The Party

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Later that day:
Y/N's POV:
"Good film day guys!" Josh smiles coming back out from the raceway office. "I'll start editing this tomorrow" Does says talking to the guys as me and Kevin watch. "I'll stop by the office tomorrow before me Y/N start unpacking all her stuff" I hear Mully say. Does nods his head and I stop listening to their conversation. "Hey I was wondering if I could get your number?" I smile turning towards Kevin. He looks at me surprised but then smiles. "Um..yeah sure" he says pulling out his phone. He reads me his number as I put it in my phone. "Thanks, maybe we can go out sometime" I smile. "Yeah that would be cool" he says shyly. "I had fun today with you" I smile and he smiles back nodding his head. I turn my attention back to the guys as my face heats up. "Ready to go?" Mully ask looking at me. "Yeah" I say walking over to him and the guys. "Come one Kev" Does calls for Kevin from his car. I smile at Kevin and mouth bye as he walks past me. "Bye guys" Josh says to them and we all start walking to the cars. "Come on Robert and Y/N" Gaege chuckles. "Coming dad" I make Robert say. Juicy laughs and I laugh too. "See you guys at the house Mully says getting in his car with Eddie.
*Time skip 20 minutes into the car ride*
I reach over and turn the radio down. "Hey Juicy?" I say looking down at Robert. "Yeah?" He ask looking at me for a second. "Would you be mad if I asked out someone? Well not someone one of your friends?" I ask still looking down. I feel eyes on me for a second so I look up. He as a surprised look on his face. "Um...I don't know, especially since you just told me you don't like me or my friends" he says still with that shocked look on his face. I look away again. "Well it's not any of you it's um." I pause. "It's Kevin" I blurt out. He looks away from me. "Well umm...I guess I can't get mad, I can't stop you from going out with people" He says not taking his eyes off the road. "Are you sure Gaege?" I ask looking at him. I feel bad now I just put him, Grant and Josh in the friend zone now I'm asking if I can go out with his childhood best friend. "Yeah" is all he says and the rest of the car ride is silent.
At the house:
I get out of Juicy's car and place Robert on the seat. Juicy doesn't get out though he just sits there. I walk up to the front door and wait for one of the guys to unlock it. Eddie unlocks the door for all of us and I walk right into the bathroom.
Josh's POV:
"You coming Juice?" I ask Gaege who is just sitting in his car. He looks at me and just turns off his car. He nods his head getting out the car. I walk in the house. "Does anyone think Juicy is acting weird right now?" I ask the guys as we stand in the kitchen. "Nah it's Juicy man he's always acting weird" Eddie jokes. I chuckle a little as Juicy walks into the house. "Night guys" he says walking past us. "Gaege it's only 4 pm plus we are going to the party in an hour" Grant says confused. "Oh yeah" Juicy says tiredly. "Then wake me up before we gotta go" he says softly and walks up the stairs. "When does Juicy not want to go to a party?" Mully ask. I just shrug my shoulders and the rest of the guys look blankly at each other. "Party tonight" Mully tells Y/N as she walks out the bathroom. He breaks the silence and Y/N comes and sits on a bar stole next to Eddie. "Oh cool, who's gonna be there?" She asks smiling. Her smile could kill. "Does, Kevin, Josh's sister, Our friend Liv and Eddie's lady friend Gabby" William teases Eddie. Eddie smiles and blushes a little. "Eddie you can't have a lady friend, your supposed to be my gay best friend" Y/N jokes. Eddie laughs "trust me no matter how many girls I get with I'll always be your "gay" best friend" he puts air quotes around gay. They laugh again. I just smile looking at her talk to the guys getting lost in my thoughts. I'll be around her all night so the other guys can't be and maybe I'll ask her to dance. I hope she says yes it would literally be the best day of my life. I smile to my self. "Josh we said are you hungry too" Grant says breaking me out my thoughts. I chuckle "oh yeah kinda" I say rubbing the back of my neck. "Me and Eddie can go pick up the food" Mully says grabbing his keys off the counter. "Yeah what you fools want?" Eddie ask. "We can do pizza it's easy" Grant says. I just nod my head. "Of course you want pizza fat ass" Eddie jokes with Narrator they both laugh and Y/N laughs with them. Her laugh is so cute. "Alright we'll be back mates." Mully says and him and Eddie leave the house. "How should I dress?" Y/N ask looking at me and Grant. "Um. You can put on like a dress or something" Grant shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah what Narrator said I guess" I shrug too. "You guys are no help" she laughs. "Hey we tried" Narrator laughs. She gets up and walks upstairs. I just watch her as you she walks away and I catch Grant doing the same thing.
*30 minutes later*
Grant's POV:
I knock on Juicy's door. "Yo bro wake up!" I bang on his door this time. "I'm up" he says from the inside. "You good man?" I ask opening his door slowly. "Yeah I just don't feel good I guess" he says looking at me with his hair all messy. "You sure honey bunch?" He looks up at me. "Actually no man, Y/N wants to go out with Kevin." He says placing his head in his hands. My jaw drops and I just look at him. "Guys Mully is here with food" Josh says coming into the room. I turn around and look at him. "What's wrong with you two?" He says chuckling a little. "Y/N asked Kevin out" I say with no emotion. He closes the doors and steps into the room more. "Are you sure?" He ask, I look at Juicy who is looking at us. "Yup, she asked if I would be mad if she asked out one of my friends and I told her I don't know and then that's when she dropped the bomb" he says standing up now. "Damn bro I guess we all lose" I say trying to lighten the mood. "That's not even the worse part" Juicy says. "We were talking about me being a jerk to her earlier and I told her how we've all been trying to get with her and she said she sees all of us as just friends" he says dropping his head. "You told her I wanted to get with her?" Josh ask him sitting down on Gaege's bed. "Yeah man I wasn't gonna lie to her about why I was being a dick" Juicy says sitting down next to Josh. "Bro why would you tell her I want to get with her? I don't" I say frustrated. "Grant don't fucking lie bro we both see how you look at her and how you look at us when one of us makes a move" Josh says raising his voice a little. "Guys you can stop fighting she doesn't want any of us" Juicy says standing up and walking to his closet. "We got a party to get ready for" Gaege says. "Yeah I guess I just gotta get over it" Josh says walking to the door. " I did say I wasn't gonna force her to like me." He says before leaving the room. I just look at Juicy then leave too.
Y/N's POV:
I sit down and eat with Mully and Eddie before heading upstairs to get ready. I knock on Juicy's and Narrator's door. "Foods her babies" I say to them before going into my room. I take out one of the only outfits I have because the rest of my stuff is getting here tomorrow. "Josh!" I call for Josh after getting dressed. He comes in my room and knocks on my bathroom door. "How's this?" I ask opening the door. He looks me up and down and just stares. "Um. Yeah.. yeah I like it" he says nervously. "You sure? I feel like it's not enough" I say facing my mirror. "No, no it's good, really good" he says still staring at me. "Can you zip it up for me?" I smile at him and turn my back towards him. I feel his cold hands brush across my back. "Thanks" I smile facing him once again. "No problem" he smiles and we walk out my bathroom. I look in the mirror one more time and I follow him down the stairs with my phone and wallet in hand. I look at all the guys staring at me. "I hope you have a jacket to go over that" Mully says sounding like a dad as he throws away his and the boys's plates "No William I don't" I roll my eyes at him. "I think you look great Bestie" Eddie says in his girly voice. "Thanks bestie!" I say in a more girly voice and he starts jumping up and down and screaming so I join him. "We are gonna get so many dudes tonight sister" he laughs. "Okay ladies it's time to go" Mully says opening the door. "Men always ruining the fun" Eddie rolls his eyes and walks out the door. "Tell me about it girl" I laugh following him out the door. Me and Eddie climb into Mully's car and Josh and Grant get in Gaege's car. "See you there loser" Eddie says in his girl voice. "Fuck you bitch" Grant says in a girl voice and Gaege speeds out the drive way.
8 P.M.
We pull up to the house and I get out Mully's car. I see Kevin and Does talking to some people in the front yard, I walk over to them and Kevin gives me a smile. "Hey pretty" I blush. "Hey handsome" Does ends his conversation with the people they were talking to and enters the house with the rest of the boys. "You look good" Kevin says looking me up and down. "Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself" I smirk at him. "Wanna go get a drink?" He ask putting out his hand. "Yeah" I say and take his hand, he guides me through the crowd and to the kitchen. "Oh Hey guys" he says and lets go of my hand. I look up and he's talking to Josh and Gaege. This is not going to be good if they just saw him holding my hand. "You wanna go talk to those girls over there with me?" Josh ask him. Kevin looks at the girls Josh pointed to then back at me. "Nah man I'm not really in the mood tonight" He says looking back at Josh. "Bro are you serious we always pick up girls together" Josh chuckles a little. "You're mister player" Josh jokes. "Kevin looks at the girls again. "Nah man I just wanna chill with friends tonight" Kevin says rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "If you say so" Josh says and walks towards the girls. "I'm gonna go look for Liv and Mully" Juicy says looking past Kevin, looking me right in the eyes. "Don't listen to Josh" Kevin says grabbing my hand again and walking towards the drink table. "Ok" is all I say. We get to the drink table and Kevin pours both of us half a cup of Hennessy. "This way we won't have to stay here or keep coming back to take shoots" he says loudly so I can hear him over the people and music. I nod my head and take the cup from him. He grabs my hand again and we walk back through the crowd and to the backyard where people are sitting around the fire pit and pool. We take a seat next to the pool away from everyone. "So why'd you move here?" He ask after taking a sip from his cup. "I wanted to get away from home and Mully was here" I tell him and take sip from my cup. "Oh cool, how are you liking living with the guys so far" he ask. I smile and laugh. "It's nothing like living at home they are absolutely crazy" he laughs "yeah well try living with Juicy for five years" I laugh "wow five years?" I ask. "Yeah we moved in together during junior year of high school and split last year" he explains. "I wish I could've moved out junior year I hated living at home all these years" I explain to him. "Yeah same, but why didn't you move out here when Mully did?" He ask, he's the only person who actually ever seemed Interested in what I was saying. "I was only 24 and unlike Mully tried the whole college thing but I dropped out and then moved here" I smile at him, he was fully invested in what I was saying. "Oh well then welcome to the drop out club me and Gaege dropped out of high school" he chuckles. "We all are drop outs" I laugh. "True Mully, Josh, and Eddie are too I forgot" he chuckles. We talk for a little more until our cups empty. "Want another one?" Kevin asks standing up. "Yeah I'll come with you" he grabs my hand and helps me up. We make it back to the living room and I see Josh sitting in a corner black out drunk. "Hey I hate to do this to you but.." I say sadly and he sees where I'm looking. "No I get it he's like your brother go take care of him." He says not seeming mad. "I'll text you later" he smiles and I pull him into a hug. "Maybe we can get breakfast tomorrow" he says after letting go. "Yeah that would be nice" I smile and kiss him on his check. "I'll let everyone else know you and Josh left already" he smiles. "Thanks you're the best" I say and make it through the crowd to Josh. "Josh come on let's go home" I shake him a little. "No Mully I want to stay here" he says lazily. I take the cup from his hand and place it on the floor. "It's not Mully it's me Y/N" I say squatting down in front of him. "Oh hey" he smiles with his eyes barely staying open. "Come on" I put his arm around my shoulder and stand him up. "Where are your keys?" I ask him as I help him walk out the house. "My pocket" he says in between hiccups. I lean him against his car and search his pockets. I find them and unlock the doors. "Come on big guy lets get you home" I say to him sweetly. He sits down in the passenger seat and I close the door for him. I get in the driver seat and start the car. He looks at me and smiles "y-you're so pretty" he says slurring his words. "Thanks Joshy" I say and pull out the drive way.
12:04 A.M
I pull into the drive way and stop the car. "We're here Josh" I tell him even though he has no idea what's going on. I go over to his door and open it slowly catching his head that was leaning against the door. "Come on let's go inside" I say and shake him a little to wake him up. He opens his eyes and yawns. I help him out the car and into the house. "Wait right here" I say and help him sit down on the couch. I run upstairs to my room and change in to a pair of Nike pros and a shirt I stole from Mully. I wash my face real quick and run back downstairs to get him. "Come on let's go to bed" I say and stand him up, we make it up the stairs slowly and to his bedroom. I lay him down in his bed and take his shoes off. I go in his bathroom and grab a cold wet wash cloth and put it on his head to help if he has a headache. "I'll be right back Josh" I say and run downstairs to the kitchen. I grab him a cold bottle of water and some pain killers. "Here take these" I say handing him the pills as I get back in his room. He sits up a little and takes the pills. "Thank you" he says quietly. I realize he has puke on his shirt so I take his shirt off and then his pants that also have puke on them. I find him some shorts in one of his draws and struggle to put them on him. "Here" I say placing a trash can next to his bed. He leans over and vomits. I sit on his bed and rub his back. He leans back and kinda lays on my chest. I keep rubbing his back, I feel so bad for him he must have puked so many time before I found him. I wipe his mouth with a towel I got form his bathroom and lean back against his head board. I throw a blanket over him and keep rubbing his back.

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