20| Comfort in the Suffering

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"It won't be long 'til you can do that on your own."

"Yes, but, how long exactly?"

The wolf pauses to think. You have caught up with Ulric and have told him all about your recently evolved teleportation powers. Well...Rascal's teleportation powers. A day or two it has been, since the two of you swapped bodies, though your achievement with teleporting to and from the Shadow Realm gave you enough motivation to keep teleporting further and further.

Currently, you are able to now teleport from your room to the living room in one bounce. Although you wish that you could do more, you understand why this is not possible.

Neither sleep nor negative energy levels will allow it. You haven't slept, so it isn't possible.

Sure, your body gives in to the occasional dozing off, however it instantly rejects the feeling and jerks you back awake. It is not even like you could sleep if you tried, by now, your body has gotten into the habit of staying awake.

It will only be this way until I figure out how to stop it, is what you continue to tell yourself.

"I told you, it'll depend on how often you practise. Just gotta keep practising, there's no telling how long it will take."

"Makes sense."

As the two of you throw your last knives, you fling yours, and it pierces the target on one of the outer rings.

Ulric snarls. "Looks like the teacher is in need of more practise!" You frown at your first miss in forever, knowing you do not need more practise, rather, more sleep.

You are exhausted.

That night, everyone is ushered to the living room, and once gathered, Brooha cannot stop cackling.

"Can you shut up!? I can't even think straight!" Brute bellows at her.

"Brute's trying to think?" Ulric adds, "Now that's new."

"Hey! You've said that twice now!"

"Oh," the witch pauses, then continues laughing to herself, "don't mind me."

A new prank must be on the way, you think.

"Why are we here Rascal?" The wolf questions.

"Oh-ho Ulric! Don't you see?" The joker spins around, flips and jumps into the air. "The Wheel-of-Doom has turn to the 13! Meaning our master Emperor Nogo's revival is only a matter of weeks away!"

"Nine more defeats is going to take forever," Ulric responds, and Rascal grins tilting his head, lifting a a sharp black nail to his mouth.

"Yeah!" Comes Brute's voice. "It's going to take ages!"

"Not unless we retrieve the Royal Clock!~"

The three gasp.

"You know how to get it!?" Brooha asks.

"Mhm~" The jester giggles then hangs himself upside down in the air while tossing around a deck of purple cards.

What a show off.

"Where is it!?"

"I'm currently concocting a plan~ It won't be long until we have our hands on the Miracle Jewel!"

"So let me get this straight," the wolf intervenes, "you haven't come up with a plan, but you called a meeting to tell us?"

"You are more than welcome to help me~"

Instantly, Ulric, Brute and Brooha teleport away.

"Hmm," Rascal says, "I thought so." You are suddenly aware of his gaze turning towards you. "You've been quiet lately~"

Into The Shadow Realm | Rascal x fem reader story 2023Where stories live. Discover now