28| Kiss

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No one talks. Not for a while anyway.

Despite the relentless shrieks of Brooha and Brute while they play cards, or - whatever it is they usually play - with Ulric stepping in to tell them off from time to time, the Shadow Realm appears to be tranquil. As night falls on the dark and eerie plains, the sky returns to a darker shade of the rusted red, accompanied by dark purple smoke that floats like clouds in the air. For the last five months, this serene yet chaotic fortress has been your home.

Rascal's room is understandably plain. The glimpse of purple you saw through the crack in the door on your first day was actually just a plain rug and the sheets of the bed, purple of course. The layout of the room looks similar to yours, the plain desk, bed, though except for the purple card scattered floorspace.

The jester is sitting in the air beside you, deep in thought and as still as a statue since you arrived back.

"Your mother...she is – "

"Queen Euphoria. Oh dear, it seems as if your memory is becoming scarce!" In one way or another, it is a good thing to see the joker hauling sarcasm at you once again. Somewhat.

Queen Euphoria, is the jester's mother. On top of all this, Rascal is Emperor Nogo's slave and son. No wonder he is so upset. The missing memories, extra power and energy, the connection with Nogo and Nogo only. The reaction would have been considered 'normal' if the joker had found out that Nogo is his father by itself. Adding the queen to the equation, the ruler of Jubiland, the place and creatures you were brought up to despise, only exacerbates the situation further.

Rascal, Emperor Nogo's top subordinate and son, the closest thing to the Emperor, perhaps even the next heir to the throne.

This changes everything, doesn't it?

~Rascal's POV~

This changes everything. Why did Queen Euphoria leave me? My own mother? How did I end up with my master? What even came between them? Obviously, different ways of ruling are never a match. Never once have I had this much confusion swarming me. I should be glad I ended up with Nogo, if Euphoria never did come and try to take me back.

What point was there in entering my dreams?~

What am I supposed to do? I have always served under Nogo! That's the way it has always been. These obsessive thoughts won't be taking a holiday in quite some time. As long as I remain my master's slave, this is the way it will have to be.

There is absolutely no chance I'm preparing to give up all the work I have done for him. Not the years of endless training, the Pluto incident, the negative energy, the Glitter Force, the charms.

It's confusing me!~

(Y/n)'s stare pierces the side of my face.


What was that silly Magic Bearer thinking, teleporting to my circus like that!? Just a few minutes ago I was in such a state that I could have...

But she managed to bring me down. How!? She stuck with me. Why!? I've been nothing but a nuisance to her~ I even tried to kill her, and the thought makes me feel sick.

I haven't even asked about her about her visions, if they are still visiting or what they mean.

What do your visions mean?

"That is a strange question to ask right now."

Heat races to my face and I swallow. "That was out loud?~" At this, the very corners of her mouth lift ever so slightly.

Into The Shadow Realm | Rascal x fem reader story 2023Where stories live. Discover now