42| Out of the Shadow Realm

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-Your POV-

You look out onto the withering wasteland that Ilusan's side has transformed. Dark inky smoke and heavy dust hang low in the air, having fully engulfed and destroyed whatever living thing that has grown on Earth's surface. Nauseous, your eyes scan the bodies of those who have been killed, laying lifeless on the ground, becoming trampled on, ignored as if they are worth nothing or obliterated for another's convenience to pass. At this second, something slithers into your core, into your bones and it is not any pain of your curse. It is humanity, emotion, sadness and grief for those who have died and for those that know no better than to continue fighting, believing it is the only thing they are good for.

The effect Rascal's 'I love you,' has on your body is heart stopping and long lasting. You cannot help but wonder if this was what he was about to say before the effect of your curse was set in motion only days ago. Aside from the shock that his words give you, all you want to do is say it back.

But he has already teleported away, leaving the chill of his purple smoke hanging in the air around you, before it fades. Disappointment and caution enter your system. What have you done? You cannot let him risk himself.

Shakily, you bring your hands into view, spying the black veins that have taken over your arms. The way they overlap with each other feels like sandpaper against your soft insides. Just looking at the sight gives your head a spin. You are weak, weaker than you already were and slowly but surely becoming worse.

Suddenly, you get a funny feeling that you are being watched, so you turn around until you find who is staring.

The Glitter Force. They are all protected in a forcefield that looks like it could be Queen Euphoria's doing, and they all stare right at you, in awe and you have no idea why. Nogo on the other hand is further behind, spewing copious amounts of everlasting negative energy over the forcefield in attempts to break it. You continue watching and spot the forcefield finally begin faulting, glitching while all five girls hold it up with all their strength.

"There is no point hiding forever Glitter Force! At some point you will have to come out and face my power!"

You watch as they begin struggling, pure fright take over their expressions. They really believe that they are going to die.

Something snaps inside of you and you find yourself running to the forcefield, creating another with your hands and using all of your strength to part a path through the negative energy flow so that the Glitter Force can escape.

"Get out!" You scream at the five and they immediately zoom off and scatter in different directions like fairies. As you misdirect the energy, it is the hardest thing you have ever done. Somehow through all this pain coursing through your body, you manage to focus on letting the last of your strength flow through and god it hurts but you manage to stay firm and stay strong until the Emperor runs out of his fuel.

When the stream of energy becomes less and less powerful, becomes a trickle then finally ends, you fall to the ground, pain rapidly pushing itself through your veins.

Emperor Nogo lets out a booming laugh, you feel it rattling your chest.

"Well, well, well! (Y/n) turning against me, now that is an interesting sight! But what did I expect? Was using up all of that tainted energy of yours worth it!?" Then he grips the earth with his white gloved thin fingers to lean closer to you, his bright scarlet eyes burn into your gaze. They narrow, then his mouth curls upwards into a smirk. It is no lie that you have not been this petrified ever before in your life, and you struggle to pull yourself up from the ground.

"Not all of it," you grunt through gritted teeth, getting onto all fours. The next thing you see is one of his hands flying right towards you.


Into The Shadow Realm | Rascal x fem reader story 2023Where stories live. Discover now