The act of trust part 2.

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Call me stupid for joking Louis, but why does Harry have to do that! And Louis' a joker and he took my joke literally and Harry should've talked to me, than acting all rude. 

I sat down at the floor, leaning at the door, eating strawberries. With my favorite vanilla icecream at the side.

Who am i kidding. Why should i stay mad at Harry if we'll be apart in 2 days? What Harry did was a little bit sweet that he doesn't want me to waste a big oppurtunity but, still dumb. AHH! We should cuddling right now, instead of fighting. 

If it weren't that stupid joke i made. Blame it to yourself Jessica. 

Someone knocked on the door, I'm 99 percent sure that's Harry. 1 percent for Louis or Eleanor. 

I finished my 20th strawberry, held the icecream and stood up. I gotta get myself a lot of strawberries. I opened the door and i guess i was right.

"Yes? What do you have in mind to mock about?" i raised my eyebrow.

"Are you mad?" I nodded. Actually mad and pissed. 

"Why do you look like you're not mad at me. You're all relaxed. Everytime you're mad, there's a dramatic effect" Dramatic effect?

"You want dramatic effect huh?" i held the door. "Jessica.. please N-n-n-no don't.." i slammed the door closed.

I laughed. "I heard you laughing" he sounded. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. i opened it again. "There's your dramatic effect" i sounded. letting out a little smile.

He smirked. "You're smirking at me. You think this is a joke? How about a dramatic turn-away? To add some more drama" i turned around and he pulled my hand that led me outside of my room.

"I'm sorry about that stupid act i did a while ago" he sounded.

"Yeah and Louis fell for my joke" i was still holding the icecream.

"Well you're the actress" I really love his deep british soothing voice.

"And you're also the one fell for it" i sounded. "Well you're the one who started it!" he laughed. 

"Yeah? I'm the one who started it?" i opened the icecream. "What are you gonna do with the icecream?" he asked.

"Look at that. Plain vanilla with a little bug" i pointed at the icecream. 

"Where?" he looked at the icecream and dumped the icecream in his nose.

"Oh no. You have a white nose. You know, Santa's not gonna get you because it's not red. And you're not gonna have a sunburn because it's dark" i said it in a full british accent.

He pulled my waist and gladly the icecream tub is seperating us. "You are such a pain in the head" he whispered. 

"And you are the pain in my ass" i whispered back. "Literally?" he laughed. 

"You are such a jerk" i pushed him with the icecream tub I'm holding. 

"And you're so stupid to fall in love with a jerk" he said to me. 

"I guess i have to act smart. We should break-up" i joked.

"I'm afraid you can't do that. Why break-up if we love each other." he so sweet.

"You know, what you did a while ago is the most stupid thing that you did to me" i said seriously. "I know. I promise you, i'm never doing that again" he sounded and looked down.

Finding the real you. (Harry Styles fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now