25| Cry Wolf

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_Third Person_

"No~! Th-there has to be some kind of mistake!"

"I am afraid that this is the truth Rascal." Emperor Nogo tells him. "I didn't want you to find out, but I suppose it was only a matter of time."

Rascal has fallen to his knees before the Wheel-of-Doom, shaken with fear and anger. He can't believe this, all these years, he has been lied to, kept in the dark.

"So – that means that the Queen – !?"

"Queen Euphoria is your mother, and I am your father."

It feels like the tip of a very sharp dagger is being drilled into the joker's heart. "I-I can't! This has to be a joke! I don't even remember~!"

Then, Emperor Nogo restores the jester's memories with what little energy he has. In it flows, retracting the little hand of the Wheel-of-Doom to the six. In it flows, all the memories, from the tomb door, into Rascal's body, returning to his mind.

He then remembers everything.

"No-no-no!" He cries out, throwing both his hands to his head, overwhelmed by the memories returning. It hurts. It's painful as they return to him, too much.

It's all the truth. The reason Rascal felt as if something was missing, is because Queen Euphoria erased his memories before Nogo took him away. Rascal is Emperor Nogo's slave because Nogo made it that way so that he wouldn't escape. The Queen was the one who had been visiting the jester in his dreams and the reason that Rascal has felt that something was missing his entire life, is because it has.

The joker doesn't know what he is supposed to feel, after all these years of crashing emotions, is nothing compared to how he feels now. But he knows he doesn't want to be anywhere around Nogo.

So he teleports away.

-Your POV-

The week continues as usual. Ever since defeating your fear in the dream ball, you are getting much more sleep, therefore your energy levels are perfect, even higher than before. The visions have only come once or twice, and you get through it every time. You did think that they would not show up anymore, having overcome the fear, but they still are, and that is confusing.

Then there is the jester. What worries you is not the fact Rascal left you in the dungeons, but the fact you have not seen him since, and it has been at least five days.

As soon as the joker teleported from the Burrow, you were left alone in the darkness. He took the file with him, but even if he left it behind, the magic would have prevented you from seeing anything. You took that to your advantage once seeing the jester nervous about looking at the file, knowing he had not been in there before and most definitely did not know you would not have been able to view his information anyway.

You did not have enough energy to teleport anywhere, but spent a good amount of time searching for Rascal in the dungeons, but he was nowhere to be seen. Finally giving up, you took the portal back to the Shadow Realm.

Part of you believes that this could all be your fault. What if Nogo is punishing the jester for finding out something he should not have? You are the one that suggested this.

You just hope he is okay.


A week later, there still has not been any signs of Rascal, you have been down to fight against the Glitter Force with Ulric, something which you have not done before, and gained a charm.

That is 14 out of 16 now.

You have also noticed the Wheel-of-Doom has had seven full hours of negative energy deducted. That means the Emperor has used some energy, and quite a lot of it.

Then Brooha and Brute, You and Brooha, and then today Ulric and Brute go down.

You sit in your room one afternoon, hanging upside down, spinning and hovering around, attempting to come up with more plots to your novels, and it is when Ulric and Brute return, that you hear a familiar high pitched voice.

And yelling.

You stand straight away, but you can't hear what is being said, no matter how hard you listen. It sounds like the three of them, Rascal, Ulric and Brute are yelling.

Then, it stops.

And a few seconds later, comes a knock on your door.

Unsure if this is who you want it to be, or if you even still want it to be after hearing the yelling, you open it at once, and you are met with Ulric, in tears.

Into The Shadow Realm | Rascal x fem reader story 2023Where stories live. Discover now