV:
"Gaege I don't think I'll ever find the one." Y/N tells me. I so badly want to scream "I'm right here!" But I don't. She's about to cry over Josh, now would be the worst time to confess my feelings. What would I even say? "I know you're crying because your boyfriend cheated on you and I know I'm your best friend but..... I'm in love with you." Like no I'm not doing that. "You're an amazing girl, you're caring, loyal and so pretty a guy would be crazy if they didn't want you." I pause. "You're gonna find someone and when you do you guys are gonna live a beautiful life together." I kiss the top of her hand. "I love you Gaege." Y/N says softly. I look up shocked, there's no way she just said that. "I love you too Y/N." I say staring into her eyes. "You're the best friend a girl could ask for." My heart breaks at her words, I was dumb to think her I love you meant something else. "Are you guys ready to order." The waiter shows up before things get awkward. We order and the waiter leaves again.
A hour later:
Me and Y/N walk out the steakhouse hand in hand laughing about something stupid. We had a few cups of wine and someone is definitely feeling it. That someone is not me.
Y/N stops walking forcing me to stop. I turn around to face her. "Gaege we should go to the club!" She says excitedly. I look at her confused. "What about the play?" She gets closer to me to the point our bodies are touching. "Please can we go to the club? I just want to dance and feel free again." She begs and I can't say no. "Come on let's go." I say giving in. She starts running to the car dragging me behind. Once to the car I open her door and close it when she's in. "Tonight has been so fun but it's about to get so much better!" She cheers. I turn on the car and hand her the aux cord. We sing along to songs all the way to the nearest club. "Come on darling we got dancing to do." I say opening her door. She takes my hand in hers and we walk down the street to the club. "Let's go get some drinks." She leans in to whisper to me when we make it inside. The music is loud and the place is hot. People are dancing in all corners and the lights above us are flashing in different colors. I lead us to the bar where we take a few shots before heading to the dance floor. I grab Y/N close and she whines her hips to the music. Our bodies are pressed together and I can feel every curve of her body through her dress, I let my hands wonder. She turns around so her ass is pressed against me. She stops after a while of dancing and drags me off the dance floor and back to the bar. She takes more shots but I don't because I have to drive. "Hey pretty lady." I snap my head towards the voice. A guy with blonde hair and dark eyes is smiling weirdly at Y/N. I clear my voice to catch his attention. He looks at me but doesn't seem bothered by my presence. "What are you drinking tonight?" He ask Y/N. She smiles and answers. "Hennessy" "My names Paul. Nice to meet you..." he pauses to let Y/N fill in the blank. "Y/N." "What a beautiful name." He smirks. "Would you like to dance with me?" He ask holding out his hand. I slither my arm around Y/N's waist and pull her close to me. She looks back at me then the guy. "No thank you, I rather dance with my boyfriend." She says smiling back at me. My heart stops at her words I could listen to her call me boyfriend all day. Paul finally takes notice of me. He narrows his eyes. "Well when you're ready for a real man call me." He slides a piece of paper across the bar. Y/N nicely pushes it back towards him. "No thank you." She leans closer to him. "He's amazing in bed." I almost choke on my water because of her words. Paul looks at me then at Y/N. Y/N holds out her hands and slowly pulls them apart until there's a decent distance in between them. "That big." She says. Paul gets angry at Y/N's rejection. "Well baby I have you know I'm a lot bigger." He says with a smug look. "Beat it bozo she doesn't want you." I finally speak up. Paul looks me up and down before focusing back on Y/N. "How much is he paying you?" Paul ask. I slam my cup down on the bar and jump in front of Y/N. "Listen here dick, she doesn't want you so leave her alone." I pause stepping closer. "And don't ever assume my girl is selling her body." I step closer. I'm a few inches taller than Paul. "Now go and find a girl in your league." I poke his chest and turn back towards Y/N. "Whatever man you can keep your whore girlfriend." Without thinking I swing my body around and sock Paul in the face. He stumbles back holding his jaw. "Fuck you man I'm getting security!" He yells before disappearing into the crowd. "Gaege you really need to stop fighting over me." Y/N giggles taking my hand in hers. "I can't just let people talk about you however they want." I say in defense as Y/N leads us out the club probably so we don't get in trouble with security. "I don't need you to protect me." She says now walking next to me down the street. "That's literally my job as your best friend." She giggles. "Okay bodyguard whatever you say." I realize that we are still holding hands and tighten my grip. I feel her grip tighten too and my heart beats faster. We make it to the car in complete silence with our hands still interlocked. I open her door and let her in. "I'm so ready for bed." She yawns as I get in the car. She leans her seat all the way back and curls up in a ball. I take my suit jacket off and through it over her like a blanket. I open all the windows and play music as we drive home.
2:11 am
I pull into the driveway and Y/N wakes up as I park the car. We make our way into the quiet house. "Want a drink?" I ask Y/N as I grab a twisted tea from the fridge. She nods her head yes so I grab her one too and we make our way to the backyard. I roll up my pants and sit by the pool with my feet in the water. Y/N takes a seat next to me but her feet are under her. "I had fun tonight Juice, thank you." I look at her and smile. "Anytime mama." She studies me for a second. "I love when you call me that." I'm shocked by her words but remember she's drunk and Y/N has a habitat of being very honest when drunk. I just look at her. "Good it's your new nickname." I say. She smiles widely at me. "You know I used to have the biggest crush on you." She giggles. I don't know what to say. She just dropped a bomb on me and then laughed. "That's very cute of you." I chuckle. She looks me in the eyes. "You know sometime I wish I chose you instead of Josh." I just nod my head, I never knew that I was even in competition with Josh. "I was an option?" She giggles. "Of course you were silly." She hits my arm lightly. "Eddie kept telling me you were the right choice but I didn't listen, I never listen to Eddie." She laughs at the last part. "Well I kinda wish you did." She looks at me surprised. All of a sudden I feel her hot lips on mine. I instantly kiss back cupping her cheek. Her lips are soft and feel perfect on mine. She pulls away after a couple of seconds. "I'm so sorry Juicy." She stands up so I do too. "No where are you going?" I call to her as she walks into the house. I stand there dumbfounded.

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