I can't do it without you

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As I am waiting the doctor who took my son, whose name I didn't ask, my mom and Jarnette entered with tears in her eyes I thought they stopped crying but it seems they are crying again "What's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked them "The doctor wants to talk with us" my mom said and then Dr. Garcia entered she looks like she had a hard time "Where is Lizzie? What happened?" I asked her "Y/N you need to sit down" she said and I shook my head "Where is my wife? Where is Lizzie?" I asked again as I feel tears running down my cheeks

Dr. García sat down signaling me to sit down too, so I did it "Where is Lizzie?" I asked once again, not liking how serious she looks I mean I have seen doctor series when they send a doctor like the lead doctor of the surgery it means that something bad happened, I don't want to believe something bad happened I can't. "Please you are killing me" I told her "There were more complications than I expected, as soon as the baby was out there was a lot of bleeding, more than the usual, we lost her two times" she said and I gasped

She took my hand "But we were able to bring her back, it was a rough surgery but she is fine, she is sleeping right now, and hopefully she wakes up on the next 12 hours" she explained to me and I feel like my soul got back, I mean she is alive yeah it was a rough surgery but she is okay, I couldn't help but hug the doctor "Thank you so much" I told her as I hug her tight "Don't thank me yet, we still need to wait for her to wake up, but now it all depends on her" she explained to me "But she will wake up right?" I asked

My mom approached to me an took my hand "Baby Lizzie's surgery was hard, it will take time for her to wake up, it depends on how her body heals or if her body heals" she explained to me but I shook my head "No no, she will wake up, she has to" I told her and she decided to let it go and hug me "I will keep an eye on her, and if you have any doubts don't doubt to call me" she said and I nod "Thanks doc" I thanked her and she nod and smile at me

The doctor of my son came out with him and give him to me again "Congratulations your baby is healthy, have you decided on a name yet?" He asked me and I shook my head "Uhm my wife and I had some ideas but we didn't came with the final name" I told him "Oh that's okay you now can take him to your wife and brainstorm ideas" he said as he pats my shoulder "Sorry what is your name? I didn't ask earlier" I told him "My name is Dr. Pierce, and if you want me I can be the doctor of your baby here is my number if you need something you can call" he said and I smile at him "Thanks"

I showed him to my mom and Jarnette "He is so beautiful" Jarnette said and I nod "He is, he has Lizzie's nose" I pointed out and Jarentte nod "Can I hold him?" She asked and I nod "Sure" I told him as I handed him carefully but then he started carrying making me worried "Ups someone wants to be in mama's arms" Jarentte said as my mom watches him, I know she wants to hold him too. Jarnette seems to notice so she hands him to my mom, but he doesn't stop crying. My mom tried to calm him down but he didn't stop so I took him form my mom's arms

I don't know if he is hurt or something, "Dear is normal for the babies to cry" Jarnette said and my mom nod, I swing him around and he calmed down, he fell asleep holding my little finger, making me smile. "Okay we should go to the room" I said and they both nod, as soon as we approached there was Scarlett but she wasn't in the room "Why didn't you enter?" I asked her and she shrugged "Is he asleep?" She asked "I think so" I told her "He is so cute" she said as she smiles at him

I entered the room and there is Lizzie, it looks like she is sleeping, maybe because she is sleeping, I walked closer to her "Hi my love, we have a very beautiful boy, you need to wake up and see him, he has your nose, and I really hope he has your eyes, he really wants to meet you so please wake up, we still need to choose a name, you were right, we should have decided on one before, now I don't know how to call him I mean I told you I liked the name Joseph but if I'm honest he doesn't look like a Joseph, you know he looks like an Ethan, you said you liked that name and if I'm honest I do too, but hey I will not decide his name alone, that's why I need you to wake up, please" I told her as I feel tears on my eyes

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