Wasted time

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I wanted to know more but no one was telling me anything, I need to call Jarnette she must be so worried, I hung up on her really fast, but she will have questions and I don't have answers for her questions, I mean I don't even know what's happening with Lizzie right now

Me: Hey sorry for hanging up like that

J: Oh don't worry Y/N, what happened are you okay? Is Lizzie okay?

Me: We are in the hospital, Lizzie is in surgery right now, she was in a car accident she had a lot of blood and I'm waiting for someone to tell me something

J: Oh god do you want me to go to the hospital

Me: I don't want Ethan to be here I don't want him to notice Lizzie is not okay

J: I'll stay with him but I'm sending the twins if you don't mind

Me: No of course not, they can come if they want and also if you want to be here, just drop Ethan with my mom before coming to the hospital please

J: How much have you been waiting?

Me: I don't really know, it hasn't been that much even though it feel like I have been waiting a lot

J: I'll stay with Ethan but please call me whenever you know something, I already told the twins to go they will be there with you in a moment okay

Me: Yeah

J: Everything will be okay, I know she will be okay

Me: I really hope so

I hung up and called my mom too, she was asking even more questions than Jarentte and I got overwhelmed so I hung her up. I don't really know how much time I've been waiting but I'm getting more nervous, I've already asked a lot of times to some nurses if they know something about Lizzie, I'm sure they all hate me because even if they say they don't have any information and that I have to wait I keep asking them

The twins didn't take long to arrive to the hospital, they are so worried about her sister, I told them how I saw Lizzie, I didn't lie to them knowing that probably lying to them is not a good idea, I told them how much blood Lizzie had and I also told them that I didn't get the chance to see if she had severe injuries, but I think she had them I mean that's why they took her to an OR and that would explain also the bleeding. What worries me the most is that I saw that Lizzie had blood on her head so she must have hit her head

The head is a very risky place to get hit on, I don't want to think Lizzie hit her head that bad and I want to think the blood she had on her head was from other place, I don't want to think that she could have brain damage or something like that, okay I need to stop because now I'm overthinking what could have happened to Lizzie. I really need the doctors to hurry up, I don't understand what is taking them so long "Y/N you need to stop pacing around" Ashley said but I continued "I think I'm going to ask" I told them but MK grabbed my hand "I don't think they have information yet, you literally asked them 5 minutes ago" she said as she makes me sit down

Hours later a doctor came out and he started explaining everything to us, he explained to us all the injuries Lizzie had, he said that the worst one was one on her chest close to her left arm, and also the one on her stomach, I asked him why she had blood on her head and he said that she hit her head with something but it was nothing too serious, I asked him if she will have some kind of brain damage or something like that, he said that the only thing that could happen is that she will be confused at first, I also asked him if she will remember and he said that there is no reason why wouldn't she remember, maybe she won't remember the accident that good but it's completely normal

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