11| The Comb [Part I]

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I'm backkkk


Later in the morning, you enter the living area. Strange to call it that, since it barely is one, just a room in a cave like fortress. You see Brute at the table.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing in here?" The troll bares little to no emotions and stares at you plainly, though his voice is booming and full of reaction.

"I live here Brute," you say, acquiring a seat at the stumpy table for a different environment, "just thought I would say hello."

"Are you here to tell me it's my turn to go down to the Human Realm?" Brute stands, towering over you and swinging a spiked bat, resting it on his shoulder.

"Actually, Brute, it is my turn." You reply, and he reclaims his seat across from you at the table.

"Are you nervous?" Brute asks you. The word makes your stomach twist.

"Nervous? Not really." Lie. You are nervous, seeing as though this entire situation was brought on all of a sudden. Suddenly you are in the Shadow Realm, about to take on the infamous Glitter Force, something you believed you had no chance of doing only a week ago. But showing that is a sign of weakness, so you must keep it hidden and under control, which is not going to be hard as most of your life has given you an ample time to learn the skill of masking.

I should probably eat. Retracting a bar from your pocket, you notice the troll's gaze land on it.

"What's that?" He asks.

You grin. "It is the same thing you had caught me eating last time. It is just a bar with enough protein to last me the day...would you like to try some this time?"

"Oh yes!"

You break off a piece of your bar and hand it to Brute, who takes it gently from you with an enormous pointer finger and thumb. The piece enters his mouth immediately.

He chews for a while, then swallows. "That was so yummy! Do you have anymore?"

You laugh, the nerves taking their chance to slip away. "I do, I can get you another later today."

"Brute doesn't require food to survive," comes a growl from deeper in the hallway. Ulric then emerges into the room. "I wouldn't bother giving him anymore."

"That is a funny way to ask for some yourself, Ulric." You retort with playful derision.

The wolf comes and stands beside your chair. "So, your first fight huh?"

"It is not a big deal, I believe I can lose with purpose."

"You might want to ask Brute for some advice, he's an expert with that stuff."

It has been a few days since throwing targets with Ulric, and it has been a couple times to two of you have continued with this new pursuit. 

"Hey!" The troll bellows at him.

Ulric ignores. "Has anyone seen BroohaaaAHHH!" The wolf suddenly drops to the ground, body limp and spaghetti-like. Standing behind him is none other than the witch herself, holding the pink comb, the one you observed her creating last week.

"Ah-HA! My creation is finally complete! Took me long enough." Brooha lets out a cackle. "It worked!"

Confused, you stand and make your way over to Ulric, who still has not gotten up yet, his body looks to be paralysed.

"Ouch! You nasty old witch, what did you do to me!?" Ulric cries, only his mouth and eyes move.

"Only payback for the fish incident, you knew it was coming you flea bag."

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