Long trip

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Today we are leaving LA, we are nervous because it's a long trip and Ethan will be in his seat for hours so we are afraid he will become overwhelmed and he will start crying and never stop, we are going to make a few stops, but we are going to try not to stop that much because it will be even more tedious. Lizzie really wants to take a lot of things to Texas even though we already have things there, all the things she wants to take with her didn't fit in either of our cars, so we had to buy a new one, and that's why we are just leaving now because we didn't have our new car

Lizzie doesn't like it that much but I fucking love it, I'm changing Ethan while Lizzie continue packing god knows what "It seems that mommy is stressful and she wants to do everything" I whispered to the baby boy who is just looking at me "You know you should smile a little I bet you have mommy's smile, did you know that her smile is the prettiest smile I have ever seen" I told him even though I know he will not answer back he will just stare at me as if I'm crazy "I know you will not smile because I read that babies smile when they are in their second month or third month and you are just two weeks old" I continue talking to him

The door opened is probably Lizzie, "Did you pack your things?" My mom asked me "Oh yes I did, but Lizzie is packing a lot of things more" I told her as I finished changing Ethan "There you are, please don't poop I don't want to change you again, and your poop really kills me" I told him as I give him an Eskimo kiss. As always my mom stole my baby from my arms "You should go help your wife" she said "Oh no she is in hysterical mood, she will just yell at me, it's better if I stay away for a couple of minutes" I told her and she hummed

We sat on the bed, I'm letting her enjoy my baby "Do you want to talk about what happened between you and Lizzie?" She asked me making me confused "What are you talking about?" I asked her "I noticed that you were acting weird with Lizzie in the hospital" she said "Mom that was weeks ago" I told her rolling my eyes "But now you have a son and I don't want you to have problems with her, she is a good person" she explained

I can't believe my mom is telling me this "So you are practically telling me to not hurt Lizzie" I told her and she nod "Yeah of course I'm telling you that, don't hurt Lizzie and whenever you have a problem with her remember how happy she makes you feel and also remember that you have a beautiful boy with her" she said and I nod "I know mom you don't have to tell me" I told her "Well I wanted to tell you"

I went to Lizzie, to see if she is ready, I do found her on the kitchen "What are you doing here?" I asked her as I walk close to her "I want to take with me some stuff" she said. I hugged her, stopping her for packing, she turned and hugged me back, she backed a little to see my face "Hi" I whispered "Hey" she smile at me "You know you don't have to take all of this things with us right" I told her and she nods "I know but what if we need them" she said as she keeps searching what else to take with us "I'm going to start putting all this things in the car okay" I told her "Where is Ethan?" She asked me "He is with my mom" I told her and she nod "Good then you can start putting everything in the car" she said and I chuckle

I started putting everything in the car, I'm trying to organize it well because it has to fit everything "Hey!" Someone said, I turned to see who it is "Oh it's you" I said as soon as I see Roger "Wow I thought you were going to be happier to see me" he said "Oh did you" I told him rolling my eyes "Want some help?" He asked "No not really" I told him and I heard him sighed "I'm trying to reconnect with you" he said "And why would you do that?" I asked him "Because we are family I want to be closer again" he said "Every time we try we always end more fucked so I don't think so" I told him

I went inside but Roger followed me "Oh hi Roger" Lizzie said and then she looked at me confused I just shrugged. Then my mom came with Ethan "Is that my nephew?" He asked and I chuckled making Lizzie glared at me "Yeah he is, want to meet him?" Lizzie asked him and he nods, he walked closer to my mom and saw him and Lizzie walked closer to me "You shouldn't be so rude with him, he wants to meet Ethan what's wrong with that?" She asked "I don't want Ethan to love him because then Roger will abandon him as always and then Ethan will suffer, and I don't want that" I told her

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