It has been so long

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April 4th

Today is Ethan's first month, Lizzie wanted to make something but I told her that it would be better when he turns one year, of course at first she was upset but then I told her that our family and friends are in LA so how will we go there or how will they come here, she is still filming even though they are almost done. That made her think better and she decided that we will not make anything, we will wait until he turns one year

I thought taking care of Ethan by myself would be more complicated but I've being doing just fine, we miss Lizzie a lot that's for sure and we miss her even more now because she is working a lot, there has been days that she doesn't come home until 2:00 am, I really hate those days cause I don't like when she is alone at that time, and I can't sleep until she is here

Today she went to set super early, so it's just me and Ethan. He is taking a nap, I was so bored alone in the house, just petting Bo, it really feels lonely being without her. I made some stuff that we needed to do, I did them just to kill time but it hasn't been that long. I heard Ethan cry so I went with him, it seems that someone didn't wake up in a good mood. I carried him, trying to make him stop crying. It took time but he is already calmed and he is very awake "What if we go visit Lizzie to work" I said, I think we are going with Lizzie

I had to ask for an Uber because Lizzie took the car, I have told her that I can drop her off and then pick her up but she refuses every time I suggest it, she says that she doesn't want that because she has to be there super early and also because somedays she finishes late, of course I will continue offering because I really think is better not only for her but for me I mean if there is an emergency and I need to use the car or something like that, I would not have car, I haven't tell Lizzie this because she will say that I'm invoking something bad to happen

We arrived to the place where they are filming some scenes. Because it's not the first time I come here, security already knows me so they let me in easily. Ethan is in his seat as I carry the seat. The seat is covered with a blanket just in case there are paparazzi here. As we were walking Krysten saw us so she came closer to us, "Hi" she said and I smile in return, "Is this the little Ethan?" She asked pointing to the seat "Yeah it is, I have him covered because I don't want people to take pictures of him" I explained her and she nods "Yeah I understand that, Lizzie has talked a lot about him" she said

I know she wants to see him but I can't risk him to be seen, "Lizzie is busy right now but I can take you to a private place where you and Ethan will be safe" she said and I nod, "Yes please" I told her. We started walking, there were more people here, I know some of them because of Lizzie, but there are new faces that I don't recognize. "Maybe you don't know a lot of the people here, but it's fine, you and Ethan are safe here" she explained to me "Here are not paparazzi right? I mean no one can take pictures" I asked her "No, there is no paparazzi here, we eat and talk here and no one disturb us, you don't have to worry" she explained

I nod and take off the blanket, she saw him "Aww he is so cute and little, how old is he?" She asked even though I'm sure she already knows, I mean I'm sure Lizzie has talk about him a lot, like everyday, "He is just a month old" I told her. She continued gushing about Ethan, and then I saw Lizzie entered, I couldn't help but smile, she looks so good, but she also looks kind of funny, they made her hair different and also she has weird clothes, I mean it's obvious she has those clothes, it's an old show so she needs to wear this kind of clothes, but she looks so good in everything she uses

When she saw me, she looked confused but then smile and walked toward us, I couldn't help but smile even more, "What are you doing here?" She asked as she gives me a hug "We missed you a lot so we decided to come here" I told her as I peck her lips making her grin grow bigger. She then looked at Ethan "Hi baby boy I missed you so much" she told him as she grabs his little fingers making him move them. He is so ticklish just like Lizzie, I just hope he will giggle soon "Here is safe right I mean I don't have to put the blanket back on?" I asked Lizzie "Yeah don't worry mama bear" she said, making me chuckle

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