Can we make it through

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Lizzie's POV

I thought everything was going to be okay, but I was wrong, I enjoyed my time with Ethan yesterday but of course I miss Y/N as fuck and I'm sure Ethan miss her too. I talked with Scarlett and she already knew but not for Y/N, she knew because of the photos, she was surprised Y/N didn't tell her anything sooner she called her but Y/N didn't answer. I had to explain everything to Scarlett and she understood she didn't attacked me or got angry at me but she said what I already knew, I need to talk with Y/N and fix this

I got excited when I see her name on my screen, maybe she already thought about it and we are going to talk today, both of us calmly and willing to hear each other before assuming things and getting conclusions

Mama bear😻:
Morning, can I go and see Ethan

Morning, you can always come, this is your home we miss you

Mama bear😻:
When can I stop by?

Whenever you want, we will be waiting for you❣️
I hope we can talk too, I'm more calmed and I really want to fix this, please let's not ruin this, we need to talk and move forward, Ethan needs us and I need you, I can't lose you

Okay I guess she is still mad, I just hope we can talk and that she forgive me and also I want to know more about Jackson and what they did while he was there, I know that she would never cheat on me but I really need to know and hear from her, what was he doing there, I know I overreacted about Jackson spending time with Ethan, but I need to know what are Jackson's intentions, I don't trust him and I can't help but feel like he is going to steal my family

Last night Ethan cried more than usual, I know he is so little to even realize what is going on between Y/N and I but I think he knows Y/N is not here and that's why he was crying last night, he knew she wasn't here with us, I couldn't sleep, it's always harder to sleep when I don't sleep with Y/N but knowing that she is hurt and mad at me makes it even harder, I didn't have any sleep, and when I was finally falling asleep, Ethan started crying so I gave up and didn't sleep

I don't know when Y/N will be here, but I'm excited and also nervous, I don't know what is going to happen, I don't know if we are going to be able to talk, I think is my fault but then I remember I didn't do anything wrong, well just telling her those hurtful words, and even though I know she is hurt I can't help but still remember that Jackson was with her, I don't know since when, I can't help but think that he was with her since she got back, I mean while I was working she was enjoying his presence

I know maybe I'm overreacting but still I can't help but think that, I know probably Y/N is thinking the same thing with me and Robbie that's why we need to talk but she isn't answering my texts she is just seeing them and ignoring me. I was sitting outside with Ethan when the door bell rang, I stood up excited but a little nervous, I know I think who it is. I opened the door, and saw her standing there, smiling, for a minute I thought I was the cause of her smile but not long after, I realized she was smiling at Ethan not at me, she hasn't even look at me

She grabbed Ethan from my arms "Do you want to come in?" I asked her, seeing that she is just standing outside the house, she nods hesitantly, but still doesn't look at me, "Do you want something?" I asked her once we are inside and she shook her head, she walked to the garden, and I followed them behind, she sat with Ethan in her arms, I don't really know what to do, should I just go there too? Or should I leave them alone? I think if I leave them alone Y/N will think I don't want to fix things so I walked towards them and sat down too

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