11| The Comb [Part II]

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Huh. So it seems the Glitter Force are the only ones who can see me before turning the future black? You scowl at the fact Rascal had not said.

That damn jester. Probably did it on purpose too.

"Not you again!" Exclaims the pixie, once again situated in the palm of Glitter Lucky's hand.

"Uh...guys? What's going on? I can't see."

Finally deciding that you have endured enough shock for one day, you drop down from your hover, landing right beside the group. The girls that are standing whimper, and back away. You then walk around to the centre of Glitter Sunny's vision.

"Oh no! What happened to you?"

"(Y/n)!" Her eyes widen upon spotting you.

You smile and leap into the air at once, looking down to view Glitter Lucky, Peace, Spring and Breeze finally over their initial shock, clutching onto the compacts.

"Why are you here (y/n)!?" Calls Glitter Lucky from below.

"Ugh," you groan and sigh, "you lot are incredibly slow aren't you? Maybe in denial. False hope can do that to a person. You know why I am here. I am here to defeat you."

Another lie.

Well, as Rascal put it yesterday, in the long run.

"What a perfect time for you to drop in." Glitter Sunny aggressively retorts from the ground.

You calmly respond. "Yes. You would know, wouldn't you? Now – " You know what you have to do. You know what is next.

Concentrating, and with a clear picture of what you want to materialise in your hands, negative energy gathers in your palms, and in an instant, the notebook and tube of ink fall into your grasp.

You did it! But seriousness does not leave your face.

"Time to give the world and unhappy ending!" You shout. Something inside feels strong, more powerful. When crushing the ink tube and swiping its remains on an empty page in the book, the sky transforms into an unnatural dark grey and black.

Black? You secretly hoped for an orange or yellow or something. But it makes sense, you wear no skerrick of colour.

The many humans roaming around drop to the ground, negative energy draining from them in the darkened atmosphere. You can feel its power, its strength. It feels good.

"It is time to turn the Wheel-of-Doom." You utter, then, by a strong magical force, are given a vision so strong, it is almost as if you are back in the dungeons.

There it stands. The Wheel-of-Doom engraved upon the Emperor's door. You see it so clearly, the face of a jester, and hands to a clock, the big hand to the twenty two, and the little hand to the 4. As you stare, the engraving glows an elegant purple and with a cluck the little hand cranks to the five.

Nogo's laugher echoes deeply in your mind, and just like that, the vision clears and your focus is brought back down to the Human Realm.

"Glitter Force make over!" The members shout, then the same bolt of bright colours explodes, engulfing the group. When it's gone, all that remain are the magically equipped Glitter Force in attack stances.

This is really happening.

"Spring!" Calls Glitter Lucky, "You're with me."

"Uh-uh," you bustle, "not until our special guest arrives." Materialising the buffoon nose you were given into your hand, you look around for a random object to animate. A rubbish bin is the first thing your eyes spot.

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