the club

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- taylors pov - 

I cannot believe I agrees to this... I'm not a person that goes to parties, but Selena, Nate and Joe are dragging me with them to a club tonight. they had to do some serious convincing to get me to go with them, but when the three of them were all persisting, I didn't really have a choice. they better not leave me alone though, there are creepy people at those places even though we are in the VIP section.

But since clubbing isn't really my thing, I don't really know what to wear. Dressing for a Gala or the office isn't a problem, but a club is new territory. God I don't sound like a 25-year-old, that's for sure. 

Eventually I settle for a long-sleeved crop top and a high waisted tight skirt that goes to the middle of my thigh. Both things are black because I figure that you can't go wrong with black. 

«You ready love?» Joe says as he comes into my bedroom, and I nod. His eyes wander up and down my body and I can't help but feel flattered from him clearly checking me out. We have a romantic thing going on that I don't even know what to call, but I like that he seems to find me attractive at least.  «As ready as I could be I guess» 

We arrive at the club with intertwined hands and head to the VIP section where Selena and Nate are already waiting for us. But when we get there, they are full on making out and I clear my throat «hi to you too» I say and when they pull away Selena is blushing, and they both are out of breath. 

«Let them be love. If you're jealous I will be more than happy to suck face with you too» Joe whispers in my ear making me shiver. I'm sure he wouldn't mind making out, but we have been doing that a lot lately and I've finally stopped flinching when he kisses me. Kissing him feels like soft pillows against my own lips, our lips are like puzzle pieces fitting together perfectly like they were always meant to be. It might sound poetic, but I grew up as a hopeless romantic reading a ton of slow burn romance books sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for couples to realize that they are indeed in love. 

«What do you want to drink?» The bartender comes over and ask us. Joe orders a Whiskey on ice while I order a vodka Diet Coke. if I'm going to have a cocktail and not just white wine, I joke vodka Diet Coke or a mojito. If I'm going to be here and drink, I intend to get at least a little tipsy and dance with my best friend. 

Dua lipa's song «new rules» fills the room and Selena and I sway our hips while the boys are sitting on the couch talking. We aren't alone in the VIP section, there are a few girls here with big boobs and mini dresses and a couple guys too. I'm a horrible dancer, that's a known fact if you know me, but anyone can sway their hips, I guess. The only dancing, I know is ballroom because I was forced to learn it since I attended a lot of galas all of my life and it would be embarrassing to not know what to do when I was asked to dance. 

Selena and I are screaming the lyrics at the top of our lungs along with the rest of the crowd, swaying our hips and drinking our drinks. 

«One: Don't pick up the phone, you know he's only callin' 'cause he's drunk and alone. Two: Don't let him in, you have to kick him out again. Three: Don't be his friend. You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the mornin'. And if you're under him, you ain't gettin' over him»

Mostly I love musicals and songs with powerful vocals, but who doesn't love themself some catchy music too. Sometimes when I do laundry, especially folding it because it's boring, I blast some music and dance around the laundry room to keep me entertained. 

After the song is done, I turn to Joe but see a girl I don't know sitting way to close to him and clearly flirting with him. Joe isn't pushing her off which makes me pissed. I excuse myself from Selena and walk over before sliding down on his lap wrapping my arms around his neck. «Hi there HUSBAND, who are you talking to when you could be kissing your wife?» I emphasis the word husband to get this bitch to leave my man alone. My man? Way to sound possessive Taylor, but whatever. He is my husband, and I don't want other girls flirting with him, especially when he doesn't push her away. 

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