dress shopping

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A/N so Im working on the plot for this book. I have most of it But filling it in. Anyway. If anyone has any ideas coment them here or send me a message.

-taylors pov- 

When I get home to my apartment, I let my nanny leave for the day. Our nanny Janet picks up Lilly from school and takes her home until I'm done at work. At the beginning I felt so guilty that I couldn't be there to pick her up, but I also know that it's good for her to see that her mom works hard. 

«Hi sweetie. How was school?» I ask as I'm making dinner for us. she is now in her second week of first grade at a private elementary school right here in New York City. It's actually close to my office and it will be close to the apartment that my parents and josephs parents are making us movie into together. Our mothers have spent their time picking out decorations and furniture for the apartment, as well as the details for the wedding the last couple of motnths. While they have been doing that our fathers have plotted the merger all under our noses. 

«It was good. easy so far. What are were having for dinner?» She says and comes up behind me, so I pick her up and set her on the counter next to me. «Well I thought I might make some simple pasta Bolognese if that's something the princess of the house would want» I say playfully. She agrees to that idea and sit and talk about her day while I make dinner. 

The whole way home from my parents I thought about how to bring all of this up with her. In two days, we will be moving, and she will have a new person in her life, my new husband. if I was getting married to a longtime boyfriend it would probably be easier to explain, but I'm getting married to someone I don't personally know. How am I supposed to answer all her questions about this person? Besides, the few things I know, especially about him having one nights stands with anything that breaths, isn't appropriate to tell a six-year-old. 

I also wonder what he is thinking about all of this, both the marriage and the fact that his new wife comes with a six-year-old. He might have taken it harder than me, or he might have jumped at the idea because he wants the position that badly. All I know is that I got a text from my mom the second I walked in the door that told me that he said yes too. He can't be happy about being a stepfather though, I don't see him as someone that would jump of joy to have a six-year-old in his life that he doesn't know. 

After dinner I set her down on the couch with me to finally tell her about what's going to happen in two days. «Sweetie I need to tell you something» I say and brush her hair out of her face. Her long, light brown hair falls around her shoulders framing her beautiful little face. 

«I went to grandma and grandpa today, and they told me something that's going to happen in two days. Mommy is getting married to someone, and his name is Joseph, but from what I know he refers to himself as Joe» I rip of the band aid and wait for her reaction. She scrunches her nose and furrow her eyebrows at the same time. «Why? You don't have a boyfriend anymore» 

«I know I don't. But grandma and grandpa think that it's important that we get married soon even though we haven't been boyfriend and girlfriend. It might sound a bit silly to get married to someone you don't know, but mommy has to do this for grandma and grandpa» I say, and she snuggles into my side. 

I tell her about the new apartment we are going to have, and how we are going to live there with Joe. She is going to attend the same school as she does now and I'm going to do everything I can to keep her life as close to normal as I can. 

Just talking about all of this makes me want to break down in tears, but I can't do that in front of my daughter. The last thing I want her to do is see this like I see it. She needs to feel comfortable in the new apartment and around Joseph. If I tell her how sad I am about this she would get upset too. When you become a parent, you need to set your Childs well-being before your own, that's just how it is. 

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