photoshoot and kisses

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- taylors pov - 

I'm in a hair and makeup chair getting ready for a photoshoot for vogue. They approached our fathers because we are aperently a power couple in the business world because our marriage brought a lot of attention and business to the companies, so they wanted to do a cover and interview with us. The merger of the companies resulted in the biggest hotel empire in the world, which obviously resulted in a lot of media attention. The problem is that I hate stuff like this, I hate interviews and photoshoots, but I don't have a choice. When our fathers say that we have to do this there is no point in arguing because I know it's not up for discussion. 

They want the cover to be us together and inside they want some pictures together and some individually. Vogue is a big deal, even I know that, so I'm just playing along with what they are doing to my hair and face. The only thing I said is that I refuse to be made into some sort of sex symbol. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean that it has to be pictures that dudes want to jerk off too. I'm a businesswoman who is secure in her sexuality, but there is also so much more about me than that. Thankfully Joe had my back in regard to all that, he wants me to be comfortable and we talked about it at home. 

«You are gorgeous Taylor. Natural beauty is rare these days» the makeup artist says, and I thank him. They have been complementing my face, my hair and my body all day yesterday when I had to try on the clothes to make sure it was a good fit. It took some convincing to get them to call me Taylor and not Mrs. hilton. To me that's just way too formal, I prefer in settings like these to just be called Taylor. 

They finish up and I step into the dress they want me to wear. It's beautiful I will give them that. It has sheer parts and is sexy, but it isn't that revealing either. It's a good compromise dress because it makes me out to be something more than just a pretty face. 

Stepping into the studio again they are finishing up joes' solo shoots. I've already done mine so now it's time for us to shoot together. he looks handsome in the suit they chose for him, but he looks handsome in anything. 

Things are going really well between us these days. We take any alone moment to interlock our lips, snuggle or just talk. I'm getting to know more about him, and I like what I'm hearing. We have more things in common than I thought we would have, even though we are so different. 

«Joe, Taylor, take a ten-minute break while we get ready for the next set of pictures» the photographer says and Joe steps out of the blinding lights and towards me with his big goofy smile that show of those cute dimples. 

«Your beautiful love» he says and give me a hug «says you handsome. I love this suit» I say as I take a up close look at what he is wearing. Our outfits are matching, but there is an obvious reason for that. 

«You doing okay?» He mumbles and I nod «yeah. Just tired. Ready to get home to my girl and the three of us snuggling on the couch. She wants to watch Encanto again» I say, and he chuckles. «Cuddles can be arranged for both of you when we get home. She asked me for hot chocolate too so of course the princess of the house gets that» 

Lilly has Joe wrapped around her little finger and its adorable. She has never had a male figure in her life, so having Joe means a lot to both of us. Joe isn't her father, but he is becoming a father figure to her. Technically he is her stepfather if you want to get really technical about it. But a piece of paper doesn't automatically make a person that's going to have a positive impact on someone. 

«She has you wrapped around her little finger. And I love it» I say, and he caress my face «I tucked her into bed last night and she said «I love you joey» and my heart grew a size that's for sure» hearing the word love scares me, but I make sure to not let it show. Of course, Lilly loves him, and she has an easier time saying that than me. I'm for sure not in the love phase with Joe right now, but I truly care about him and enjoy his company. It's going to take me a while to let my heart open like that, if it ever even opens that much and let him in. Letting someone in that close to my heart isn't easy for me after everything that has happened in the past. 

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