7| the glitter force [Part II]

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But your eyes are captivated on the group of human girls. So they are the Glitter Force? They look so young. Never mind that, this is going to be easy.

You continue spying on the group as they run down the hill and out onto the field, looking up at the sky. Hovering, you silently float higher, crouching on top of the leaves, getting the perfect view of the scene. There Rascal hovers high in the air, one foot crossed in front of the other with a hand on his hip.

"Rascal!" A high pitched cry fills the area, coming from one of the girls with a green ponytail. Their voices are so loud I can hear them from here.

The joker lifts his fingers to his mouth and chuckles. "Ah! Long-time no see!"

"Yeah, and we were quite happy with that!" Another girl, this time with red hair shouts this time. 

"Looks like it's time to turn the Wheel of Doom another time!"

"Glitter Force maker over!" Suddenly a giant mass of colour engulfs the group, then throws itself around the field. Squinting, you wait patiently until the light finally dissipates and all that is life are the same five girls, though this time fancy dressed and in attack positions.

Unable to contain your intrigue, you decide on moving another tree closer, hopping on top of the next to get a better look.

"Buffoon! Come on down!" Rascal cries, then throws the nose down, manipulating it to touch the side of a nearby wooden gate fence. You widen your eyes at the next sight, the once small and innocently standing fence suddenly rises up on its own, doubling in size until reaching the size of a two story house. The fence has grown eyes and a mouth, and of course bearing Rascal's buffoon as its nose.

"Buffoon!" The walking fence bellows, the vibrations rattling your ear drums. You have never heard exactly what it is that happens when extracting negative energy back in the dungeons. Kurt had never mentioned the inanimate objects that come to life from the stories they heard that were regurgitated to you.

It is a distraction technique to obtain more energy.

As you watch all five girls taking run-ups against the buffoon, then getting instantly wacked back down to the ground, Rascal floats behind with a wide grin.

They must not have gathered that it is a stronger nose yet.

Then the Glitter Force split up. The yellow, orange and green take on the buffoon, attempting to lure it away while the blue and pink ones begin despatching shots against Rascal.

"Lucky! Duck!" The blue one calls out while a bow and arrow made completely of ice materialises in her hands.

So the pink one is Glitter Lucky.

Glitter Lucky's partner pulls back the string to the bow, the ice shard as the arrow and aims it for the jester, then releases it.

Rascal bends his torso, emphasising the easy movement of steering clear of the shot. "Have you gotten out of practise Glitter Breeze?" He says giggling to himself.

Glitter Breeze. You are learning quick.

Just as Glitter Lucky sends what she labels as a 'Glitter Storm' and hurls it towards Rascal, he summons a card as tall as him to counteract the shot, sending it back onto the girls. He seems to have the situation under control, so your eyes revert back to the others fighting the fence.

"Peace, now!" The orange Glitter member shouts, commanding the yellow – Glitter Peace. Together they both stand and shout different forces of attacks.

"Glitter Lightning!" Glitter Peace calls. Waves of yellow electricity wrap ragefully around the girl's body.

"Glitter Fire! Inferno!" An enormous wave of flames ignite, surrounding the orange one. The fire pierces your eyes as you watch.

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