home is where the heart is

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- joes pov - 

For hours in the hospital, she cries into my chest, and I whisper soothing words in her ear. She doesnt need to stay here longer than it takes for the infusion of fluids, so we can go home soon. The doctor came in and explained her injuries to me and how to take care of them. She gets strong pain medication for her broken ribs; her wounds need to be cleaned and kept dry.

If she feels the need to, we are to contact a psychologist that specialize in trauma to help her cope with what she has been through, but for now Taylor is refusing it. As much as I think it's a good Idea to go see a professional, I need to respect her choice. It's her trauma so it's up to her. But I did tell her that if it gets out of hand and I see that she really needs it I will tell her that. It's our compromise. 

«Here are your discharge papers that you need to sing. The federal agents and prosecutors will be in touch when they need more information or have updates on your case. But medically unless something more comes up later you are cleared. Keep taking the pain medication for at least two weeks and your ribs should heal in about four weeks. Avoid strenuous physical activity and check in with your primary care doctor if you have any more problems» the doctor that has taken care of her while she has been here comes in and says. 

Taylor signs the papers and we are free to leave this place. «I brought you a change of clothes» I say and kiss her forehead. I don't know exactly what she has been through, so I'm being careful with her because I don't want to make things worse. When she is ready to tell me about it, she will, I don't want to push her before she is ready. When she is ready to talk to me, I will drop whatever else I'm doing and give her all the time she needs to get everything off her chest. Lilly and Taylor are my priorities in life. 

I didn't tell Lilly that her mom is home, she was at the ice rink when I got the call, and I didn't want to pull her out before I knew what state Taylor was in. Of course I would have gone home and got her if Taylor needed to stay here, but since she doesn't need to its better for them to reunite at home where they both feel safe. Being in a hospital and seeing her mommy in bad shape would probably be distressing. 

Taylor takes off her gown to put on her clothes and I see the extent of the damage to her body. There are bandages over cuts that got stitches and i see a lot of bruising. She looks thin and her hands are shaking as she tries to pull her clothes on. «Do you want my help love?» I ask her and she turns around with tears in her eyes nodding. 

I get her panties and help her step into them, she chooses not to wear a bra because her chest hurts already and put on the joggers and a simple long sleeve black tee that I brought her. I was considering bringing her favorite pair of tights, but I figure that something that didn't fit too tightly would be more comfortable. 

«Let's go home my love. You're safe now and I'm here» I say, and she shockingly walks towards me stopping right in front of me. «Kiss me Joe» she says with tears in her eyes. I gently cup her head determined to not hurt her or scare her, then I press my lips gently to her soft pillow like lips. It's not a passionate kiss, it's a soft and sensual one that sends tingles all over my body. 

We get to the apartment and Taylor stops outside the door «how do I look? Do you think I'm going to scare her?» She asks nervously and I shake my head. «You look beautiful. We will explain the bruising, Taylor. But I think it will fade into the background when she sees you» I say. 

When we walk into the apartment there are children feet running towards us, you can hear its Lilly by how soft and small they are. «Joey I did—» She starts before her eyes widen «mommy» she screams. 

- taylors pov - 

Seeing Lilly makes the circle complete; I have the two most important people in my life right in front of me. she cries as she runs into my arms, I sit down on my knees to properly bring her into my arms. «My baby girl. I love you to the moon and to Saturn» I coo her as she sobs. 

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