I thought everything was going well

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As I promised I called MK to bring Ethan to us, she arrived here earlier but they didn't want to let her in, but she managed to get in anyways, she is kind of avoiding me I know she knows I'll ask about what we talked yesterday and that's probably why she is ignoring me. Lizzie was so happy to see Ethan, even though I told her he was okay, she didn't was so sure about it, but now that she made sure Ethan was safe and sound she is more calmed

I went to sit next to MK "So do you want to talk?" I asked her "No, I'm all good" she said and I hummed "Are you sure?" I asked and she nods "Yeah" I know she doesn't want to talk about it but I have a feeling she will only get hurt, even more than she already is, but I can't really force her to talk to me nor can I tell her what she should do, it's not my place and that's a decision she has to make

Not too long after all Lizzie family was here, I can sense that Lizzie is a little overwhelmed, they are asking her a lot of questions "Oh I forgot, Lizzie a nurse told me she was coming and that she needed to be alone with you to make some stuff I already forgot" I said making sure everyone hears what I said "Oh so I guess we have to leave?" Jarnette asked and I nod "Sadly" I said as I walked towards Lizzie "I guess you can keep Ethan" I told her as I winked her, she smile "Thanks" she mouthed and I nod before leaving a kiss on her forehead

All of us left the room, leaving Lizzie to have a moment alone, sometimes being with people is not that good, even if they are your family you get overwhelmed by them but can't really tell them to shut up. I wanted to stay with Lizzie but it was going to be suspicious if I stay and tell everyone to leave the room. Lizzie's dad is also here and he hasn't stop glaring at me, he was approaching to me but MK got in the way "I think I just saved you" she said making me chuckle "Yeah you did" I told her

Baby can you come back?
I know u told them that no one can be here but maybe u can sneak in
I want to cuddle
Ethan and I miss u

Mama Bear😍:
I'm on my way 🏃🏻‍♀️

I forgot MK was with me "I know you lied earlier" she said and I nod "Yeah I did but don't tell anyone" I told her making her chuckle "That was Lizzie texting you right?" She said and I nod "She wants you to go back" she asked "Yeah she does, do you think you can distract everyone? I don't want them to know I lied, I just saw that Lizzie was getting overwhelmed so I needed to do something about it" I told her and she nods "Sure I'll help you but you owe me one" she said making me smirk a little "Maybe I can help you with this girl problem you have, and I can help you to stop hurting yourself with that girl, if she doesn't like you then go" I told her making her roll her eyes. She flipped me off but still went to distract everyone, and that gave me the opportunity to go back to Lizzie's room

I saw that Ethan was sleeping "He fell asleep?" I asked surprised and she nods "Maybe he didn't have a good sleep" Lizzie said "Yeah probably" I sat on the chair that was close to Lizzie's bed and that made her confused "I'm pretty sure my text said that I wanted to cuddle" she said making me chuckle "I don't want to hurt you, besides Ethan is already with you and I don't think the three of us will fit" I told her "I have room for you too, so come here" she said

I know if I tell her no she will insist even more and I really want to cuddle too so I get carefully in the bed, Ethan looks so cute. I was stroking Lizzie's back, I was staring at Ethan that I didn't realize Lizzie fell asleep too, I would take a picture if I could right now, Lizzie is sleeping literally on me, and Ethan is sleeping on top of Lizzie and is a really cute sight, I can't grab my phone to take a picture because if I do that, I'm sure I'll end waking one of the two so I'll keep admiring them

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