I'll always be there for you

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Lizzie's POV

It has been three days since Y/N left, the day after she left Scarlett came and told me that Y/N called her drunk she didn't tell me what she said, but she said that Y/N thought she called me but instead she called Scarlett, I begged Scarlett to tell me what she told her but she didn't, and ever since that day no one has seen her, it's like she disappeared, I don't think she would go away without telling anyone I also don't think she would leave Ethan that easy

Ever since I told her I wasn't going to let her see Ethan I regretted it, I regretted it instantly, I don't know why I don't think the things I'm going to say before saying them, I know I fucked up, I know Y/N fucked up, but I don't want to believe this is the end of everything we had. All of us are worried about her, no one knows where she is, the last person who saw her is Aubrey, but Aubrey hasn't heard anything from her since she dropped her at Sofia's house, this reminds me of every single time she went missing and it was because she got kidnapped, I want to think this isn't the case I mean she hasn't been working at the Law Firm so I know for sure she wasn't in dangerous cases

Sofia arrived earlier, she helped me with Ethan and we talked, she said that even if she loves Jackson, she doesn't like what he's doing, I was confused at first, because I didn't know what she meant, I asked her why and she told me that when I was in London Jackson took advantage and told her that he is going to win Y/N back, she also confessed that Y/N was happy but Sofia is sure she is not as happy as when she is with me, I don't know if I should believe her, I mean Y/N told me once her story with Jackson, so I am a little bit worried. Sofia reassured me that I have nothing to worry about, that she knows Y/N will notice she is happier with me

I really want to believe what all she is saying is true I don't want to be away from her, this past three days without her made me realize that I'm happy with her and just her, the bad thing is that I don't know if she wants the same thing I want, I know Scarlett said Y/N wanted to call me the night she got drunk but Scarlett doesn't want to tell me what Y/N told her so I'll have to wait, I know I can wait for her, I know I want to be with her "Still nothing?" Sofia asked as she enters the kitchen "No, I'm starting to get worried" I told her and she nods "Yeah me too, I hope she is okay, by the way Ethan is sleeping and I hope you don't mind but Luca also fell asleep so I put him on the guest room" she said "Oh yeah it's all good don't worry about it you are always welcomed here" I told her and she smile at me

Someone knocked the door, I went to open it with hopes to find Y/N there but it's just Roger "I didn't find her" he said disappointed "I'm going to go look for her can you stay and make sure Ethan is okay please" I requested Sofia and she nods "Do you want me to come?" Roger asked me "No, it's fine you said you didn't find her maybe I can find her" I told him and he accepted. I started driving trying to think places where she can be, I make sure not to go to the same places Roger went, I told him to text me all the places he looked in, I hoped that he didn't search in our cabin but he did, a part of me thought she would be there, Aubrey told me the day she found Y/N, she was in the cabin

I have more places in mind but I don't really think she would go to those places knowing exactly I would look for her in those places, I know she doesn't want to be found and when she doesn't want that, it's so hard to find her. I've look for her in all the places I had in mind but she wasn't there, I tried to call her even though I knew she wasn't going to pick up the phone. I spent hours looking for her but I'm already tired so I came back to the house

As soon as I entered I expected everyone to be sleeping but Luca was awake "Hey Lizzie" she said and I smile at him "Hi Luca" I told him not wanting to tell him that I didn't find her sister "You found her?" He asked me and I sighed "Uhm no I didn't find her, but I will find her soon I promise you, I know she is okay" I told him and he nods "I also know she is okay" he said and I looked at him confused, maybe he is saying that just to be positive but it sounded like he is so sure "Why you say that?" I asked him and he giggled "I'm her little brother and well she gives me what I want" he said

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