6| a plan

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Finding everyone else quickly is an easier task than you thought. Ulric was an easy yes, once finding him down below the fortress throwing knifes at targets. His tone of voice still indicated threat from by your sudden appearance yesterday. Harshness embedded within his tone while he talked to you.

Brute is still where you saw him last night at the table, already in the meeting spot. You mention the words 'Glitter Force,' and the seriousness switched on in an instant. Well, as serious as a troll can be anyway.

Rascal is the one you are slightly concerned about finding, though he appears out of cards as soon as everyone is gathered, purposefully flicking them our way.

"Well, well, well," he sings, "looks like our next member as of yesterday is already trying to claim her seat at the head of the table hmm?"

You ignore the comment.

Brooha intervenes. "I will sew your mouth shut myself if I have to! You've had some great ideas in the past Rascal, but have any of them truly worked?! I think this is a reasonable idea."

"So," you begin, "I appreciate everyone for coming." Your eyes scan the room full of narrow ones and grave faces. "What I would like to know first, is the progress you have all made so far, so that we can use it to create a solid plan." You find your eyes meeting Rascal's. "You told me you had made progress; may I ask what it is?"

The joker sighs, his rounded boots echoing with each step he takes around the room. "We found out that a pixie from Jubiland had been sent down to earth by Queen Euphoria, in attempts to locate and gather all members of the Glitter Force. Now that all members have been found, the pixie is still down there helping them out and giving them advice. She seems to have a direct line of contact through to the queen."

You insides clench when hearing the queen's name.

"After every battle they've won," starts Ulric, "they receive a 'glitter charm' and each one goes into a charm chest."

"Charms..." you say.

"From the queen herself," Rascal says, "they are collecting them to revive her."

Charms? But how are charms supposed to revive Queen Euphoria?

"How many charms do they have right now?"

"At the moment," Ulric states, "not many. The chest was filled last month, and the queen used the power to save them instead, just as Nogo was about to kill them."

"Oh! And they have a clock too." Brute says, then turns to the others. "What does it do again?"

Ulric snarls. "The Royal Clock."

"They have the what!?" It all makes sense now! You remember reading about this in class. But that would mean –

The joker giggles. "They've got the miracle jewel." He hovers for a moment and kicks his feet up in the air.

"Well then," you say with a smirk, "let us bring it back to where it belongs. We can use its energy, then possibly destroy it."

Rascal cocks his head at you. "That is exactly what I was planning to do. No one deserves a happy ending! Not even us. Only our master's revival will be the greatest unhappy ending."

"Right...and surely the pixie were to know about this? I am guessing you have attempted to capture her?" You say.

"Yes but it was no use!" Brute exclaims, throwing his fists on the table. "She wouldn't tell us anything."

"That's because she didn't know anything Brute," Brooha adds, "I even tried a spell but the little brat truly had no clue."

"So have you managed to defeat the Glitter Force at least once?" You ask.

"I defeated them in Jubiland," Rascal starts, "it was quite easy really, right after I kidnapped the pixie and had taken the chest full of charms."

"Except while each of us had a one-on-one battle with a glitter force member, Glitter Lucky went to take the pixie and the charms." After Ulric states this, Rascal narrows his eyes at him, gritting his teeth. Glitter Lucky even hearing a name seems unreal.

You turn to Rascal. "And no one was protecting the charms?"

"He sent a buffoon to guard while duelling Glitter Breeze." Ulric announces.

"It was the only way! She would have gone after Glitter Lucky if I hadn't kept her occupied!"

The joker still glares at Ulric, who glares back, the whole room going silent for a few seconds. 

"It seems as if there were old numbers." You say calmly. "Now that I am here, you have another on your side. One for each member of the Glitter Force. Five on five."

The witch beside you speaks up next. "So what will out plan of attack be this time?"

"Luckily for you all," Rascal stars with a wide grin, lifting his hand and snapping his finger, "I have created the most powerful nose yet, more powerful than the blue!" A red buffoon nose filled with a purple centre appears out of thin air and falls into his hand. "A super buffoon nose."

"This will defeat them?" You ask.

"Only one way to find out." Ulric says, leaning forward and reaching a hand to snatch the ball, though the jester wisps it away before he can get to it.

"All in good time Ulric." Rascal turns and stares right at me. "I want to hear a plan from y/n first."

Your heart sinks as you force the uneasiness that the eye contact creates, away. "They do not know I am here yet. I say our best bet would be to get our own charm collection going. From everything you have told me, if we obtain 16 of these Glitter charms, we will be able to access the miracle jewel using The Royal Clock."

You see the smirk on Rascal's face grow wider. "I think we have a plan. The fact is that they have no idea they will be up against another one of us, with that and my new noses, this is going to be extremely helpful to us for this next battle. Now here is what we are going to do..."

Into The Shadow Realm | Rascal x fem reader story 2023Where stories live. Discover now