A Lot Of Chemistry

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10:56 am
"That's when I knew Willam was going to be trouble." Mom laughs finishing her story about Mully. I look around the table to see everyone smiling. It's nice having the whole house together for a day, it seems like everyone has just been so busy. "I wasn't that bad." Mully gives a "I'm lying" look to Mom. "No Mully you were, I know this because the very next night you two snuck out to a party to smoke with those older guys you wanted to fit in with." I point to Josh and Mully. Mom's jaw drops a bit. "Mully you did what?" She ask shocked. Mully gives me a death stare then smiles at mom. "That was 14 years ago." She just rolls her eyes at him. "Wait didn't we see you there?" Josh ask voice full of realization. Gaege, Grant and Eddie laugh. "Yeah you were, you were there with that guy mom didn't want you hanging out with!" Mully says excited to rat me out. Mom stares at me and I just give her a little smile. "That was 14 years ago." I shrug my shoulders. Everyone at the table laughs. "Damn you guys were some bad kids." Gaege laughs. I snap my head towards him and give him a blank stare. "Excuse me?" I ask taken aback. "You were bad with us." I point out. Everyone looks at me confused. "Remember your first trip to Australia?" I pause to let him think but he doesn't remember. "You were 20, I was 22, Mully was 25 and Josh was 28. Because you were the only one underage we had to sneak you into 3 clubs the night we went out." I remind him. Josh and Mully both make that face that says they remember too. "Oh my god I remember that, how the hell did we even pull that off!" Josh gets excited. Juicy just stares at me. "That was 5 years ago I'm a changed man." He crosses his arms and sticks his chin up in the air. "No you're just legal now." I tease. Everyone laughs again. "Whatever we were all troubled youth." Gaege jokes. "I wasn't." Grant points out. Mully looks up from his plate. "Yeah you couldn't be military boy." Mully chuckles. Grant has an offended look on his face. "I was property of the government I had to be good." Grant defends himself. "Couldn't you be a troublemaker when you were younger tho?" Eddie ask. Grant shakes his head no sadly. "No I was in the JROTC program." Gaege holds in a laugh. "You sure they don't still have some sort of ownership over you?" "Man I don't know, they might." Grant jokes. We all chuckle.
11:16 am
Back at the house after breakfast:
I hear a knock on my door then my mother's voice. "Sweetheart can I come in?" I jump off my bed to open the door for her. "Yeah come on in Mom." I smile opening the door for her. She enters my room and looks around in awe. "Oh sweetheart this room is gorgeous." She walks to the bay window. "Yeah isn't it? Grant set everything up I just added a few personal decorations." I explain taking a seat next to her on the bench. We sit in silence for a second just looking out the window. The sky is clear and the sun is shining bright, it's almost 100 degrees outside but the air in my room is cool. "So about that Gaege." She looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "What about him?" I ask completely confused. She smiles wide. "How did you guys get together? Is he nice? Am I getting grandbabies?" She ask excitedly. My eyes go wide with raised eyebrows. "Mom Gaege isn't my boyfriend!" I laugh, it's kinda funny mom got Gaege and Josh confused considering Josh was always around when we were teenagers. "Oh god I'm so sorry honey." She says embarrassed. I laugh it off. "It's okay." "So who is the boyfriend?" She ask sitting up straighter. I smile just thinking about him. "Josh is." She gives me a weird look. "Really?" I frown my eyebrows. "Yes? Why?" I ask really confused. "He just doesn't seem like your type." She pauses. "And you and that Gaege boy seem to have a lot of chemistry." She says in that mother knows best tone. I shake my head no. "No Mom me and Gaege are just really good friends, he's like my best friend." I explain. "Okay" is all she says. We turn back towards the window.
"So tell me about Josh." She says after a while. "Well he's really nice and he's such a gentleman. And he knows how to communicate his feelings." I smile brightly. "Well that's good not a lot of men can do that."
Juicy's POV:
"Go get Y/N and my mom please." Mully orders me. I nod my head and run up the stairs. I stop at the door. "So about that Gaege." I hear Mrs. Jonas say. I quietly move closer to the door. I can barely hear what's being said inside the room because the guys are being loud downstairs. "Mom Gaege isn't my boyfriend!" I hear Y/N say a little louder after not being able to hear anything for a couple seconds. Her mom thinks we're together? That's crazy. "Josh is." Y/N tells her mom firmly. I put my ear up to the door so I can hear everything being said. "He just doesn't seem like your type." Mrs. Jonas pauses. "And you and that Gaege boy seem to have a lot of chemistry." Mrs. Jonas says. I take a step back from the door. She thinks we have chemistry? I mean, I know we do but no one else has ever said anything. At least not to me. Not Josh. Not Mully. Eddie always gives us this weird overly happy smile but I always ignore it. I always try to hold back when hanging out with Y/N, especially when other people hang out with us. No one can ever know my feelings for Y/N. It would ruin everything, I would ruin everything. Josh would be so mad, I would lose my friendship with Y/N and I would have to move out and leave the boys in embarrassment. I put my ear back up to the door. "Well that's good, not a lot of men can do that." I make out Mrs. Jonas speaking. "Yeah Josh knows how to do everything right. He's pretty amazing." Y/N chuckles. I back away from the door and knock. "Hey Mully wanted you guys to come down." I explain slowly popping my head into the room. Y/N gives me a smile. "Be right there Juicebox." I nod my head and slowly close the door behind me. Before I walk away I can hear Mrs. Jonas laugh a little. "I would think again about that one. I think you might have lied to yourself sweetheart." I pause for a moment on the stairs making sure I heard Mrs. Jonas right. I quickly start going down the stairs again when I hear movement in Y/N's room. I swing around the corner when I make it downstairs. I walk down the small hallway to the living while trying to keep my composer. Y/N could have feelings for me too, Mrs. Jonas said it herself."They said they'll be down in a minute." I walk into the living room relying Y/N and Mrs. Jonas's message to Mully. I plop down onto the couch next to Eddie. The guys are playing Mario cart on the very large TV. "I gotta ask you something about your best friend." I whisper to Eddie while the other guys are distracted by the game. Y/N tells me everything, but she can't tell me about me. So she tells the person she used to tell everything to. Right? "My best friend? You mean your best friend?" Eddie whispers back in a very sassy tone. I look at him shocked "Are you accusing me of being a best friend stealer?" I ask in an offended tone putting my hand where my heart is. Eddie nods his head yes. "Yes, yes I am." He gives me a blank stare. I put my lips in a straight line looking very awkward. "Well we can share." I give him an awkward smile jokingly. Eddie chuckles. "Nah dude I'm joking, of course me and Y/N are still best friends." I let out a breathing. "Good that means you can help me out." I say with raised eyebrows. Eddie would never tell me anything that Y/N tells him so I have to be very convincing. "I'm going to get a drink, anyone want anything?" Eddie says standing up. "Yeah can you grab me a beer?" Grant ask. "Yeah grab me one too." Mully adds. "Me too." Josh says. None of them ever looking away from the TV. "Juicy come help me." Eddie says nodding his head towards the living room doorway. He was trying to get us away from the guys. "Yeah sure man." I say trying to sound normal. I stand up and follow Eddie to the kitchen. "Okay what is it?" Eddie ask with a raised eyebrow. I take a seat on one of the stools, Eddie walks to the fridge. "I just wanted to ask you-" before I could ask Y/N and her mom were coming down the stairs. "They're in the living room." I smile at Y/N as they pass the kitchen. She just gives me a small smile back. "So what were you going to ask?" Eddie ask once Y/N is far enough from the kitchen. I watch as he opens each beer. "I was just gonna ask you... I was just wondering..." Eddie just stared at me as I was building up the courage. "Do you know if Y/N has feelings for anyone?" I finally ask. Eddie looks at me confused with frowned eyebrows. "Yeah...Josh." He says confused. "Well yeah of course but I meant like anyone other than Josh?" I ask awkwardly. Eddie's eyes go wide. "You wanna know if she likes you." He smirks. I look down at my phone that is sitting on the counter in front of me. "No. No. No." I shake my head no aggressively. His smirk grows bigger. "You think she likes you." I look back up. "Does she?" I ask in despair. He just shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know dawg." But he says it with a bit of a smile like he definitely does know. "Eddie does she?" I'm begging for an answer. He grabs 3 beers like he's about to walk out the kitchen. I stand up quickly. "Eddie please tell me." I beg. He gives me a sad look. "I wish I could man but it's not my business to tell, and don't forget she is dating Josh so the answer really wouldn't matter." And just like that he walks out the kitchen. I grab the two other beers and two white claws for me and Y/N. I make my way back to the living room hiding my face of distress. "Here you go." I smile handing the drinks out. "Momma Jonas do you want anything?" Josh looks back at Mrs. Jonas who is sitting on the couch next to Y/N. She smiles at him then looks at Y/N. Y/N gives her mom a "I told you" kind of smile. "Yes sweetheart, can one of you lovely boys grab me a cup of coffee?" She ask the room as a whole. Josh gets up from his seat quickly. "I'll be right back with that ma'am." He's sucking up to the mom, smart move. I take my seat next to Eddie on the couch.
Later that day:
5:46 pm
"Love can you grab me a shirt?" Josh ask from inside the bathroom. Juicy looks down at me, he's sitting up against the headboard of my bed. I look up at him asking him to do it with my eyes. I'm laying on my stomach in the middle of the bed and I really don't want to move. I roll my eyes when Juicy shakes his head no. I roll over to the edge of the bed and just slide off. I lay on the ground for two or three seconds before getting to my feet. I grab one of Josh's shirts out of my closet. I enter the bathroom attached to my room. He watches me walk across the room from inside the shower. I show him that I'm putting the shirt next to his other clothes on the counter. He's getting dressed into pajamas just like the rest of the house is doing. We're going to watch a movie together with my mom in the theater room. "Thank you." He opens the shower door a bit and puckers his lips. It's in a cute funny way and not in a cringe way. I giggle a little before placing my lips on his. When we pull away he closes the door. "I love you." He shouts before I leave the bathroom, I smile to myself. I exit the bathroom and see Juicy has now taken up the whole bed. He's laying in the middle of the bed on his stomach, his legs are spread apart like a star. His head is turned to the side with his arm under it like a pillow. His hand that isn't under his head is holding up his phone so he can see it. "Excuse me sir." I say poking the shoulder nearest to me. It shakes his whole arm causing his phone to shake. He looks up at me without moving and just ignores me. "You gonna move over?" I ask with a bit of an attitude. He ignores me again. "Fine." I climb onto the edge of the bed and stand up. I walk to the foot of the bed and stand in between his stretched out legs. I lean over and slowly lower myself onto his back. He lets out an exaggerated grunt. My torso is lined up with his, my arms flopped down onto the bed, my legs balancing on top of his and my head to the side stacked on top of his. He continues to scroll through instagram like there isn't a whole person laying on him. I just lay there and watch his screen. After a couple minutes we hear the bathroom door open but neither of us move. "Juicy wouldn't move over?" Josh ask with a chuckle seeing us stacked like blocks. I'm so glad Josh isn't the jealous type, any other boyfriend would be so mad that his best friend and girlfriend are so close. But Josh knows that we are strictly platonic and he trust me. "Guys come down we're making snacks!" Grant shouts from downstairs. I jump off of Juicy and fly down the stairs, the two boys are right behind me.

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