30| Interrupted Meeting

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"It should have been an easy guess! How hadn't I realised the connection between Euphoria erasing the pixie's memories and mine!?~"

"The thing about erasing memories," starts Ulric, "is that – "

"- I know that Ulric!~"

The wolf, Brute and Brooha sit at the table in an orderly fashion beside you in the living room. This morning, you wondered whether the others should know about Rascal's parents, then confided about it to the joker himself. Surprisingly, he agreed, though after telling the three, he now hovers around like there is no tomorrow, off on his own tangent and still of course very confused

The others stare at him, wide-eyed and watching as he talks to himself.

"I always knew you and Emperor Nogo were close!" Brooha unnecessarily shrieks. "But not Queen Euphoria!"

Ulric lifts a clawed finger to his mouth, deep in thought. "It makes sense doesn't it? So what now? Are we still going to defeat those immature group of teenagers?"

"We aren't switching teams are we?" Brute questions.

"Believe me~ We will fight them alright," Rascal hums, then giggles, "the last thing I need is all my progress lost. We will give the universe an unhappy ending!"

Then the jester turns and meets your eye for a split second, butterflies returning in a swoop to the stomach once the memories for last night reoccur. To be honest, they never left. A red flush is shared between the two of you, then he turns away.

"What was that look?" Comes Ulric, arms crossed lazily across his chest as he sits on his seat, watching you and the joker in suspicion.

"What look?" You retort defensively, knowing full well what he means.

"Never mind that Ulric!~" Hums Rascal, successfully steering the subject away. Up he bounces into the air, landing on the table with a thud, boots appearing right in front of you. You frown. "We have a Miracle Jewel to get out hands on!"

"So what's the plan!?" Shouts Brooha.

"Yeah!" Bellows Brute. "We've been sitting here and you still haven't told us yet!"

In the joker's hand appears a buffoon nose. This one is yellow with a green centre. He rolls it around in his palm, then spins it on his finger. How does he have time to make these?

"The Glitter Force think that the power of power of friendship is giving them an upper hand – which is all hooey if you ask me~ - but it no lie that they are getting stronger. This new buffoon nose is stronger than all the others I have put together!"

"But they've destroyed every nose you've made!" Calls Brute.

"Unfortunately I'm going to have to agree with Brute on this one," Ulric says, "is this new nose actually going to stop them?"

"Hmm~," Rascal hums, "I'm not worried about defeating them with buffoons, remember we need to lose to be able to collect the charms. These ones will be a big setback, might even kick their confidence down a notch, that would be quite handy!"

You are impressed with Rascal's words. "We have 14 out of 16 charms now," you say, "it should be easy. And what is the plan for the Miracle Jewel?"

Rascal grins widely. "My old plan won't work~ so I'm going to have to come up with another." The jester begins giggling.

That is strange, you think, you could have sworn Rascal has thought of every possible way to take the Miracle Jewel.

"Urgh!" Ulric grunts. "Stop calling meetings with you have no plans!"

Into The Shadow Realm | Rascal x fem reader story 2023Where stories live. Discover now