My Girlfriend Is Not Your Best Friend

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10:22 pm
Josh's POV:
I yawn and look to my side. Everyone is gathered around in the theater room eating popcorn and other snacks with the lights off and our 4th movie of the night playing on the big screen. I smile to myself when my eyes land on Y/N. Me, her and Juicy are sitting on the couch farthest from the screen while everyone else is spread around on the 2 couches in front of us. The theater room is set up like a real movie theater just smaller and instead of chairs there is 3 large couches.
Y/N is sitting up straight criss-crossed intentionally watching the movie, Juicy is on the other side of her in the same position. They are clearly the ones that picked this movie. I have no idea what it is though. Juicy and Y/N laugh in unison at the same scene, it annoys me for some reason. It annoys me even more when they do it again and Grant turns around in his chair and mouths "I told you" to me. He's referring to when he told me Y/N and Juicy might be getting a little too close. I just stare at him annoyed. "You're wrong." I mouth back. I want to so badly believe those words when I say them but part of me has this feeling and seeing what Grant pointed out just gets me so angry. I turn my attention back to the movie sloughing down into the couch. My eyebrows are frowned and I'm staring at the screen angrily. My shoulders are tense and my jaw is clenched. I feel her look at me, a couple seconds later she's throwing my arm over her shoulder and laying her head on my chest. "You okay handsome?" She ask me with a sweet voice. I look down at her but I can only see the top profile of her face. I feel my face and body physically relax. I wrap my arm around her tighter and place a kiss on the top of her head. "Yeah, I'm good now." I feel her smile against my chest.
1:54 am
Gaege's POV:
I wake up and look around, everyone is sleeping. Mrs. Jonas must have put a blanket on each of us before going to bed. I look over and Y/N is sleeping in a very uncomfortable position. She's sitting up straight with her head hanging down. Josh is also sitting up but his head is flopped over facing Y/N. I get to my feet and stretch. I turn off the movie playing since everyone else is sleeping but I keep the dim lights on. I walk over to Y/N and carefully take the blanket off her not wanting to wake her up. I scoop her up off the couch and hold her bridal style. She stirs in her sleep a bit but doesn't wake up, I leave the room without waking anyone else up. I carry Y/N all the way to her room. I place her on her bed, she stays asleep so I throw a blanket over her. I go to her bathroom to grab her retainer. She would be so mad if she slept without it in. I walk back to the bed and lightly tap her shoulder. She wakes a little so I place the retainer case in her hand. She instinctively puts her retainer on then drops her head back onto the pillow falling asleep again. I walk to the other side of the bed and crawl in, I use a different blanket out of respect for Josh. I would've woken him up but he hates when people wake him up.
4 am:
Josh's POV:
I slowly open my eyes yawning. I stretch my arms above my head while looking around the room I am in. I must have fallen asleep during the movie, well actually it looks like everyone did. I look to my left again realizing Y/N and Juicy are missing. My blood starts to boil, I swear to god if he is in her room. I run up the stairs stopping at the top where Y/N's door is. I take a deep breath and open the door. Y/N is sound asleep with Juicy next to her also sound asleep. They are under two different blankets and they are facing their backs towards each other but I'm still pissed off. I walk to the side of the bed Juicy is facing. "Alright Gaege get up." I command. He stirs in is sleep. "Gaege get the hell up!" I whisper yell at him. He opens his eyes. "What?" He ask confused lifting his head then rubbing his eyes. "Get the hell out of my girlfriend's bed." I say a little louder than a whisper. He sits up fully. "What's your problem?" He ask with a bit of an attitude. "Get the hell out Gaege!" I yell. Y/N sits up fast. "What's going on?" She says in a hushed voice. "Why is Gaege in here?!" I ask screaming. "Because I always am, what's your deal man?" Gaege says making a stank face at me. "That's my deal! You're always around!" I throw my hands up. "Like why are you even sleeping in here!?" Gaege frowns his eyebrows at me with a confused look on his face. "Y/N was sleeping in an uncomfortable position so I carried her up to bed." He says like it's nothing. "That doesn't mean you have to sleep in here with her!" Like thanks for bringing her to bed but you didn't have to stay. "I always do!" Gaege stands up now. Y/N has just been watching us, listening to everything with her knees brought up to her chest. "You could've just woken me up! I'm perfectly capable of carrying my own girlfriend to her room!" Gaege just looks at me. "You hate when people wake you up." He gives me a "are you dumb?" kinda look. "If it's for her you can wake me up." I say looking past Gaege and back at Y/N. She looks upset and now I feel bad. "Gaege all I'm saying is leave my girlfriend alone she's not your best friend and she's not your girlfriend." I say in a harsh tone. Gaege walks past me pushing me a little and leaves the room. "Are you mad at me?" Y/N ask once Juicy closes the door behind him. "No love I'm not, I'm just a bit upset and uncomfortable with how close you and Gaege are getting." I explain calmly. I lower my self onto the bed next to her. She scoots towards me so I throw my arms around her. "I'm sorry I'll distance myself a bit." She says into my chest. I squeeze her tightly and place a kiss on her forehead.

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