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You lucky things - two updates in 24 hours


"In order to gain more charms, we should go in pairs. One of the fight, one for the charm. It's the perfect plan."

"I am not sure that will continue working Ulric, we snuck up on them last time so next time they will most like be prepared and ready for it."

"I think we should be going in pairs, winning will be easier that way, plus there is a chance we would be stronger."

"I like the idea of going in twos!"

The table fills with voices. You, Ulric, Brute, Brooha and Rascal sit or stand around the room. Rascal has not spoken in what seems like forever. He has been quiet, deep in thought.

Brooha and Brute like the idea of pairing up.

"It's not surprising but you are all going about this the wrong way." The jester finally speaks up, then walks around.

"And what do you suggest?" You ask him. It has been a few days since you bonding moment with Ulric. Everyone has gone down to fight the Glitter Force one by one, even Rascal. Each time they came back empty handed, having lost too much energy while fighting that it was impossible to grab a charm.

Tomorrow is your turn.

"Well," Rascal states, putting a finger to the tip of his mask, "the second they see again, they will be expecting our blade woman to be around somewhere."

Your face flushes red in irritation at the nickname the pixie had called you. "So you are planning on retreating then?"

He grins at everyone and narrows his eyes into thin slits. "That is exactly what I plan on doing."

"Huh!?" Shouts Brute.

"What!? What is the meaning of this Rascal!?" Ulric snarls.

"The Glitter Force can only get a charm if we are defeated," Rascal begins, then you suddenly understand, "we should still go in pairs, and – "

He wants us to –

" – purposely lose."

The wolf slams his fists down on the table. "There is no way I am purposely losing to those immature group of teenage girls!"

The realisation that you and Rascal are in fact in the last year of your teen years hits you at once.

"Yeah, me too! Why do you want us to lose?"

"This has got to be the silliest idea I have ever heard come from your mouth!" Screeches the witch. You watch the scene in disbelief. Have they got no idea?

You turn and hear the joker sighing, his narrow eyes still surveying the group.

"I do not think anyone is listening to Rascal's plan." It is sudden and surprising but when you say this, the three turn to listen. "In order for a new charm, the Glitter Force must defeat at least one of us. What do you think that means? We have to lose for them to receive a new charm. The other in the pair with energy left, will then take it."

"Exactly," the joker tilts his head towards you, voice softer than usual, "if we continue taking these charms, the Glitter Force won't be able to build a stable collection to revive the queen." 

Ulric, Brute and Brooha seem to understand now. They sigh and agree, then leave the room shortly after. You and Rascal stay put.

"How did you come up with that?." You say to him, breaking the immediate silence.

Into The Shadow Realm | Rascal x fem reader story 2023Where stories live. Discover now