Coming back

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Lizzie's POV

We finally finished filming this show, we can't wait to go back to LA, even though we enjoyed our time here, we both are exhausted, and I will be even more because as soon as we arrive at LA I'm going to start doing press for Doctor Strange and then I'll have to travel again, I just hope Y/N will come with me, I know if I ask her she will say yes, but I don't want to ask her, I know how tired she is, and even though she loves Ethan I know she is exhausted of taking care of him, I feel like she is doing it alone and I'm not doing anything, I think I have to talk with Y/N about how I feel, I know she will make me feel better and she will reassured me a lot of things

Today is our last day here in Texas, even though I finished filming two days ago, we decide to stay here a little longer just to rest a little and also I wanted to spend time with them, I know I can spend time with them in LA but I will have meetings, and interviews and all of that stuff so I really wanted to spend this whole days with my lover and my baby boy. I feel like he is growing so fast, Y/N say I'm crazy, and I probably am because he is still a baby, but I just can't believe that one month ago y gave birth to this little creature as Y/N call him

I have told her plenty of times to not call him a creature but of course she keeps doing it, also she calls him little booger, that's kind of cute because it reminds me when she always called herself a booger and I told her she was my booger, so now I have two beautiful boogers that I love with all my heart. One of my biggest dream became real, when I woke up I saw Y/N next to me, bare chest, with her back on the headboard of the bed, and Ethan sleeping peacefully on her mama's chest, she has her eyes closed but is rubbing Ethan's little back, being careful I grabbed my phone and snapped a picture of my babies

It's like she felt I was awake because she opened her eyes and turned to look at me, I just smile wider if that's even possible, she did the same and carefully I got closer to her and kissed her shoulder then kissed gently Ethan's head "Morning love" she said smiling at me, I looked at her "Good morning baby, how did you sleep?" I asked her "I slept great, this little booger woke up earlier but it seems I made him fall asleep again" she explained to me and I hummed and lean closer to her "Well your chest is very comfortable, and it's even more comfortable when you are like this" I told her biting my bottom lip and tracing my hand close to her boob

She looked down at me, "Can I have a kiss?" She asked sweetly so I didn't waste more time and attached my mouth with hers, I was being careful but the kiss was so good that I wanted more, but she pulled away making me whine a little "If you forget our son is right here laying on my chest" she said and I pouted "Buuut I'm not saying we can't continue this later" she said smirking as she leans again to kiss my pout away, she started pecking my lips multiple times and I couldn't help but giggle she shushed me because well our son is still sleeping

I was still admiring them, and I didn't even notice Y/N was looking at me too "What?" I asked her and she just chuckled "Nothing I'm just happy" she said and I smile at her "I'm so happy too, you have no idea how much I love you" I told her smiling and she kissed my nose "I love you more" she said "How long has he been sleeping?" I asked her wanting to cuddle her but I can't because Ethan is sleeping on her chest "I don't know, maybe an hour" she said and I hummed "I want to cuddle you" I told her and she giggles "Do you want me to wake up our son for you to cuddle with me?" She asked and I nod "Yeah please" I joked and she just shake her head

She moved slightly and Ethan moved too, I thought he was going to wake up but he didn't, "You can cuddle here" she said as she opens her arm, I changed to the other side of her and cuddle with her, I put my hand on Ethan's little legs. We stayed like this for a couple of minutes "I'm hungry" Y/N said "I'll go make breakfast and if Ethan wakes up then you come downstairs if he doesn't then I'll bring breakfast here" I told her and she smile at me "Are you sure? I want to help you" she said "I'm sure don't worry you stay here with him mama bear" I told her as I stand up

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