Attachment issues

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Lizzie's POV

Y/N explained everything to me a couple of days after we saw that woman, it was a lot but all of that is in the past, they were never a couple which confused me a lot but when I asked Y/N, she couldn't even explain she just said it was complicated but that they never were a couple, probably they acted like one and did couple things but it was just that

I think they have a lot of unsolved problems and I also think they should solve them but Y/N said it wasn't important anymore she was so angry about it but I know her, she is angry because it hurts her even if she doesn't admit it, what she told me about was beautiful I mean the two of them had a beautiful relationship it was weird that's for sure but it was amazing, so when she told me they never dated it was kind of surprising but also reliving because well I started feeling kind of sad how Y/N had something like that with other person

I decided not to push her to tell me more about her I could see that she really didn't want to talk about that, what I needed to know was why she never told me about this, she said that she forgot about her, that she promised herself she would never talk to her again and that's probably why she never thought of telling me. She also said that some nights she would think about her and this made her upset. And if I'm honest I felt kind of weird that Y/N thought about her I mean I don't know if this was before meeting me

I trust her I do but I couldn't really help but felt insecure about all of that I mean if Dany would have never gone without any explanation what would have happened, would they admit their feelings, because is clearly they had, and get together. She knows me so well so she noticed my insecurities and told me that I could ask her anything. I knew if I didn't ask her I would be overthinking everything and it would be bad so I asked her all the what would have happened if

She laughed though, and then she said that she didn't know, that she can't say what would have happened. That answer didn't help me at all, then she said she is so happy that nothing I told her happened because she is so happy with what happened and where she is at, that she loves the life she got. That was what make me feel okay again, knowing that she really means when she says she is happy with me, she also reassured me that she can't see her life without me on it

I realized that there was no point in thinking all of this, nor having all this insecurities, I know she loves me and I know she is happy I can see it in her eyes, the way she looks at me, they way she looks at our son. We have a family, she decided to get married with me, she decided to have a child with me and I could not be more happy. I know for sure we'll get older together, I know all things end but this story, our story will end with us loving each other

It's almost Christmas, and I haven't told Y/N that our vacation will have to be postponed because of my marvel project, I have to tell her because well she is excited about this and she is already planning some stuff so I have to tell her that after the holidays I might start this project. I know she will be understanding but there's also a slightly problem, I can't be with Ethan, so we'll have to start looking for a nanny or see if our parents can watch him

The bad thing is that my mom is currently in New York with the twins. MK has been acting so weird with Y/N that we didn't even know the twins went back to New York, Y/N feels bad even though I have told her is not her fault, but of course she doesn't believe me she keeps saying that if it wasn't for her, Dany wouldn't have used my sister. I tried to convince her but I can't, and she feels upset about it, MK means a lot to Y/N and so does Ashley I mean my whole family means a lot to her, so it upsets her that MK is acting weird with her

So I'll need to talk to MK about it I can't let my wife be hurt because my sister is giving her the cold shoulder, and I need to tell her to stop being childish I mean it's pretty obvious it wasn't Y/N's fault. So yeah I've got a lot of stuff to do and figure out and that makes me exhausted

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