skating and a child in a mans body

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- taylors pov - 

Its November and the crisp fall air is about to turn into chilly winter months. But today we are going to bundle up and go out in the cold weather because the three of us are going to spend a day together doing fun things. 

I'm wearing burgundy pants, a navy-blue coat with a sweater under, boots and a scarf to keep he safe from the cold. On Lillys request I'm also wearing a beanie because she thought it was unfair that she had to if I didn't. We are going to Central Park so a beanie and gloves isn't a bad idea actually. It's going to be cold, and we are going ice-skating before we go shopping. Lilly is wearing a similar outfit to me, and I made sure that she had fleece under her clothes to keep her safe from the cold air outside. 

«Mommy we are going skating!» She says as both Joe and I hold her small hands and swing her as we walk into the park. «We are. Isn't that fun? It's been a while since we last skated» 

«Joey, have you skated before? Mommy is really good. Last time she only feels twice» she says, and I blush. I'm really not good at skating, in fact I think I'm flat out bad, but whatever. Lilly loves it so I'm not going to be stubborn and not do it with her. 

«I have and I think it's really fun. My brother and I used to come here and skate a lot when we were kids» he says, and she seems really happy with that. 

We brought our own skates, so I help Lilly put them on before I put on mine. Our skates are those figure skating skates that have the stupid rigged thing in the front that has made me fall several times. I'm just happy I've never broken a bone while I've fallen on these things because that would be embarrassing. Lilly is actually pretty good on her skates and doesn't fall much. We asked her if she wanted the penguin thing to hold onto, but she looked at us and laughed, of course she didn't want that. 

«Don't let me fall please» I say as Joe help me on the ice. «Mommy you can do it. Look its easy» Lilly says and skate around but keep close to us as there are a lot of other people here that had the same idea as us today. 

«You won't fall, I'll hold your hands Taylor» Joe says and wrap an arm around my waist holding me close to him as we move forward. Lilly is in her own little world skating around and sometimes skating in circles trying to do pirouettes like the people she sees on tv. Obviously she doesn't know how to do the pirouettes, but she is giving it a good try and not falling. 

I'm actually getting the hang of this so Joe moves to hold my hand instead of holding my waist. It feels nice to have his big hand hold mine securely, it just feels right and safe. Every day I trust him more and more, and the feelings are bubbling inside me. What I'm going to do with those feelings I don't know because it terrifies me. Romantic feelings have never done me any good, it always ends in pain and heartbreak. We are finally getting along, and I don't want that ruined, so I'm going to keep my mouth shut and hope the feelings pass. 

I can see some people have spotted us and are taking pictures, but I try to block it out. We are doing something normal people do, and if people want to disrupt their day to take pictures be my guest. I'm not going to let that ruin my day because I'm having fun. 

«Mommy I'm a ballerina on ice. Joey look what I can do» Lilly says as she tries to twirl. «Wow you're so good Lilly. Just like the girls on the tv» I say, and she looks so proud. A white lie to your child can do good, that's something you learn early in parenthood. 

As I'm watching Lilly, I can feel his eyes burning into me, he is looking at me, but I don't dare to look at him. If I look at him right now, I might cave to my feelings that I'm trying to run from. Besides he doesn't feel the same way, he sees me as a friend and someone he is forced to be connected with. And I haven't exactly been too kind to him either, until recently that is. We are friends now; no longer enemies and I don't know if we would ever go further than that. His hand in mine feels like its burning when he opens my palm and intertwine our fingers sending tingles through my body and a blush on my cheeks. He leaves me wondering what this means, why he is doing what he is doing, but I will probably never get answers about that. 

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