can i be your father?

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- taylors pov - 

It's a Sunday today and we are going to talk to Lilly about Joe adopting her. It's a big deal and if Lilly says it's okay, we are going to go into our lawyer's office tomorrow and draw up the paperwork. It's obviously a process so after we sign the paperwork and draw up a plan then it will get sent to a judge who will approve it. We need to go talk to that judge and sign the papers in person and then if all goes to plan Lilly will officially have two parents. 

So this morning we made special chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast which we only do on special occasions. I don't make it a habit to feed my daughter chocolate for breakfast, she needs something more fueling to get through her schooldays. 

Lilly is also on summer vacation now, but she is taking this figure skating summer camp for the next few weeks four times a week, so she is going there tomorrow while we are at the lawyer's office. We gave her the option if she wanted to or not, but she really did, and her coach recommended it. She already finished the beginner's course and is now going to move up to the next level as well as keep her private lessons. She is advancing faster than anyone thought, but it's probably because she has private lessons.

Actually, after talking with her coach, and since Lilly wanted to, she is going to be doing privates twice a week and one class moving forward after the summer camp. She really loves it and awe want to support her in that. then we are trying to take her to the rink one more day if we can for her to practice and us to have fun as a family on either Saturday or Sunday. she is much better at skating than either one of us, but it's also fun for us to see her and do it with her. I'm not trying any of her spins or cool tricks, but at least I can skate without falling flat on my face or ass. Joe has also improved, and he can skate without holding onto the wall or our hands now. 

«We are going skating today» Lilly smiles as she digs into her pancakes. «We are. It's going to be fun» 

We are packing lunch with us and eating it at the rink so we can be there for a few hours if she wants to. It's a good time for the three of us to spend as a family and I take any opportunity to do that. She is growing up and soon enough she won't want to hang out with her parents that much. Now she is seven years old and a few months, we are getting closer and closer to those tween years, and I want to savor the moments I can. Soon enough we aren't cool enough thang out with, and she would much rather hang out with her friends. 

«We wanted to talk to you about something before we leave though» I tell her, and she nods. 

We decided that Joe was going to be the one to tell her, so he fiddles nervously with his fingers before he says anything. «I love you Lilly, and we have spent a lot of time together. I love you and I love your mommy. Thats why I wanted to ask you if you would be okay with me adopting you? I'm not taking you away from your mommy, but it would mean that I would be on paper as your dad. And if anything were to happen to your mom you wouldn't be taken away from me. It would mean that you have two parents and that I would share the responsibilities with your mom. But we don't want to do it without your consent» he says, and I he has hesitation written all over his face. The big man is scared of what a seven-year-old would say, its slightly amusing actually. I know how much Lilly loves him, but he Is still nervous. That just shows how much he cares for her. 

«So I would have a mom and a dad?» She says and crock her head to the side clearly thinking about what it would mean. «Yes. You know when a paper says write your mom and dad's name? Then you could write that your mom was Taylor, and your dad was Joe. And I would love for you to be my daughter too if you think that's okay» he says and stammer slightly. 

Lilly starts to giggle «okay. I've never done that before. It sounds fun. Does that mean you will watch more movies with me? And play with my dolls? And sing me to sleep? And read to me? And take me figure skating? And take me to school? And fight away my bad dreams? And love me? And make sure no one is mean to me? And give me ice cream?» She goes on a long rant with all the things she could do with him. Her wiggles increase and she can't sit on her chair so she gets up and dance around the kitchen as she tells us all the things she could do with Joe. 

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