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no idea what to call this chapter. so if anyone has ideas to what i can change it to, let me know.

- joes pov -

Yesterday was just perfect. The musical was amazing and spending time together turned out to be better than I feared. I was afraid that she wasn't going to give this friendship thing we are trying a real chance. Everyone knows how stubborn she is, so I'm happy that she is giving me a chance. It's not like we are this married couple in love and all that crap, but we need to get along for the sake of our future. 

There is a knock on my door «do you want to build a snowman. Come on let's go and play. I Never see you anymore. Come out of the door. It's like you've gone away. We used to be best buddies, and now were not. I wish you would tell me why! Do you wanna build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman» Lillys little voice comes through from the other side of the door and that's the best way to start the day. 

Shirtless I walk over and open the door «good morning miss Lilly. When there is snow, I would love to build a snowman with you. We can even get a carrot to make a nose, just like Olaf» I say and crouch down in front of her to get at her level. 

«Joey. You're silly. Where is your shirt? And you have bumps on your tummy. Are you sick? Do you need to go to the doctor?» She says and scrunch her nose. «Those are abs. Or they are technically called abdominal muscles and when someone works out a lot they can stick out a bit. But I'm not sick, I promise» 

She makes me pinky promise so of course I do that. This kid is just adorable, I have a lot of care for her already. I didn't know I could feel like that about a kid, but she is special. 

«I will tell you a secret. I went downstairs and asked Daniel if he could make blueberry pancakes for breakfast. I tried to ask for chocolate chip, but he said mommy would say no. so we agreed to blueberry» she whispers to me, and I chuckle. «Well I love pancakes, so that sounds like a good mission you went on Lilly» I high-five her. 

Taylor comes out of her room in her pajamas and furrow her eyebrows at us. It's a black satin pajama that hugs her body in all the—— stop that thought Joe. She is your friend and that's fragile. You can't be thinking about her that way.

«Are we having a little club out here? How about we go downstairs to eat breakfast?» Taylor says and rub her tired eyes. The three of us head downstairs where the breakfast is ready on the counter for us, and Daniel has left. He has prepared the pancakes, fresh orange juice, milk, and cut up fruit. 

«Mommy see he made us pancakes!» Lilly says twirling around in her Elsa pajamas. 


Lilly goes to play in the playroom after breakfast while Taylor and I sit with our cups of coffee and talk. I really want to get to know her if this friendship thing is going to work. Friends know things about one another. 

«Are you ready for the gala on Friday?» I ask her and she shakes her head «No I hate those things. It makes me anxious. But I don't really have a choice, so I just suck it up» she says with a sigh before asking me. I don't mind those events, before I got married, I was always at parties. After all that was where I meet woman that spent a few hours in my bed having wild sex, but I assume that telling Taylor about that is a bad idea. 

«Is that where you picked up woman?» She says with a smirk and raises her eyebrow. «Well. I'm not going to lie yes. But it never meant anything. Thats the worst part of it, I guess. I was always around people and did whatever the fuck I wanted, but it was also really lonely» I say. I don't even know why I told her about me feeling lonely. One wouldn't think that was an issue for me because I was always surrounded by people. But the thing is that sometimes, the person that seems to have a million friends, are sometimes the loneliest. The only real friend I have is Nate, he doesn't take advantage of me. Nate also calls me out on my crap and tells me what I need to hear and not what I want to hear. Most people tell me what they know I want to hear, but that's not a recipe for a friendship. 

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