21| Mirror Mirror [Part I]

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"AHHHHH!" The familiar pain shocks you to your absolute centre. Your call reflects a raspy groan, cracking to a high-pitched cry, then is nothing more than an empty scream. Pain like you have left, the same pain that you have lived through last time now courses through your body once again. It takes over like a wave, and like last time, it does not stop once you wake up. For a good while.

Gasping and letting out sobs, you get up from where you fell unconscious earlier on the floor, clutching at the nearest bed posts. You feel where your nails have dented the wood before, scratching into them again. As you feel the blood falling to your feet, you also begin seeing stars.

You have not seen stars before.

Soon you are barely hanging on with one arm, doubled over in pain with silent tears pouring from your eyes as excruciating pain spasms inside and outside, in your head, stomach, your chest and legs and arms.

Take it away! Is the only thought repeating like a mantra in your head. Then you fall down once more to the dusty floor in a groan.

Then, you feel sick to your stomach. Knowing what you need you to, you begin the crawl to the bathroom. It is a hard chore in this state, but you have no other choice. You get up and attempt to open the door to the toilet and bathroom attached to your room and immediate tilt and meet the ground again.

Again, you try and get it open! Just in time too. You stagger in, leaning over the bowl to throw up. Gasping, you wipe your hand over your mouth staying completely still while the pain continues to shoot through your body.

Why isn't it going away!?

You manage to escape the bathroom, still trying to stand up but grunting through your clenched teeth when you topple back down.

Then you hear a voice. "I heard – what's this!?~"


"No Rascal, go away." You look up to see the jester towering over you. There becomes two of him. His now four sockets of his mask are wide, seeing your state, and his body stiffens, mouth turns down.

When he does not budge, you give it a second go. Groaning, you try standing again. "Rascal, get out." But as you attempt to control your dizziness, another sharp wave of agony dumps over you. Electricity it feels like, uncontrollable and striking to your veins.

"Agh!" You cry out, unable to stop yourself this time, but still attempting to fight against it, panic taking over, and your knees give in as you slink to the floor.

You see Rascal swiftly darting in to place a hand around you to stop the harshness of the fall, then goes to kneel beside you, still in a little shock. His mouth moves, though you cannot hear a word. Uncontrollably, your vision begins flashing black and white once again, fuzzy patterns starting to appear around the corners while fireworks go off in the centre.

Rascal has given up on trying to talk to you, instead, something else captures his eye, they widen even further as something he spots. Sharp fingernailed cold and slender fingers grasp at your arm, he pulls it towards him for a better view.

And you get a glimpse yourself.

When you spot it, your blood runs cold.

It is like your skin has become transparent enough to see your veins, veins that are now pitch black against your pale as paper skin.

But that is all you remember before passing out.


"No." You breathe, shooting up from bed, greeted by the Shadow Realm's dark and gloomy morning. It takes a while for last night's memories to flood back in, but once they do, you visibly cringe, blood running cold.

Into The Shadow Realm | Rascal x fem reader story 2023Where stories live. Discover now