Is There Chemistry?

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1:36 pm
That same day:
"Baby! Juicy! Food is here!" I hear that voice call out. That voice that makes my heart beat faster and causes the butterflies in my stomach to go crazy. Me and Gaege stop laughing at whatever we were laughing at. "Thank god, I'm so hungry" Juicy sighs. We just got done sorting all his clothes and we were about to start hanging everything on hangers. "Me too!" I groan putting the hanger in my hand down. I watch as Gaege gets up off the floor and to his feet. He puts his hands behind his head and stretches. He groans a little while doing so. His shirt lifts a little and I can see the waistband to his boxers and the "V" shape of his waistline. I quickly look away, I don't know why I found that attractive but I did. He walks over to me after stretching and puts out his hand. "Come on let's go eat, we can come back to this." I take his hand and he helps me to my feet. We make our way downstairs and into the kitchen where everyone is at. "God I'm so hungry!" Juicy groans out. Juicy and I jump up onto the counter at the same time. "So eat dawg! It's right in front of you!" Eddie says and we all laugh. "Can't, too far." Juicy groans reaching his arm out and waving it up and down in the air. "Here baby." Josh smiles handing me a plate. "Thank you." I smile back and take the plate. Juicy looks at us then at Narrator who is standing right next to the stove. Gaege looks at Narrator angrily and points at me and Josh. Grant gives Gaege a confused look. Gaege points at us again then at the pizza boxes sitting on top of the stove. Grant has a moment of realization and you can see it all over his face. He grabs a plate and puts a slice of pizza on it. "Here you go honey bunch." Grant smiles at Juicy. Juicy snatches the plate and rolls his eyes at Narrator. "Took you long enough." He says annoyed. I try to hold my laugh in but Eddie speaks up "So Juicy is clearly the bottom." We all die laughing. "I am not! I'm just a moody top!" Juicy yells out in defense. "Sure you are." I lean over and pat Juicy on top of the head.
After we are done eating:
"Come on Juice." I say getting up from my seat. He stops listening to the guys that are sitting around the kitchen island talking. "Coming ma'am." He says getting up from his seat. Josh does too and I look at him confused. "I'll come help you guys." He smiles at me. I smile back "That would be amazing babe." I pause and look at Juicy. "I feel like we've been up there forever." I laugh slightly. Gaege laughs too "You're the one that wanted to do this." He rolls his eyes. I ignore him and head for the stairs, I can hear the two boys following behind.
2:43 pm
"Oh my god it's so hot!" Josh groans. He's not wrong this Texas heat is something else. It's the summer so it's ten times hotter. Once Josh says that he stands up and crosses his arms in front of him, each hand grabbing the hem of his shirt. He pulls it over his head and throws it down on the floor. My eyes scan his whole body two or three times. His chest is toned and his biceps are huge. He doesn't have abs but he isn't fat either. I would describe his build as a toned dad bod. The hottest build a man can have if you ask me. He notices my eyes wondering and smiles at me. I look away and blush. We're dating and I still act like a school girl with a crush. I feel something lightly brush across my face. I look down and it's his shirt. I look up at him and he's chuckling a little. "You did not just throw your sweaty shirt at me." I say shocked. I pick up the shirt with the tip of my two fingers and fling it back at him. He throws it at me again. I jump to my feet and lunge at him. He wraps his arm around my waist when my feet leave the floor for a second. His other arm quickly wraps around me too but because of how fast he pulled me towards him he falls back. His body cushions the fall for me. I sit up laughing, I'm sitting on his stomach with one of my legs on each side of his body. His back is on the floor and he is staring up at me laughing. I hit him playfully on the chest. "I'm actually going to kill you! That shirt smelt so bad!" I lied, like I said he never smells bad no matter how much he sweats. He chuckles. "I never smell bad and that's a fact." I hit him again. He quickly leans up wrapping his arms around me so he can flip us. Im giggling the whole time. He's now sitting on top of me the way I was sitting on him, he's not at all putting all his weight on me though. I look up at him with a huge smile on my face, he has a matching one plastered on his face. I throw small punches at his stomach. "You always smell bad!" I laugh out.
Gaege's POV:
I turn off the light and close the bathroom door before walking away. I walk down the hall back to my room. I can hear laughing coming from inside, it's her laugh. I hear a deeper laugh too, it's Josh's laugh. I stand outside the bedroom door for a second not wanting to interrupt whatever cute moment they are having. When I don't hear anything for a couple seconds I open the door and walk in. "You always smell bad!" Y/N laughs. I turn the corner and slowly push open the cracked opened closet door. Before I fully open it I can see Josh sitting on top of her with his hands pinning her's to the floor. Once I fully open the door he jumps back getting off of her, he flings his body to the side and takes a seat on the floor next to her. "Am I interrupting something?" I ask with an awkward chuckle. She laughs "No, I was just telling Josh how bad he smells." Y/N pauses and looks at him. "He didn't take it too good." They both chuckle this time. She gets to her feet and he follows. "That container needs to get emptied out we need it for your backpacks." She says pointing to a container on the floor changing the subject. Josh bends down and grabs a garbage bag off the floor. "Here you go Love." He smiles at her. "My job here is done, I need a shower." Y/N takes the bag from him and places a kiss on his cheek before he walks out. She looks at me "Come on Juice we still have work to do!" She says in an enthusiastic way. I take the bag from her and hold it open. "Later we can drop this bag off at a donation bin." Y/N says grabbing the container that we were putting the things I wanted to donate in. She dumps it into the bag I'm holding and I tie it up.
3:36 pm
"Omg we did such a good job!" Y/N says excitedly standing in the middle of the room, she's slowly turning in a circle taking it all in. She stops spinning and looks at me smiling. "Thank you so much." I pause. "I would have never gotten this done without you." I smile. She walks towards me with her arms open. I hug her lifting her off the floor. She wraps her legs around my waist and I hug her tighter. "Thank you Juicy." The smile on my face disappears and is replaced with a confused expression. "For what?" I ask pulling away a little so I can see her face. She can see the confused look on my face. "For being you, I had such a fun day with you." She smiles brightly and hugs me again. "I had a fun day with you too." I say softly. We let go of the hug. I realize I still have her picked up. I slowly let go and her feet touch the ground. "You did such a good job too." I say looking around the room avoiding eye contact. I don't want her to see that my cheeks are red. "We did such a good job." She corrects me. I look down at her and she's already looking up at me. "Wanna go get ice cream?, We did work really hard." I say exaggerating. Her eyes light up. "Oh my god yes!" She says excitedly running towards the closet door. Y/N swings it open and runs through my room. I follow after her down the stairs. We stop at the front door and slip on our shoes. "Anyone want ice cream?" I yell out to the house. Someone's door is heard opening followed by the sound of them running down the stairs. I look up from tying my shoe. Mully is standing there with a huge smile on his face. "Ice cream?" He ask excitedly. "I want Ice cream!" Grant yells as he's running down the stairs. He stops at the bottom of the stairs right next to Mully. They are both smiling at me like little kids. "Anyone else?" I yell out again to the house. "Us!" Eddie yells, Josh and him come flying down the stairs. "Okay so the whole family." Mully says looking around. "Oh I know I'll tell Gabbie to meet us there." Eddie says excitedly. "Oh my god yes! And we can go over to that big park!" Y/N adds to the plans. "Come on let's go." I chuckle grabbing my keys and wallet.
At the ice cream parlor:
Y/N's POV:
I'm standing in line waiting to order. The boys are in front and behind me, Josh is standing next to me holding my hand. Gabbie is also here and we are definitely getting along a lot better this time. "I'll take cookies and cream in a waffle cone." I smile at the worker. "And I'll have mint chocolate chip in a sugar cone." Josh adds. "What an old man flavor." I tease him. "Yeah yeah whatever it's a good flavor." He says brushing me off. We look at each other and smile.
4:21 pm
At the park:
"Oh my god this shit is so good." Grant moans out. He's sitting at a picnic table next to the slide absolutely devouring his ice cream. We all snap our heads towards him. "Mate I promise it's not that good." Mully laughs. Mully and me are sitting on the swings that are across from the slide and picnic table. "No mate I promise it is." Grant mocks Mully's accent. "No dawg it really is that good." Eddie chimes in from the top of the slide. Gabbie is sitting at the bottom of the slide laughing at the guys. We all continue to eat our ice cream. "Can I have a bite of yours?" I ask Juicy with puppy dog eyes. He's sitting on the tire swing that's in the middle of the two normal swings that me and Mully are on. Gaege leans over and puts a spoonful of his ice cream in front of my mouth. I lean forward and eat it. "Oh so good." I say happily. "Why didn't you just get cookie dough?" Gaege pretends to be annoyed. "Because I didn't want cookie dough I wanted cookies and cream." I roll my eyes. "Whatever." Gaege rolls his eyes matching my energy. I lean over and take another spoonful of his ice cream. "I know you did not just do that?" He ask shocked. "But I did." And with that I take another bite from him. "Hold this." He says shoving his ice cream cup into Mully's hands. I jump off the swing and run towards the merry-go-round. Juicy chases after me but stops when I do. We are standing on opposite sides of the merry-go-round, I go to run to my left but he follows my move. I then go to run to my right and he follows again. We are playing "cat and mouse" at this point. "Gaege I'm sorry!" I plead. "Are you really?" He ask with a raised eyebrow. "No!" I yell and run to my left getting away from him. I run to the picnic table where Grant and Josh are sitting, Juicy chases me. When I get to the table I run behind Josh and use him as a human shield. "You can't use your boyfriend as a shield." Juicy chuckles. "Sure I can." I say shrugging my shoulders. Our whole group laughs. "Wow what a good girlfriend." Eddie laughs. I look up at the top of the slide and shoot him a look. Josh tilts his head back and looks up at me. I look down at him "You're a great girlfriend." He smiles. I lean down and place a kiss on his lips. "Ew gross. I give up." Gaege chuckles and walks toward the swings to get his ice cream back from Mully. "It melted!" Gaege whines. I laugh at him. He shoots me a look, I dock behind Josh.

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