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Today is Rosie's birthday, Rose wanted to have her birthday with Luca and of course little Cosmo too because their birthday is also in August and Scarlett didn't mind, the two kids will have their birthday party together. We all are feeling better for the loss we recently had, it really hurt me, for a minute I thought I was going to be depressed but thanks to Lizzie I didn't. I need to be there for my family so I need to be healthy. Sometimes it still hurts when I think or see photos about Bo but I'm working on it I mean I don't think when you lose a dog the pain suddenly disappears but it will start hurting less but it'll take time for sure

I woke up and found my little creature with his beautiful mommy, I don't know why Ethan is sleeping in our bed but I don't mind at all. I love waking up to this, Lizzie has one of her arms around Ethan holding him secure as her hand lands on my arm which she is holding too. I moved without disturbing anyone sleep, and hugged the two of them, I kissed Ethan's head, "Good Morning" Lizzie said with her raspy voice "Good Morning my love" I told her making her smile "Why is this little creature with us?" I asked her

She smile and kissed Ethan's hand, "He was awake when I went to the bathroom and he was looking me with those eyes and I felt sad I couldn't leave him there so I brought him to our bed" she said, those eyes will be so manipulative just like Lizzie's eyes, you can't tell them no "I'll go make breakfast" I told Lizzie before kissing her forehead "Nooo stay here a little longer I'm not that hungry" she said making me chuckle "But I'm starving" I told her making her chuckle "Okay go" she said

I went downstairs to make something simple for us, "What you making?" This made me jump "Fuck what are you doing here? Why you scare me like that" I asked MK who is laughing with Ashley "Hahaha sorry didn't mean to" MK said, my heart is beating so fast they really scared me "Anyways what are you guys doing here?" I asked them as I keep making breakfast "Wow Y/N I thought you loved us" Ashley said making me chuckle "You know that I do love both of you" I told them

I realized I was making breakfast just for Lizzie and me "Hey guys did you already have breakfast?" I asked them and they both nod "Yeah we bought something in our way here" they said and I hummed "So are you two going to tell me why you are here?" I asked them again "I need your advice" MK said taking me by surprise, I guess I'm not getting my answer "Uhm sure but about what exactly?" I asked her and she gave me a look

I think I know what kind of advice she wants but I suck at that "I mean sure I'll help you if I can, just know that I suck at love advices" I told her "It's not about love I'm not in love" MK said "Well still I suck at that kind of advices but sure tell me how can I help?" I asked her. She sat on the counter as Ashley decides to sit on the stool instead "So I thought we were okay and happy and stuff, but I don't know, I mean I feel like we are not okay I'm getting tired because this seems like a cycle and it sucks" she tried to explain me but I didn't understand shit

Ashley noticed it and laugh "Dude you have to be more clear that was so fucking confusing" she told her sister and I agreed "Ugh but if it is confusing how do you want me to explain it without being confusing" she said "Okay what I understood is that you are not good with her right now, and you are getting tired because it's always the same" I made clear and she nods "Yeah it's always the same but not in a good way I mean, I used to be excited when she would call or text but now I'm like I don't know like if I-" I didn't let her finish "You lost interest" I told her

She looked at me surprised, I think she didn't want to admit that "I don't want to think I lost interest but it's just I don't feel the same, it's frustrating and it makes me sad when I see how cold her texts are when I see her face I see like if she is tired of talking with me so maybe I should make the first move and stop everything" she said but before I could tell her something she keep going "But I can't do that, I've tried but I don't want to do that I want to keep trying, maybe we can work" she said

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