Unexpected things can happen

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When I woke up I was scared that everything that happened last night it was a dream, but I'm so happy it wasn't and that I'm finally okay with Lizzie, I know I'm the one who fucked up maybe her words hurt me but I lied and told her I didn't want to be with her, but anyways the point is that I wanted to make it up for her. I asked her to go on a date with me but she declined the invitation she said that she is supposed to be the one asking me because of my birthday

I told her that I didn't really want to do anything but of course she and all the other people in the house didn't allow that, we made something simple in the backyard and we didn't invite anyone they told me to invite more people but I really didn't want to, so they didn't push. I think they wanted us to stay there because they didn't stop teasing us about last night, they were happy that we are okay now but they enjoyed teasing us, the twins were the ones who didn't stop and they literally wanted to know everything

We didn't tell them everything but I told them how Lizzie got all jealous that it got to a point where the twins were just teasing Lizzie making me laugh about her blushed face. I know Lizzie is possessive and she can get very jealous but if I'm honest I really like it, I know it might be crazy but knowing that she gets jealous is because I'm important for her at least that's what I think and is the same when she gets all possessive, I don't know why but I love it

After all of the teasing and the little party, Lizzie and I decided to go back home, I'm so tired, I always regret drinking the next after I drink but is funny how I always drink again knowing that my head will kill me the next day. Ethan was so tired too and as soon as we got home he passed out. Lizzie wanted to go out for a little because she didn't want the day to end but I told her that it was fine and that I was tired, she accepted and we both went to bed, I missed sleeping in my bed but I missed sleeping with Lizzie even more

Today I woke up because Ethan started crying, I got up as fast as I could, I don't want Lizzie to wake up, it's too early, "Hey baby boy, what's wrong?" I asked him as I pick him up but he kept crying so I walked out of the room "Shshsh, are you hungry?" I asked him as I rock him around trying to calm him down. I went to grab his formula and I found Bo awake too, he came closer to me "Hi buddy" I said, I fed Ethan, I think he was really hungry he literally finished it so fast. We return to the room and Bo decided to join us, I put Bo on the bed "Don't wake up Lizzie or we'll be dead" I whispered to him

As I was about to put Ethan back on his bassinet he looked like he was going to start crying again "I guess you don't want to sleep there huh" I think he is sleeping with us too, I got back to bed carefully trying to not make a lot of movement, I put Ethan in between Lizzie and I while Bo decided to lay on Ethan's little feet, I started caressing Ethan's legs hoping to bring him some sleep, I started to fall back to sleep, I hope he sleeps too

I woke up again, when I opened my eyes I saw those two beautiful big green eyes, I'm so glad he got Lizzie's eyes, I smile at him, I don't know why he didn't cry now I mean he is used to cry every time he wakes up but he looks happy and it's so cute the way he is looking at me, I know he knows who I am and I really hope he loves me just as much as I love him. I grabbed his little hand and started playing with him, I realized that Lizzie wasn't going to wake up anytime soon so I pick him up and we went to cook breakfast, Bo also came with us

I decided to make pancakes, and Ethan was hungry too so I had to feed him again, then Bo also wanted food so I put his food on his bowl. After all of that I finally got the pancakes done and I took them upstairs to give it to Lizzie, I'm planning on asking her on that date she declined yesterday, I don't have anything planned yet but I'm sure I'll come up with something. I put Ethan in our bed too and then I kneeled facing Lizzie I think is time for her to wake up, I started caressing her back but I think that's not helping at all

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