Don't make me jealous

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Lizzie's POV

I know Sofia confused me but somehow she also helped me see things differently, I realized that the two of us should really talk if we want to fix this, I am sure that if we keep acting like this we will not fix anything, we shouldn't be pretending we need space when in reality what we need is to talk, talk calmly without getting angry or getting conclusions before hearing the other

I realized this and I wanted to talk with Y/N but she is so busy right now, she just comes to see Ethan but she barely takes him with her, it worries me that she is overworking herself, I talked with Max but that was a big mistake, she got so confused about why I was asking her that, apparently Y/N hasn't told anyone that we are not like together right now, I just told Max that Y/N didn't want to talk about it with me and she told me that she is trying to save the other day's case

And she also explained me that she is spending a lot of time in the Law Firm it worries me that she is not taking care of herself and she is in old habits again. I have tried calling her, sometimes she picks up sometimes she doesn't, and when she comes see Ethan I don't really have a chance to talk with her. Our relationship is starting to worry me because we have been like this for almost two months I mean Ethan is already 3 months old I don't want Ethan to have this kind of family where he doesn't spend enough time with his mama

Today is the twins birthday, they are making a party but it's just family and close friends, it's a small party, or at least that's what they told us, they know what is happening but they didn't seem to care because they invited Y/N's family, it's not that I didn't want them to invite them it's just that I think it's not good to act like everything is normal when it's not, but at least I'm going to see Y/N and maybe we can talk. I asked the twins if it was a family friendly party or should I see who can babysit Ethan and of course Luca too, at first they said it was a family party but then they said that there's going to be alcohol so it's better if kids are not around

My mom told me that she could babysit Luca and Ethan when things start getting crazy, Sofia said she will do that too, so I'm taking Ethan with me and then he will stay with them. The twins also told me they invited Roger I mean when they said they invited Y/N's family I didn't think Roger was included but it seems that he is and he is coming, also Roger told them that Y/N might not come to the party of course the twins are not going to let that happen so I know they will find a way to make her come

I tried calling Y/N I just wanted to make sure she was going today, I know the twins are going to literally obligate her to go but I wanted to know, unfortunately she didn't pick up the phone she might be busy and that might be the reason why she didn't answer me. The twins told us to arrive earlier because just the family is going to have dinner, and later friends are going to arrive, when they said family I thought they meant just us, but apparently they meant us and Y/N's family which is good I mean of course her family is my family and that means that somehow they are also the twins family, I really like that both families get along pretty well

I was in my garden, making a few things with Bo by my side I know he misses Y/N a lot and he has been more sad since Y/N is not here, sometimes he doesn't eat and that worries me a lot, I already told Y/N and sometimes when she picks Ethan she also takes Bo with her, but because now she has been kind of busy then Bo hasn't spent a lot of time with Y/N and I think that's affecting him too

I have the monitor with me because Ethan is taking a nap and if he wakes up I'm sure I won't hear him that's why I have the monitor with me While I was doing my thing my phone started ringing I groaned and took off the dirt of my hands, I thought it was going to be Y/N but it's MK

Me: Hi happy birthday

MK: Thanks Liz, are you busy right now?

Me: No, no that much I'm just in my garden doing something

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